February 10, 2002, 03:57
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Interested in building a ladder
CF has shut down ladder play. Atawa has set one up at Case's, but I would like a ladder that's a little more stylish (no offense to that site at all though).
So I'm putting a call out to interested programmers out there. I'm also interested in acquiring and possibly buying some progs to build a ladder. Willing to put some money into it, if the proposition looks good.
February 10, 2002, 08:39
Local Time: 21:25
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I think a ladder would be very difficult to keep active now, with so many of the competitive players having left the game with the death of Civfan. Atawa's ladder is not very good because of the strange rules system Case's ladder uses. I think it's more trouble than it's worth trying to set up a new one, but feel free to try.
February 10, 2002, 12:11
Atawa's ladder is a good one as long as he keep's it up. Meaning he has to force the number 1 player to play. As long as he does that it's got alot going for it. The stats are really cool. I wouldn't waste time on creating a new ladder, the game is only going to continue to lose it's popularity.
February 10, 2002, 12:15
Actually forget I said that. Atawa's ladder doesn't even have enough players for a top 10 yet. I'd just give up on playing competitively. Not enough players are left.
February 10, 2002, 13:25
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Well in terms of money, how much could it cost me? Others play similar amounts for lesser entertainment like buying videogame consoles. Besides, borrowing Atawa's words, "A game like this does need a ladder." It encourages competitive play and it's fun to see how people compare against others.
The thing I would like most about being the ladder's admin is my power to ban Eyes from ever playing in one (Eyes, I don't know what you have against me, but I don't understand these false gameleague reports that you and fell are reporting against not only me, but about half the ladder players).
That goes for Fell too as he has demonstrated time and time again his willingness to go to new lows to piss off people. Fell, one thing I hate is liars. At least Eyes is annoying and he's an *******, but I don't recall him flat-out lying like you. You may be getting entertainment value out of it, but to me lying and having fun are two different things and your inability to separate the two really makes me wonder what kind of character you are in real life.
Getting back to the point, if any of you have programming expertise, or if Trajan or Kwang want to lend me or sell me the ladder codes, please contact me at robbie_farmboy@hotmail.com.
I'm not looking for any fancy ladders, just one that will rank players, allow players to add description of games, and a screen that shows the difference in points before and after.
February 10, 2002, 13:56
Local Time: 21:25
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'Well in terms of money, how much could it cost me? Others play similar amounts for lesser entertainment like buying videogame consoles. Besides, borrowing Atawa's words, "A game like this does need a ladder." It encourages competitive play and it's fun to see how people compare against others.'
The game has a ladder, too. It's just a shame there are no competitive players left.
'The thing I would like most about being the ladder's admin is my power to ban Eyes from ever playing in one (Eyes, I don't know what you have against me, but I don't understand these false gameleague reports that you and fell are reporting against not only me, but about half the ladder players).'
So you'd abuse your power as an admin, banning people at will because you don't like them, not because of cheating etc? By the way, don't forget I haven't reported against half the ladder players, only Kuja, because there are no admins left to remove him, and frankly he doens't deserve that number one spot.
'That goes for Fell too as he has demonstrated time and time again his willingness to go to new lows to piss off people. Fell, one thing I hate is liars. At least Eyes is annoying and he's an *******, but I don't recall him flat-out lying like you. You may be getting entertainment value out of it, but to me lying and having fun are two different things and your inability to separate the two really makes me wonder what kind of character you are in real life.'
Funny, your one of the most consistent liars I've ever encountered in this game. I keep at least one save of all my games, but it's funny I can't find the 10-20 games I apparently played you in, the ones you claim you kicked my ass in? And as for seperating the game from real life, you were the one who was threating to track me down and kill me
February 10, 2002, 14:20
ummmm....maybe you didn't hear me correctly when I said that the only reason gameleague is even still there is because frank lost the password? That means that there wouldn't even be a ladder to fool around with if frank had the password still because he would have removed it. Then what? Who really cares. When was the last time you played a game on gameleague robbie? How many people do you think even visit gameleague? It's dead and the only reason it's still there is because frank can't take it down.
February 10, 2002, 14:46
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Heh...who wants to buy my admin account at gameleague?
If you're rich and essentric......maybe if you offer me enough to fix my car's AC and get me a PS2 I'll sell it to you. It still works, because I just activated the delete inactive members function today and killed about 500 members........
February 10, 2002, 14:47
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Dr. Fell remarks: "Funny, your one of the most consistent liars I've ever encountered in this game."
Fell, go ask around and see if anyone else in this community shares your opinion. I rest my case.
