February 14, 2002, 00:31
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Ideas for v1.18f?
Someone's going to start this sooner or later so I figure I may as well get it over with.
This popped into my head tonight:
I would like to see the role of Colonies expanded to something similar as it was like in SMAC, with the Supply Crawler. I try not to overlap my cities unless I really have to, so there's always some bonus resources I just can't get inside a city radius. It would be great if I could build a colony and have it send the bonus to the nearest city.
February 14, 2002, 00:49
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yes, that would be excellent.
though for general 1.18 ideas, we should probably wait till we actually get 1.17
it's just my opinion. can you dig it?
February 14, 2002, 00:51
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Well like I said, someone was bound to do this eventually so why not start now?
February 14, 2002, 00:54
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true enough... though such a thread started after we've all tried 1.17 should, on average, produce better replies.
or it might just produce more angry complaints
edit: and i suppose it'll be interesting to compare the ideas proposed now vs the ideas proposed next week.
it's just my opinion. can you dig it?
February 14, 2002, 01:14
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Well like I said, someone was bound to do this eventually so why not start now?
Using that same logic and beginning something that was bound to begin, I will suggest something that is bound to be suggested.
Kill the Domestic Nag.
February 14, 2002, 01:21
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A "robust" editor like the one they talk about on the website and on the box, which I foolishly thought would come with the game, would be nice.
With civ2 they also dilly-dallied on making a decent editor, but it didn't matter since you could fool around with the files directly. Now we don't have that option and we're dependent upon Firaxis to give us the ability to eventually maybe make scenarios. While I'm sure they'll eventually release a very nice editor, it seems it's not a big priority despite them being "very interested in the community." So who knows when it will be released, and whether it will require us to buy an expansion.
Note that, if a complete editor requires an expansion, the only interest they ever took in the scenario community was an interest in killing it.
February 14, 2002, 01:33
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Kill the Domestic Nag.
[...standing... ...cheering...]
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
February 14, 2002, 01:44
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Bring back firepower as an option
There. I said it. I feel better and it's been gotten out of the way for this thread.
That's all I'm sayin'...bring back firepower. As an option.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
-- C.S. Lewis
February 14, 2002, 02:39
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Originally posted by Libertarian
[...standing... ...cheering...]
How about an option to *send govt official to the gallows*
So whenever one of the advisors annoyed you sufficiently, you could... *off with his/her head*... you know, flip out.
The means of execution could change with the ages.
And then there is the possibility that such an event might lead to a short term reduction in corruption, but also short term malfunctions in that particular advisor's office.
Hmmm. has potential.
February 14, 2002, 02:40
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Things I would like to see:
1. designated defenders
2. engineers-this specialty unit would be attached to a stack giving it a combat and movement bonus. This would be a very costly unit so that balance would be preserved. Of course, this would be beyond the AI so it would be better as a MP option
3. PBEM.....please, this is the only reason I am still hanging around...
4. fortifications: have ZOC and will act as catapults/cannon/artillery by era firing once at every unit that moves into the ZOC per turn. They would have a defense strentgh of 1,2,4, 8 (again, by era) and would have to be assaulted and destroyed (not captured) these fortifications would have to be upgraded in each era of course...any foreign settler or worker unit entering the ZOC would be destroyed giving an instant method to keep wandering AI units out of your territory. Opportunity fire would be automatic irregardless of the diplomatic state of the civs....these fortifications could be reduced by artillery or aircraft fire (from level 4 mod to 3 ind to 2 middle to 1 early to destroyed)...it would take one sucessful bombardment to reduce one level...garrisons would use their defense plus a % bonus for the fort...and the fort would still get the free bombardment so you would have to wade thru the shells to get a crack at the fortification.... another twist paratroopers could be used to directly attack forts without suffering bombardment...(per the Germans in WWII)..haven't quite worked out how the shift of cultural borders would affect this yet
5. spy units please, the spy options in the game simply aren't to good
6. leaders of various sorts...these should be randomly spawned (in the ancient times think of these as specific groups such as a royal family or religious sect) and should die out...while alive they should be able to give certain types of bonuses...military, shield production, culture, happiness, less gold coruption, higher wonder improvement, ... these leaders might be subject to being assainated, discredited, bribed or kidnapped by said aforemention spies...etc..
7. a fully functional editor would be nice..
8. we really need expanded government options...seriously, giving the player strategic options..
9. less concern about preserving the AI's competitiveness...gee, we are always going to beat the AI so lets have some fun along the way...
10. the AI needs to be able to understand the various victory conditions and respond appropriately
11. the AI needs to gang up on the human when the human gets the upper hand...this is the thing that should be done, not the silly cheats ...
