November 11, 2000, 19:22
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Best Idea Posters
We should honor the best idea posters.
I would like to nominate UltraSonix, for his finding of old threads; and Shadowstrike for his many relevant and informational posts
Overall Award-?
Nominees- UltraSonix, Shadowstrike, Dark Cloud, Admiral Naismith, S. Kroeze, Ralf, rremus, Raingoon, Korn, Matthew, M@NI@C, Harel
Finding Threads- UltraSonix, Korn, DarkCloud
Ideas- Shadowstrike, rremus, S. Kroeze
Useful Posts- Admiral Naismith, Ralf, Korn, Raingoon
Funniest Poster- Par4
*Nominate whoever you like, but please DON'T nominate yourself or anyone with posts under Warlord; when they get to Warlord they can be nominated; anything under that has not posted enough to show that they will continue responsibly posting here.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 12, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 15, 2000).]
November 11, 2000, 19:48
ahem - I made a cool thread for which I could be nominated
but that's not the point. only counted my serious posts, I wouldn't even be a Chieftain!
the point is: you are supporting spam by that last rule. see?
November 11, 2000, 21:08
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Sorry guys haven't been around for a little while - I've just finished my exams and life's a bit hectic - but I'll like to nominate DC actually - he contributes to a lot of the threads here.
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)
November 11, 2000, 21:17
...and I think this was the actual prupose of the thread...
wasn't it, DC?
November 12, 2000, 16:09
November 12, 2000, 17:33
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Ehi, you are confusing me!
About the whole proposal, I remember there is already an "Apolytoner of the year" nomination with the same purpose, isn't there?
Yes Shiva and DarkCloud, I try to think alot about my posts, and they end to be so long, because my english is so bad I usually wonder if I'm explaining well enough or my posts looks silly and useless
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
November 12, 2000, 17:36
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I'll nominate DarkCloud for doing a lot of work to make the life of other posters here easier... I think I shoud start posting here a bit again...
November 13, 2000, 01:17
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Naismith does make a lot of long and useful posts.
Yes Andz, I wanted to be nominated
; however I just wanted to see who was in, the other posters eyes the best posters; personally I like UltraSonix and Shadowstrike best for their contributions.
And Andz, anyway, if the poster spams then they don't deserve to be on this list.
November 13, 2000, 21:25
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Deadline for nominations- Nov 15
Deadline for votes- Nov 20
*Remember this is all in fun; it does not matter who wins or loses.
Andz, I didn't accuse you of spam, I was merely answering your question.
November 13, 2000, 21:36
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Ummm yeah...what's the point of this useless thread? Anyone?
November 13, 2000, 22:01
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Hey! Its funposting I tell you!
[/Dookie mode]
November 14, 2000, 01:54
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November 14, 2000, 03:45
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My nominees:
best ideas - rremus
useful posts - Ralf
[This message has been edited by Tiberius (edited November 14, 2000).]
November 14, 2000, 04:01
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I suggest we should also reward:
4. the funnier poster and
5. the worst poster (I nominee here myself  )
November 14, 2000, 12:11
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I vote for S. Kroeze.
And Raingoon, The Diplomat, Harel, Matthew, M@ni@c and Korn.
These people have totally changed the way everybody looks at Civ at this forum.
Try looking some time back. 4 out of 5 of the very best ideas ever found here originates from one or more of these people.
"In America, first we take the sugar, then we take the power, then we take the women."
- Homer J. Simpson
GGS Website
[This message has been edited by The Joker (edited November 14, 2000).]
November 14, 2000, 16:04
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Originally posted by The Joker on 11-14-2000 11:11 AM
"In America, first we take the sugar, then we take the power, then we take the
- Homer J. Simpson
"In America, first we take the vote, then we obscure the vote, the we stop the counting." - George W. Bush
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November 14, 2000, 17:41
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November 14, 2000, 19:22
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I didn't nominate myself- Shadowstrike did.

I'll nominate DarkCloud for doing a lot of work to make the life of other posters here easier... I think I shoud start posting here a bit again...
I'll add rremus and Ralf, Tiberius
Tiberius- Not the worst poster; but who is the funniest poster (I'd say Par4)

I vote for S. Kroeze.
And Raingoon, The Diplomat, Harel, Matthew, M@ni@c and Korn.
Okay, I understand S. Kroeze, Raingoon, and Korn; but Maniac, Matthew and Harel? I haven't seen many posts from them in either civ forum?
November 15, 2000, 12:06
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You haven't been here long enough, DC.
Ok, if this is only within the past few months then the 3 you mentioned shouldn't be nominated.