February 10, 2002, 15:11
Local Time: 21:25
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
Dr. Fell remarks: "Funny, your one of the most consistent liars I've ever encountered in this game."
Fell, go ask around and see if anyone else in this community shares your opinion. I rest my case.
How many in this community even know you? Yes, I do know several people who think you're a liar and were glad you quit on the zone, but I'll refrain from naming them. Also, you only lie about people you don't like, or who you cannot defeat with the truth. For example, I remember when you said: 'now I know why they call you DrFell, when you lose to someone you doctor saves and accuse them of cheating!'. Hehe I was actually laughing at that one. But not long after W0ke accused me of doctoring those Kuja saves, and you came up with your lie about me threatning to modify saves against you too. Fortunately that all got shot down as you presented no evidence, and the saves were proven to be genuine. But it just shows that you befriend people and then try to use them as 'contacts' to try and destroy your enemies' reputations. Yes indeed Robbie, you are a liar.
February 10, 2002, 15:23
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Fell, you're not worth my time. As for your doctoring of the saves, woke was about to ban you from CF based on my evidence before CF stopped supporting the ladder. In his exact words, "Eyes and Fell never had anything positive to contribute to the civ community."
Everyone welcomed me back upon my return. I wanted to clear the air about my absence (you blatantly LIED that the reason for my departure was because you had BEATEN me in a game, a game that WASN'T even played). Everyone at the zone - hawk, dank, booze, strate, atawa, kiklop etc. etc. - cheered me on and gave me a warm welcome.
I realize that outside of your fun "together-times" (whatever that means) with Eyes, you have bloody plenty of time, time you use to insult, slander, lie, defame, accuse, fabricate, and in its entirety make a total arse out of yourself in these forums.
Hey, it's a free country...
February 10, 2002, 15:36
Local Time: 21:25
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'Fell, you're not worth my time. As for your doctoring of the saves, woke was about to ban you from CF based on my evidence before CF stopped supporting the ladder. In his exact words, "Eyes and Fell never had anything positive to contribute to the civ community."'
Actually, woke was about to ban me but he backed down after the saves were proven to be genuine. And the evidence sure as hell wasn't yours, woke came to the conclusion the saves were modified by himself, it's a shame he has such limited experience dealing with doctored saves. Basically he was saying 'I know you doctored them, I don't know how, but I'm sure you did'. We also have another case of your truth-distortion here, that comment from 'woke' actually sounds just like you! My god, maybe you're not telling the whole truth there? For one, I have had lots of good games with woke, and for two, he called me Ironic, that was my ladder name after all. Please, next time get some facts to back you up.
'Everyone welcomed me back upon my return. I wanted to clear the air about my absence (you blatantly LIED that the reason for my departure was because you had BEATEN me in a game, a game that WASN'T even played). Everyone at the zone - hawk, dank, booze, strate, atawa, kiklop etc. etc. - cheered me on and gave me a warm welcome.'
LOL, the sun was shining, the skies were a cloudless blue, and the crowds were cheering their hero Robbie, come to save the zone from DrFell and his evil minions.
'I realize that outside of your fun "together-times" (whatever that means) with Eyes, you have bloody plenty of time, time you use to insult, slander, lie, defame, accuse, fabricate, and in its entirety make a total arse out of yourself in these forums.'
'Together times'? What are you talking about! Please elaborate, and let's not turn this into another 'Eyes and Fell are gay!!!' thread. Frankly I think you're the one making an arse of yourself, I posted an innocent reply to this thread, you exploded. I posted an innocent thread awhile back, you took to slandering me again. Everything I post ends up being attacked by you, no matter how true/innocent it might be. Now just sit back, calm down, and take your medication. Maybe then you can come on and we can have a civilized discussion.
February 10, 2002, 15:40
Local Time: 21:25
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By the way, I think it's pretty funny how you and Kuja both resort to calling me gay. If you read the chatlog, some of the things Kuja says are hauntingly similar to your insults. Funny how all the liars drop down to the same level.
February 10, 2002, 16:34
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Oath, what are you? What is your relationship with Eyes? Why are you so "buddy-buddy" with him? Perhaps the transcripts will help clear the air about the nature of your relationship.
KuJa_2> yep, were you there in the zone der_hazardeur when eyes called oath his *****?
Der_Hazardeur> i was here
KuJa_2> ha, there eyes, there's my proof
KuJa_2> when [Eyes] called oath your "*****" in the zone
Der_Hazardeur> he did
Der_Hazardeur> you are HIS *****
Der_Hazardeur> wow what a achievmend
l3lood_Oath> is that really relevent?
