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Old March 13, 2002, 18:35   #181
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Originally posted by Spiffor
Something cool could be added : auto explore. In huge maps, exploration units are many, especially after discovering of navigation, when your boats can at last sail the oceans. I suppose the AI has a specific way to manage exploration units. Maybe we could ask the player's ones to act as AI's ones (i.e automatically) by pressing a button... This way we won't have to spend much time just to swipe the pesky black areas off the map.
As virtually any unit can explore unknown areas, they all should be able to auto explore. Naturally, the one choosing if they auto explore or not is the player.
There already is an auto explore, just press the "E" key.
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Old March 13, 2002, 20:18   #182
BtS Tri-League
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Hi There,
What I would like to see in the next patch is a change in the way resource dissapearance ratios are calculated! Instead of it having a set rate, I think it should START at zero for all resources, but then increase by a set rate for every turn you exploit the resource (for building improvements/units or for bonus production etc). The amount that the dissappearance ratio would increase by would depend upon the type of resource-eg. horses would be very low, where as uranium would be high. This increase would be cumulative, though it would decrease for every turn you don't use it!! Although not a truly accurate model for resource depletion, it would at least give an intuitive basis for why resources disappear, and might encourage resource conservation, particularly in the late game! (This would be even more the case if you decided to include a number of cities factor into the dissappearance ratio!)
Anyway, just a thought.

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Old March 14, 2002, 00:47   #183
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Originally posted by Nebulus
4) army
Until now armies only enhance power, but reduce flexibility on the battlefield. If i have 3 armies with 4 tanks in each of them, i have up to six strong attacks instead of 12 weaker attacks - so there could be another advantage of armies in the patch: shared logistic for the units in the army, so units in armies could have lower maintenance cost.
Brings to mind a request I made to Firaxis/Feedback:
(1) Make it so that when attacking a stack, 2MP units (eg, Tanks) don't get penalized for returning to the tile they attack from, so they can attack the same tile twice. (This may be rendered somewhat moot with 1.17, as they are much less likely to be attacking pikes or spears).

(2) To add value to Armies, give them Blitz capability (already in with 1.17), and also give them 3MP, regardless of their contents!
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Old March 14, 2002, 07:30   #184
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Make it so that the governor automatically reassigns the workers to maximize production when a city canīt grow because it lacks an Aqueduct or a Hospital.
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Old March 14, 2002, 07:46   #185
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Originally posted by Hurricane
Make it so that the governor automatically reassigns the workers to maximize production when a city canīt grow because it lacks an Aqueduct or a Hospital.
Oh please please do would just be the best thing ever.
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Last edited by TheRascalKing; March 17, 2002 at 08:24.
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Old March 17, 2002, 04:39   #186
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Thanks Willem !
Another idea : when the domestic nag pops-up, telling you a building or unit is complete, there should be something to show you -like an icon- if the suggested new construction is what you decided (queued) or if it is the governor's decision.

Right another idea : Cultural producing buildings should not systematically be destroyed when conquering a city : after the conquest is the need to calm the population at his highest, so systematiccaly destroying temples, col., and cathedrals are bad for "builders-warmongers". Historical example : the ottoman empire let the conquered coutries (Greece, Romania etc.) remain christian, to have a loyal population which pays its taxes. The only muslim country in Europe under former ottoman rule is Albania.
Culture producing units should stop producing culture when conquered, like great wonders do. When you want to replace one with one of your culture, you simply have to sell the current foreign building (maybe these building could be available in the building list even when there foreign equivalent remains active : you can build the replacement temple when the foreign temple still calms the population)
More generally, there should be less destructions when simply conquering a city : It isn't historically accurate, even when the barbaric nazis invaded Paris without resistance, they didn't raze any monument. But, having such a destructive bombing is good : when someone whants to destroy the defenders without risk, he has to pay the price of his cowardice
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