But in a longer timeframe, say, the past year, then M@ni@ac has posted an endless amount of fantastic ideas, including the best SE model ever created and several attempts to improve the social and economic system for Civ3. Matthew was the person who, together with S. Kroeze (and myself) invented the rise and fall of civs idea that everybody has been talking about since. Check an old thread here at the Civ3 General forum by MarkG, something like "Poll: How many civs in a game" - it is about a year old, and a thread at the Civ3 List of ideas forum called "SE Models Thread V3.0".
Harel has made a huge diplomacy summary, that includes more features than anyone could ever want. For that alone he should be nominated, but he has also made lots of other brilliant posts.
"In America, first we take the sugar, then we take the power, then we take the women!"
- Homer J. Simpson
GGS Website
November 16, 2000, 04:31
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I vote for S. Kroeze.
And Raingoon, The Diplomat, Harel, Matthew, M@ni@c and Korn.
These people have totally changed the way everybody looks at Civ at this forum.
If this is a vote for all times best posters, then you have right, but you also forgot Theben, and maybe others. The problem is they didn't post lately too much. Too bad  (for Apolyton, for Civ3 and for all of us). Maybe some feedback from Firaxis or some news about Civ3 could bring them back.
Let's hope so.
November 17, 2000, 09:25
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Okay, I understand S. Kroeze, Raingoon, and Korn; but Maniac, Matthew and Harel? I haven't seen many posts from them in either civ forum?
Matthew still posts - he changed handle to Dom Pedro II, didn't he?
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)
November 17, 2000, 20:51
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Hannibal3 changed his username to Dom Pedro II
Okay I vote for In order
1.) UltraSonix
2.) Shadowstrike
3.) Admiral Naismith
Votes in by the 25... no recounts... this aint America
November 18, 2000, 18:45
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Originally posted by The Joker on 11-14-2000 11:11 AM
And Raingoon, The Diplomat, Harel, Matthew, M@ni@c and Korn.
These people have totally changed the way everybody looks at Civ at this forum.
Try looking some time back. 4 out of 5 of the very best ideas ever found here originates from one or more of these people.
As usual I agree with the Joker. The people he mentioned all have made excellent contributions. The Diplomat should be remembered for his recruitment system alone. I would like to add Youngsun to this Roll of Honour. In this thread he elaborated this "unit workshop" idea in detail. There is also a truly beautiful thread about Corporations,which unfortunately I cannot find. I am very sorry he seems to have departed.
With the Joker himself I have had the most inspiring discussions about Civ games. Neither should Theben be forgotten! And I want to thank Urban Ranger for always disagreeing with me. He forced me to do a lot of reading about Chinese history!
[This message has been edited by S. Kroeze (edited November 19, 2000).]
November 18, 2000, 22:26
What about the most entertaining post?
Imran Siddiqui and CivNation in the Democratic Peace...
ICQ: 17719980
November 20, 2000, 02:44
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TO go way back I'd have to nominate:
1. Diodorus Sicilius- Our one-time resident historian and creator of the 'Nomads' idea. He influenced a lot of the other "old-timers", including Maniac during the time he worked on his Social Engineering ideas.
2. don Don- In the beginning it was only him & myself for the most part, keeping the civ3 ideas going...he also put together the original supply & movement ideas for civ3.
3. Why, Yin26 of course!
More recent ones would include Harel, technophile, Korn, Raingoon, and S. Kroeze.
I'm sorry if there's been someone recently who deserves more credit but I don't have as much free time to post here now. It's the job, man, the job...
[This message has been edited by Theben (edited November 20, 2000).]
November 22, 2000, 22:58
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All those guys who did that work on Social Engineering systems. That was amazing, I had to save the thread to notepad and read it offline it was so long.
November 24, 2000, 11:32
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Hey everyone!
Wow, I'm honored you all still remember me... I know I been away for a very, very long time... I had the honor to work with the Master of Orion III team. The MOO series is my other love, and that consumed my last few months...
I jumped back to the forums here and saw that very little has been released from Firaxis. I'm saddend that no real offical feed-back arrived at our work...
Hey, if they do bother to give us some response, I might just toss open my diplomacy summary and update it again
I can't help it but to think we did dicuss everything possible for Civ3 half a year ago... and now the new wave of fans simply re-discuss all the old topics. Regardless, I doubt a true, intelligent discussion can occur without Firaxis telling us some real portion of the game mechanics, some point we can progress from there...
Oh, well, I'm still here... and I'll try to post a little more...
November 25, 2000, 18:50
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Votes Totals
# of votes
1 Diodorus Sicilius
1 don Don
1 Yin26
1 UltraSonix
1 Shadowstrike
1 Adm. Naismith
1 S. Kroeze
1 Raingoon
1 The Diplomat
Dang- we need to prolong this; please vote We cant do with a tie!
November 25, 2000, 19:16
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I'll vote 3 times for myself and 1 for UltraSonix. So I win.
What!!! It doesn't work this way.
Oh well. I guess we know who the leader is
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