
Originally posted by Nikolai on 12-02-2000 04:55 AM
Have all diplomats so many good ideas as you? 
I guess not: just look at the Middle East!
Thanks for the compliment.
Ultrasonix: there would be ways to be a dictator.
1) there could be a "propaganda" factor or the civ3 equivalent to SMAC's "police" which you could spend points on to reduce unhappiness.
2) there would also be city improvements and such that would improve happiness and prevent civil disorder.
3) your population would be happier when you allocate points to the areas that they like.
So, the game would certainly allow the player to be a dictator, its just that it might sometimes be a little harder. What #3 addresses is the idea of the will of the people. If you are a dictator and you are doing what your people like then you would be like a "benevolent dictator". If the people love you, then they would not mind that you have so much authority. But if you are a dictator doing the opposite of the will of the people, then you should expect some risks. You would have to hold on to power through brute force probably.
Likewise, you could be a very democratic leader, but if the people hate your choices, they would also be unhappy.
So, it is not as clear cut as dictator=unhappiness, democratic=happiness. That would play a part but the will of the people would also play a part!
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.