Originally posted by Bru|seR
Hi, i dont know how to win..
whats domination ..
when ive downloaded peeps games for civ iii the enemys are going strong!
whats a culturul victory? how do you achieve it and same for diplomatic..
im so confused yet ashamed to ask
Well, you did ask.
Cultural Victory can happen for two different reasons:
1) Your total civilization culture reaches 100,000 points, and is double the nearest competitor. To see your Civ's total culture points, hit F5
2) One of your cities reaches 20,000 culture points.
When this happens, you win. That's it.
Diplomatic victory requires that someone (hopefully you) build the United Nations. Once built, elections can be held. Civs meeting certain qualifications (25% of world land area or population, and the civ that built the UN) have a shot at winning. All civs cast a vote. Be careful with this one, in order to win, you need to kiss up to the AI's. Otherwise they will vote for their fellow AI civ, even if they are currently at war with that very same civ! It's a bit messed up, actually.
My advice is threefold. First, read the manual. Second, play a game on chieftain, using the civilopedia links to everything (beware the sad fact that not all the info in the manual and civilopedia is accurate). Third, as suggested above, read Vel's strategy threads, along with some of the other threads in the strategy section. Much of the really useful stuff is old, so you may have to search for it.