February 24, 2002, 21:02
Born Again Optimist
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The problem, of course, is that the x-pack will need the previous version in order to run. While I am undoubtedly a minority here, those of us hanging on this long without having bought the game will now have to wait for the Gold Edition before being able to play. There's nothing particularly wrong with that from my point of view as I have plenty of other games to play, but does Firaxis stand to make as much money that way?
Well, since most people bought the orginial and will likely buy the x-pack and Gold Edition, I guess they'll make their money just fine. At any rate, I'm glad there are lots of people who are happy to fuel the patching process...
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 25, 2002, 09:35
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Yin, why are you even here? You don't own the game, so you can't possibly comment on how it plays with the recent patches. (Unless, of course, you're a pirate. I certainly wouldn't put that past you.)
In either case, your opinions don't matter. You either have all the trustworthiness of a thief, or you don't play the game.
So, shut up until you buy the game and have something on which to base your views.
February 25, 2002, 09:38
Born Again Optimist
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I'm here because I enjoy bothering you. Your reply pleased me greatly!
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 25, 2002, 17:24
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Why support XP?
Do you want MS to know which CD's and videos you have been playing? With XP MicroSoft is adding your system and usage history to a huge database.
There are other civs still alive out there-- the linux are saying NO to Microsoft spies.
1998 -- Big Brother watching every move was government
2002 -- Big Brother Microsoft is recording every move and selling this information to the highest bidder.
February 25, 2002, 17:54
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Originally posted by planetfall
Why support XP?
Do you want MS to know which CD's and videos you have been playing? With XP MicroSoft is adding your system and usage history to a huge database.

this thread's not about Windows XP, but an eXpansion Pack (XP)
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
February 25, 2002, 23:24
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Originally posted by yin26
I'm here because I enjoy bothering you. Your reply pleased me greatly!
Actually, you're not pleased, or you wouldn't have said so. If you really just wanted to bother me, you'd continue on with your ways and let me think you're serious.
I now know you're just an attention-seeking whiner. Welcome to my ignore list!
February 25, 2002, 23:58
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And here's the pitch...
Originally posted by Rothy
I think Yin is talking out of his arse, Civ III has problems sure, it's not PERFECT but I'm very satisfied with the game especially folllowing the patches. Firaxis have fixed nearly every minor problem in the game IMO, and i feel it's now the time to start rolling some big features into an XP.
Oh no, it's a slow sinker falling right down into the strike zo...
Originally posted by Yin26
Rothy: As I said, Civ3 was targetted at people with rather low standards. You fit the profile.
I don't even need to look. It's gone. He just begged him to hit that one out of the ballpark. He's gotta feel bad about making it THAT easy... doesn't he?
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. - Helen Keller
February 26, 2002, 00:02
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Originally posted by yin26
I'm here because I enjoy bothering you. Your reply pleased me greatly!
OMFG, I was trying to fit myself into a nice little self-pitying depression tonight, and you guys keep throwing Yin26 those freebies.
My usual copay is $15 for therapy, and my medication is about $2 a pill, retail. So I saved about $17 bucks. One more night like this, and I'll have saved enough to buy the expansion pack, actually, unless, Yin, you want a cut of the savings you engendered.
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. - Helen Keller
February 26, 2002, 02:25
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What the hell are you on about
Up The Millers
February 26, 2002, 03:35
Born Again Optimist
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Heliodorus: Glad to be of service! Watch for the next series coming to a ballpark near you.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 26, 2002, 06:38
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Yin: I'm not going to buy 2 or 3 hundred dollars worth of games before I find one I like. Unlike money, I do not have the time. I like civ. I want to play civ. Civ3 is more than adequate to give me my *fix.*
XP? Maybe. What will it add?
All-in-all, what did Civ2 have that Civ3 lacks? Armies? No. Civil Wars? OK, but hardly a game breaker. A few techs? Yes however, unlike some others I do not think strategy is found in research. It's on the map, just like it has been for every general staff to this date.
What has Civ3 added? Culture. Resources. An aggressively evolving AI, thanks to designers who are paying attention to the boards. Better mechanics, thanks again to designers who are paying attention to the players. Fewer exploits, fewer loop-holes, better chance of a game that will stand the *test of time.*
Go ahead, wait for Gold. Just don't denegrate those who are in the trenches, improving the game you hope you may wish to buy. You just might be cutting off your own nose.