12. if the human tries to play a OCC the AI should look at the weakness and gang up and take it out...the law of natural selection..
13. the AI should judge a civ's military strength based on military units not includining workers for goodness sakes..
14. no more of these stupid right of passage agreements..
15 no founding cities in another civ's boundaries..
16. more techs that add something, less speed bump techs
17. a long period in which sailing ships such as frigates rule the seas...those ships are so neat
18. more military units including naval and aircraft, and anti aircraft special unit abilitites
19. better nukes
20 a different way to implement polution...we are all tired of moving workers around to clean it up..
21. more buildings with real choices...get away from the build everything in every city model...i should have to decide to build a university for research or a forum for culture and not be able to build one structure and get both things..thats stupid..
22. get rid of colonies..instead just make a unit ...just use a worker, and wherever it is placed it can harvest one resource, luxuries, strategic goods, food, gold, or raw material (shields)...kind of like a supply crawler in SMAC but transportation would have to be in place...
23. for strategic goods like coal...collect them one per turn per tile of resource...and make the civ build storage facilities (say allow five free per city beyond which a civ has to build depots that could be captured or destroyed) and use them when building units that require them..
I could go on and on like this but I know no one will have read past number 4 anyway..
February 14, 2002, 02:44
Born Again Optimist
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There was a number 4?
I'd like to see a 3D combat shooter when you storm cities but one that drops into a kind of Zeus thing for city buildings and then back up to a war map that outlines supply routes, weather patterns, crop productivity and real-estate values. If possible, I'd like to d/l the topography of my local area for skirmish mode RTS battles between merchants and taxmen.
I'd also like the patch to include one of those by-e-mail and fax murder mystery games. I'd love to get a anonymous death threat on my overseas embassy faxed to me at work!
FORGOT ONE: I *really* want a voice-activated editor! This surely would be a piece of cake to make. Then all I have to do is say:
"Computer, upgrade the graphics but lower the system requirements. Flash my BIOS with your unused CPU cyles, too." -- Done.
"Computer, make this more fun but retroactively lower the selling price of the game to compensate my time put into using the editor. Have the refund sent by Paypal. Pick any price under $19.99 that you think is fair." -- As you wish.
I think I'm really on to something here...
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
Last edited by yin26; February 14, 2002 at 02:56.
February 14, 2002, 03:44
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Alright, so maybe this thread wasn't such a good idea.
BTW Yin, good one.
February 14, 2002, 03:54
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No Willem, it's great!
The juices are flowing now. Yin's just getting warmed up.
And I'll personally look forward to seeing the science advisor take his trip to the needle when he insists we spend more even though we are light years ahead in Future Tech.
February 14, 2002, 04:01
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no way jimmy! if they didnt count workers, i would be getting raped by the computer like right off the bat as i expand to fill every nook and cranny. btw, that pop rushing fix is gonna suck.
February 14, 2002, 04:02
Born Again Optimist
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My love for the Apolyton community knows no bounds. I'm here 'til Friday: Try the veal!
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 14, 2002, 04:24
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Originally posted by yin26
My love for the Apolyton community knows no bounds. I'm here 'til Friday: Try the veal!
Are you taking requests?
February 14, 2002, 07:16
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Originally posted by Dravar
Kill the Domestic Nag.
Oi!! You stole my line!!
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
February 14, 2002, 08:41
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Jeez, Willem, can´t we wait until we´ve reviewed the 1.17f before we start making wish lists for a 1.18?
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February 14, 2002, 09:08
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1) Civil disorder popup before a city goes into disorder, instead of after.
2) City governors that do what they're told. When told to maximize food, city governors should assign workers to use all grassland before they start to use hills or forests.
February 14, 2002, 10:22
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
Things I would like to see:
1. designated defenders
5. spy units please, the spy options in the game simply aren't to good
6. leaders of various sorts...these should be randomly spawned (in the ancient times think of these as specific groups such as a royal family or religious sect) and should die out...while alive they should be able to give certain types of bonuses...military, shield production, culture, happiness, less gold coruption, higher wonder improvement, ... these leaders might be subject to being assainated, discredited, bribed or kidnapped by said aforemention spies...etc..
7. a fully functional editor would be nice..
Some great points...
But what exactly do you mean with 1.- "designated defenders"
To 5: I´d like to see a special ops unit that could attack/defend normally, but also do some spy missions (e.g. sabotage, investigate city, steal tech etc.)
6/7 -
February 14, 2002, 10:34
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
14. no more of these stupid right of passage agreements..
I Disagree. RoP Aggreements make this game more realistic and add a twist to diplomatic games. I would prefer it though if the AI was more relectant to give them to other AI civs. Whenever I play, it seems like all of the AI players have RoP, but I gotta pay heavily for it.