Der_Hazardeur> being somebody elses *****
And today, I inquired Fell about this, because I simply could not believe it.
Robbie_Tiger> funny how you stick with eyes, someone who considers you his *****
Robbie_Tiger> funniest thing is
Robbie_Tiger> you even posted that excerpt for everyone to see, and eyes didn't even deny it
Robbie_Tiger> your best response to it was, "you're chaning the subject"
Robbie_Tiger> that seems to be a popular line for you these days
l3lood_Oath> changing the subject on what?
Robbie_Tiger> that's what you told kuja
Robbie_Tiger> when he let you know how eyes thinks of you
Robbie_Tiger> he thinks you're his btich
Robbie_Tiger> get it?
(Enter)> StrayZero0
Robbie_Tiger> lol
l3lood_Oath> umm, the fact is, i don't really care about that
Robbie_Tiger> LOL
Just posted the above for the curious minds about the nature of relationship between Oath and Eyes. And for the dictionarily challenged:
1. A female dog
2. Somebody paid for sexual intercourse: Somebody who receives money in return for sexual intercourse or other sex acts
I ought to appeal to the board to have a 3rd definition for the slang, to describe a certain type of person: 3. Both.
February 10, 2002, 16:54
Local Time: 21:25
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Oh god, not the old 'gay' routine again. First, we don't have any chat transcripts from the actual event, which suggest fabrication. Secondly, only two people have ever seen this happen before, one of them being Kuja (a known liar as I proved before), and the other Der_Hazardeur, a person who I know has a grudge against me after I kicked his ass a few times in duels, a newbie with a big mouth, basically. In other words, these two happen to be some of the least trustworthy witnesses you could pick. So go ahead Robbie, dodge the subject. But don't come crying to me when the whole civ world (or what's left of it) comes here laughing at you.
February 10, 2002, 17:07
Local Time: 20:25
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Fell, Eyes didn't deny he called you his ***** when he was right there in the scene. Not a zip from the usual loud-mouthed Eyes.
Admit it. You're Eyes' ***** and apparently you don't mind it at all. Apparently Eyes has two weak and soft spots: 1) A "virginal" English boy who has yet to grow up; 2) A certain submissiveness, as in your very telling, "Umm, the fact is, i don't really care about [being eyes' personal ****buddy].
February 10, 2002, 17:19
Local Time: 20:25
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Pot, Kettle, Black.
MP is drifting torwards oblivion here. This thread began as an attempt to reinsert some life into a dead dog, the replies suggest, at least to me, that it may be impossible.
Robbie, you are, and should be, the bigger man here. Walk away. Build or buy your ladder. Hopefully, with a few watchdogs, you will be able to keep out the dodgy elements that have wrecked the others.
As for Eyes and Fell, however they decide to get their kicks is of no concern to me. Why they do it is of even less concern. Maybe their self-esteem is that low, maybe it isn't; maybe mommy and daddy didnt show them enough attention as children, maybe they did.
The only thing that bothers me is Fell's threat to doctor saves to make it appear that Robbie was cheating. These sorts of ideas cripple any hope of formal, centralized MP.
So lets all take off the gloves and try to move forward. There's darned few of us left.
I'll be back in a month.
February 10, 2002, 18:29
Local Time: 21:25
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'Robbie, you are, and should be, the bigger man here. Walk away. Build or buy your ladder. Hopefully, with a few watchdogs, you will be able to keep out the dodgy elements that have wrecked the others.'
Robbie started the slander here, it seems he has the problem walking away. I'm only responding to what he's coming up with. Go look at my first post on this thread and my thread awhile back on here. I've never wrecked a ladder before, I was trying for awhile to get more recruits for civfan and I always help newbies to get games going on the zone. I wonder how many new players there would be on there if it weren't for me, considering I seem to be the only one who puts up links to the patches, etc.
'As for Eyes and Fell, however they decide to get their kicks is of no concern to me. Why they do it is of even less concern. Maybe their self-esteem is that low, maybe it isn't; maybe mommy and daddy didnt show them enough attention as children, maybe they did.'
As I said, Robbie was the one who brought this to Apolyton.
'The only thing that bothers me is Fell's threat to doctor saves to make it appear that Robbie was cheating. These sorts of ideas cripple any hope of formal, centralized MP.'