February 26, 2002, 12:35
Born Again Optimist
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Don't get me wrong: My message is never against gamers who are willing and glad to help the process along. You guys are what keeps the game alive. But don't you think the situation is, how shall we say, less than optimal? When I mention 'waiting for the Gold Edition,' my hope is that Firaxis and, yes, more gamers here will consider more carefully the out of the box experience. For in the end, I firmly believe that the subpar game that was released did more to drive away a potential fan base than anything the hardcore group could ever hope to manage weeks or months from now when they actually have the tools to fix the game themselves.
Frankly, I don't see too many winners in all this. It's regrettable to me. That's all.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 26, 2002, 13:13
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I certainly think we need a new patch to patch the problems the last patch caused when patching the previous problems
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February 26, 2002, 14:26
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hi ,
a patch to "patch" another patch , but before that you need another patch , LOL - LOL , i start "patchwork" , for my nerves
one thing is clear , civ3 aint what it should be , POINT , so , .....
why should they start to work on an XP , huh , right , to make a pâtch that needs a patch to "patch' it , i start to think that there is a lot of bla-bla , and a lot of money going in one way , but not so much "work" in the other way , and by the way , when i get a problem on a comp , i fix it , and dont wait to patch it , whenever , somewhere in the year , after knowing the fix , 3 months later
allez , have a nice day
February 26, 2002, 16:21
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Finally, a chat with some meat in it.
I don't think anyone can disagree that there were some issues with the initial release of the game. All in all, they did a good job with the game (IMHO), and have fixed some of the initial issues in the patches.
Whether Yin likes it or not isn't the issue here (no offense Yin) - he can have his opinion as long as he doesn't tell me mine is wrong in liking it. Easily pleased? Eh, maybe. Its good enough to keep me entertained for some hours. Certainly not the groundbreaking game Civ was, but did we expect it to be? It's like going to see a movie. If you go into it thinking its going to be the best thing in the world (Phantom Menace - not a bad movie, but couldn't live up to expectations) then you will likely be disappointed. Its a fun game taking elements from previous games and adding to them.
The real question: is an XP worth buying?  Maybe, (not that I have ever bought one, not even for Civ II) if they make significant changes to the (still) current issues and get that darn MP going.
One question Yin, out of idle curiosity, if they had waited a year before releasing the game would you be *****ing that you wished they had released it earlier?
February 26, 2002, 17:56
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Editor, then XP
It would be best if they release one more patch that makes the editor truly useful. Then, while the mod community is extending the life of the original game, they could work on the XP with multiplayer support.
February 26, 2002, 18:43
Born Again Optimist
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if they had waited a year before releasing the game would you be *****ing that you wished they had released it earlier?
In fact, I felt that the October release would be a huge mistake in terms of quality of the game. Now we have another case of release a beta and patch toward a complete game.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
February 26, 2002, 19:18
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XP with MP!!!
I think they should be working on an XP that does a couple of things.
1. MP
2. Work on bugs (installation and that type)
3. Add features that most of the civ community thinks is needed (ex.. work on stacked movement)
Iw ould defenitly buy an XP that included these things. Overall I have really enjoyed my civ3 experience, but I think that these things would greatly inmprove the game!!
February 27, 2002, 00:57
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I, personally, would not place priority on tricking out the stereo in a car with flat tires....
February 27, 2002, 15:04
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Boy, I'm moving so close to Yin I can barely tell us apart anymore. I don't mean in terms of his attitude, but rather his conclusions. I played this game for 2-3 months straight when it first came out and contributed as much to the strategy section as anyone here other than Vel. Like Vel, I really want this to be a great game.
But it isn't. It's so deeply flawed that I feel let down by Firaxis. I want them to step up and do the right thing by the fans. They need to fix and complete this game regardless of what the sales numbers justify, because it's not just about this game; it's about their reputation. Once a game developer with a reputation for making solid games releases a buggy beta like this, they forever go into the list of just another game company. Black Isle Studios was so concerned about that after they released the too-short Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter that they produced a free downloadable expansion (and it rocked). There was no doublespeak to the community. They came out straight up and said "Hey, we made a mistake. Now we're making up for it." It was lickety split, no ****. As a result, I'll keep buying every BIS game first day of release.
