How setup and run settler factories?
Need seasoned advice. Thought I understood how to set up settler factories,
until I increased my difficulty level. Now apparent I am missing something.
I am ok until get about 4-5 cities and then notice some turns not able to generate good steady production from cities 6 to 20.
On easiest level it is possible to just pump out settlers and no warriors
and still be able to plant cities. I have noticed now I have to worry about
protecting settlers so not grabbed before city planted.
1-- maximize steady settler output with fewest resources possible.
2-- generate at least 1 settler each turn
3-- allocate X# of cities to settler production
4-- generate at least 1 warrior each turn
What I have noticed,
a-- even though size 6 cities need less food per pop increase, size 10/11 cities seem to be able to maintain steady production better,
b-- can't pump one out each turn from one city
Seems like this is the minimum needed:
A- City 1: pumps out settler each even turn
B- City 2: pumps out settler each odd turn
C- City 3: pumps out warrior each turn
Ok what am I missing? This is early in the game so under depositism.
Are there any things to always include in settler factory city?
How do you decide which of 6 cities will be settler factory city.
I have learned it did not work for me to have the capital be a factory city. {I lost too much culture}.
As always, thanks for your advice.