[SIZE=1] 19. better nukes
Hear Hear! I think tacticul nukes work well (ala hiroshima, nagasaki sized weapons), but I think tht ICBM should behave like the nukes in SMAC (planetbustrs, i think they are called - been awhile since i played SMAC though). Drop an ICBM on a city, and it's gone and you don't send units there for the next 50 turns or they die.
[SIZE=1] 20 a different way to implement polution...we are all tired of moving workers around to clean it up..
As much as pollution sucks, i think that is exactly the point: it sucks. It is the result of not managing your cities production levels. If they make it easier to deal with, they might as well take it out.
23. for strategic goods like coal...collect them one per turn per tile of resource...and make the civ build storage facilities (say allow five free per city beyond which a civ has to build depots that could be captured or destroyed) and use them when building units that require them..
I think Civ3 already impliments this to small degree, seeing as it allows you to finish building units that require the resource, even after the resource is removed. I like this idea better though, as it is much more realistic. It would be better to have resources stored like gold is, although then it might start to resemble Starcraft (now hving the Protoss in Civ 3 would be interesting - Calvary vs Archon  )
February 14, 2002, 10:38
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Well, since stacked movement is implentet the way I like to see it (Let's just hope it works then  ) there's actually just one thing I'd really like to see changed (ok, there might be some minor things, but of the big annoying things) is the diplomacy. The AI should be better at diplomacy (instead of calling my civ a puny civ, when I'm 10 times the size of their civ), but also a diplomacy where more can talk and make peace between all those civs.
Just my few cents...
P.S. That is a great patch, can't wait to try out the stacked movement
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February 14, 2002, 10:41
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jt, good ideas. Sounds a little more like Civ4 than a patch though.
Sorry....nothing to say!
February 14, 2002, 11:11
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Originally posted by fezick31
As much as pollution sucks, i think that is exactly the point: it sucks. It is the result of not managing your cities production levels. If they make it easier to deal with, they might as well take it out.
If pollution reduces food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requires twenty mouseclicks to manage it, how is that better than pollution reducing food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requiring one mouseclick to manage it?
A different interface would still "suck" just as much in terms of reducing the efficiency of your cities -- but it wouldn't "suck" all the pleasure out of playing the end-game, as it does now.
February 14, 2002, 11:49
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Originally posted by Kamrat X
Jeez, Willem, can´t we wait until we´ve reviewed the 1.17f before we start making wish lists for a 1.18?
Well I had that idea about the colonies pop up in my head, so I figured why not get the ball rolling. Besides, we can all see what's in the new patch with the readme file, so why not discuss some things that aren't listed?
Another thing on my wishlist:
I'd like the Ctrl-I command changed so that it works more like the Ctrl-R one. If I have a city that's waay, waay far away from water, I'd like to be able tell my worker exactly where to irrigate to. Sometimes the nearest city isn't the one I want to bring the irrigation to, in which case I have to do it manually, one square at a time.
February 14, 2002, 11:54
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Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
If pollution reduces food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requires twenty mouseclicks to manage it, how is that better than pollution reducing food/commerce/production by X amount and the interface requiring one mouseclick to manage it?
A different interface would still "suck" just as much in terms of reducing the efficiency of your cities -- but it wouldn't "suck" all the pleasure out of playing the end-game, as it does now.
You arguing over nothing here. Quite obviously some changes will be in store regarding pollution in the new patch. So why not wait and see how they work before complaining?
February 14, 2002, 11:59
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I agree, more diplomacy options. I'd really like to have the oppurtunity of acting as a third party, like in SMAC, so I can try to stop a war diplomatically before my MPP partner drags me into one. As well, if a civ won't see my envoy, I'd like to get another civ to negotiate on my behalf. These things have been going on since the dawn of civilization, so it should be included in the game as well.
February 14, 2002, 12:00
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Good lord. He's not complaining, Willem. Are you complaining about 1.17 just because you're speculating about 1.18? Jeesh. Maybe your side is so sensitive, and licking your wounds over the critics getting most everything we asked for, that you see conflict where none exists.
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
February 14, 2002, 12:03
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Originally posted by Willem
Well I had that idea about the colonies pop up in my head, so I figured why not get the ball rolling. Besides, we can all see what's in the new patch with the readme file, so why not discuss some things that aren't listed?
OK, fair enough  The colony idea IS a good one
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February 14, 2002, 12:10
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Originally posted by BeBro
But what exactly do you mean with 1.- "designated defenders"
This was a feature in SMAC. You could designate a unit as a defender so that in the event of a battle, it would be the first to be attacked, rather than letting the game decide which of several units would be first.
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