Civ3 is pretty darn messy: there are still omissions and bugs everywhere. Just off the top of my head, it's virtually impossible for anyone who doesn't run a search of these forums to understand something as basic diplomacy and spying. The diplomatic victory is ridiculous. The game doesn't even work on my system anymore because I uninstalled it and removed all traces of it from my computer but the installation program will not let me install it again (I only get play and reinstall options, neither of which works). There are dozens more bugs and the patches just seem to be fixing little things. Then there are major complaints with combat and corruption and play balance. The wonders are unbalanced and it really annoys me there are no wonder movies. The game tends to "force" play, as I discussed on another thread a long time ago, making games all play out kind of the same, especially at the higher levels.
And most important, this game should have been released with an editor suitable to the needs of the mod community and with multiplayer. The editor is so close to being better than Civ2's, but as it is it's alomst unusable for mods. Both the editor and MP are basic and I will not pay for them. I expect them to be added for free. If they are added in an XP, I will pirate and give Civ3 another chance. Don't talk to me about stealing either, since I bought the falsely-advertised "Collector's Edition," so I've already overpaid by $15-20. If these necessary features are not created I will do what I've been doing for the last few months -- I will not play Civ3 and will not buy other Firaxis or Infogrammes games.
February 27, 2002, 17:38
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I think the reality that's beginning to set in is that Civ3 never will be 'perfect', or balanced for that matter. Civ3 wasn't properly playtested because some people ( I'm refering to both parties!) wanted the game early instead of later (I remember the poll!). Now we're paying the price for that. Every patch seems to solve as much problems as it creates. Meanwhile the player is crammed further into a straight jacket with every patch.
My suggestion is dropping all the patch work and go straight for the expansion pack, or go straight for MP gold, in say 6-9 months. That should be enough time to properly balance this game. At least I hope so.
In the meantime I'll spend my time on other civ related endeavours. There are more civ-projects in the world than Civ3 alone.
April 8, 2002, 07:24
Local Time: 22:36
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Originally posted by CapTVK
I think the reality that's beginning to set in is that Civ3 never will be 'perfect', or balanced for that matter. Civ3 wasn't properly playtested because some people (I'm refering to both parties!) wanted the game early instead of later (I remember the poll!). Now we're paying the price for that. Every patch seems to solve as much problems as it creates. Meanwhile the player is crammed further into a straight jacket with every patch.
My suggestion is dropping all the patch work and go straight for the expansion pack, or go straight for MP gold, in say 6-9 months. That should be enough time to properly balance this game. At least I hope so.
In the meantime I'll spend my time on other civ related endeavours. There are more civ-projects in the world than Civ3 alone.
hi , huh , well , i am sure that there are enough people who want to alfa and beta testing , huh , even for free , ahem , now , lets brainstorm on how to make it better , hmm , .......
mp gold , allas , another 50 usd , okay , its worth it , but what are they going to do , start from zip , .................
balance , well , huh , they had time , .......another 2 years and a patch , huh , who needs a patch to patch up the patch the patch that whas meant to patch the pâtch , help , i need a patch from my doc , so i can patch up myself , .............
i need something for my stomach , a patch , ...........
maybe they could start from zero , with a good team , huh , i would look for some people on this forum , and i would built a team that is not having problems with each other , like i dont like you because you a re black or you are from europe or you are gay , bla bla , just work on the game , point .
have a nice day
April 8, 2002, 11:22
Local Time: 13:36
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Uninstalled everything and now can't install on my system.
More precise statement would be you tried to uninstall but uninstall was incomplete. Presuming you are running windows check the following {not at system so don't know what you need to look for exactly, but these are the type of things to look for}
- a firaxis created directory with hidden or other files still in it
- a firaxis or civ3 *.ini file
- a fixaxis or civ3 entry in win.ini or system.ini file
- a firaxis or civ3 entry in the registry. (Careful here, backup first to floppy. Only delete firaxis or civ3 entries.). regedit.exe
- a firaxis or civ3 entry/files in temporary directory. (Probably C:\windows\temp. At DOS prompt, type `set` to find location of temporary directory).