I never did threaten to doctor saves. Read my explainations in the other threads. The idea was Robbie's only, seems he has a pretty active imagination. Like what he said to me awhile back when I left Blackhand: 'I'm only telling you to watch what you say, I have contacts in the UK, I can find out where you live'
February 10, 2002, 18:43
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February 10, 2002, 19:52
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Keep on Civin'
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February 10, 2002, 20:56
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Naah, that thread was only meant to warn you about the real Kuja, which it has succeeded in doing. I'm pretty sure he won't cheat you now (which likely means he won't do very well). Bringing Stalker_RawB here was collateral damage.
February 10, 2002, 22:08
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Back to ladder building. I need to know if there are programmers out there willing to build a site from scratch (along with my collaborative input) in case the GL thing doesn't work out.
And Frank, I'm not interested in buying an admin account; if I'm going to fork over cash, it needs to be in terms of transfer of ownership, etc.
February 10, 2002, 22:54
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yeah that statement was made in jest before you even talked to me........
February 11, 2002, 00:49
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Originally posted by DrFell
Naah, that thread was only meant to warn you about the real Kuja, which it has succeeded in doing.
ROTFLMAO... yeah... right.
It was pure character assination... It had NOTHING to do with warning anybody.
First, I was more than aware of his "background"... so a warning really served no purpose.
Second, you could care less about the people here... all you cared about was pissing all over him.
So get off your high horse...
Only meant to warn us....
Keep on Civin'
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February 12, 2002, 08:58
Local Time: 21:25
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'First, I was more than aware of his "background"... so a warning really served no purpose.'
I didn't know you were, and you probably weren't aware that he was cheating a few weeks ago (we have evidence, which I dutifully provided).
'Second, you could care less about the people here... all you cared about was pissing all over him.'
I could care less indeed
'So get off your high horse...
Only meant to warn us....  '
Yeah, I could have posted it in civfan though if it wasn't a warning, but I didn't. It felt more appropriate here.
February 12, 2002, 21:18
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Dr. Fell, you are truly a man of inconsistencies all around.
When Eyes dumped you after you left Blackhand, you posted in the forums cussing at Eyes and announcing that you were leaving this game for good. Shorly afterwards, you begged Dylan, co-chief of Blackhand, to let you back into the tribe, saying that "leaving Blackhand was the biggest mistake of your life."
Then, you later told me that your request was only a farce, as it was an attempt to shroud in secrecy Eyes' secret Smurf tribe.
Now you are buddy buddy with Eyes again, and then try to slander my name and tribe in the forums and in the zone. Then when I go offline to get some work done, you lie that I had gone offline because you had beaten me in a game.
You announced not too long ago that you would no longer post at CF forums, because of your discontent with forum policies. Just two days ago, you posted again in CF forums announcing civ 2 to be "dead" and that you were leaving it for good. When I inquired you about this, you then changed your stance and said the post was a joke.
Dr. Fell, Ironic Warrior, Blood_Oath, Juicy_CivNewbie, and whatever you call yourself, please make up your mind and stick to it. If you want to leave this game, sure, do us all a favour and do so quietly. If not, then try to get along with the players here; that's my best advice.
February 12, 2002, 22:44
When Eyes dumped you after you left Blackhand, you posted in the forums cussing at Eyes and announcing that you were leaving this game for good. Shorly afterwards, you begged Dylan, co-chief of Blackhand, to let you back into the tribe, saying that "leaving Blackhand was the biggest mistake of your life."
"Dr. Fell, Ironic Warrior, Blood_Oath, Juicy_CivNewbie, and whatever you call yourself, please make up your mind and stick to it. If you want to leave this game, sure, do us all a favour and do so quietly. If not, then try to get along with the players here; that's my best advice."
Ah, he's been taught well. Yes, the time is right, the moon is aligned with the stars...yes...all is ready. He will do well. Now young apprentice it is time for you to become the master. Use your skills well, remember what I told you, and when the time comes do the same for another and keep the legend alive.
February 13, 2002, 00:01
Local Time: 15:25
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Keep on Civin'
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February 14, 2002, 11:23
Local Time: 21:25
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Robbie, your idiocy amazes me once again. The whole 'fight with eyes' thing was a set up, designed to trick you. Of course you didn't figure that out... The posts in civfan were a joke (obvious as I copied your posting style from your thread), but of course you came on again and started flaming me, as you have done here. I haven't slandered you in the forums once, each has been a response to one of your attacks.
I think my leaving the game would just be another nail in the coffin for this game. If you don't like me, quit following me around.
February 14, 2002, 11:25
Local Time: 21:25
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Just in case you needed another clue there was a big smilie next to the thread title.
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