If all else fails, a reinstall of windows will correct the problem and that should solve the problem.
I think firaxis needs another patch first to solve the twin problems of tech devaluation and inadequate aircraft range. Then they need to take at least a year and work on the game play models and develop an improved game. After playing for 4 months and keeping up with the forums, it is obvious there is an enjoyment inadequacy. They need to provide a more enjoyable game for all three user types
- No mods and no editor changes user
- No mods but use editor to play scenario's user, with option of adding up to 8 generic special units. {BTW startup should allow users to select .bic file to use so we can store modeling preferences}
- Full mod support, full XP.
April 8, 2002, 11:40
Local Time: 22:36
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Originally posted by planetfall
Uninstalled everything and now can't install on my system.
More precise statement would be you tried to uninstall but uninstall was incomplete. Presuming you are running windows check the following {not at system so don't know what you need to look for exactly, but these are the type of things to look for}
- a firaxis created directory with hidden or other files still in it
- a firaxis or civ3 *.ini file
- a fixaxis or civ3 entry in win.ini or system.ini file
- a firaxis or civ3 entry in the registry. (Careful here, backup first to floppy. Only delete firaxis or civ3 entries.). regedit.exe
- a firaxis or civ3 entry/files in temporary directory. (Probably C:\windows\temp. At DOS prompt, type `set` to find location of temporary directory).
If all else fails, a reinstall of windows will correct the problem and that should solve the problem.
I think firaxis needs another patch first to solve the twin problems of tech devaluation and inadequate aircraft range. Then they need to take at least a year and work on the game play models and develop an improved game. After playing for 4 months and keeping up with the forums, it is obvious there is an enjoyment inadequacy. They need to provide a more enjoyable game for all three user types
- No mods and no editor changes user
- No mods but use editor to play scenario's user, with option of adding up to 8 generic special units. {BTW startup should allow users to select .bic file to use so we can store modeling preferences}
- Full mod support, full XP.
hi ,
there is somewhere a locked file from infogrames , L-SANS or something , get rid of that and do a search , ya find more files , and , it could be due to the size of you BIN , deleteting 750meg aint nothing
as for the rest i agree , except one thing , time , if they want they can get it done in 90 working days , of course , ya need to hire some people , ..................... , huh , westwood or so , yeah that should do it
have a nice day
April 8, 2002, 13:24
Local Time: 20:36
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Grape Juice instead of Merlot
I think the naysayers of the naysayers are missing the point. While Civ III may be playable and to some even a 'great' game, it is to the critics a bottle of grape juice when a Merlot was expected. It may be drinkable and even taste good but it is not what was expected or MARKETED.
Civ III should have represented a giant step forward in the evolution of the genre and instead, it is going to be just another computer game.
Yin - You never fail to crack me up. You should write Op-Eds for the NY Times or the Wall Street Journal....or both.
"Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."
April 8, 2002, 15:19
Local Time: 20:36
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Posts: 378
Re: Grape Juice instead of Merlot
Originally posted by Deornwulf
I think the naysayers of the naysayers are missing the point. While Civ III may be playable and to some even a 'great' game, it is to the critics a bottle of grape juice when a Merlot was expected. It may be drinkable and even taste good but it is not what was expected or MARKETED.
Civ III should have represented a giant step forward in the evolution of the genre and instead, it is going to be just another computer game.
Civ 3 should have started at the point civ 2 was in the end, meaning having multiplayer and a robust editor to start with. It was released prematurely and frankly, since I currently don't find it that compelling(being limited practically to playing on small maps or at most standard because the game takes soooooo long really decreases my incentive to play it) I will likely not bother with an expansion. To date I have actually only played one game to completion because of that drag, and its been months since I played it seriously. Compare that to civ 2 which I would play for days on end without tiring of it(or maybe I just got tired of the genre, didn't play SMAC for very long either, although there were reasons for leaving that too).
April 8, 2002, 15:27
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if it should happen (and i know it will) that the multiplayer patch should cost money, i'd protest outside the firaxis building until they made it so it was $50 game, not $50 for a beta and $20 for the "finalization".
... or until they gave me a free copy ...
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
April 8, 2002, 19:25
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Re: Grape Juice instead of Merlot
Originally posted by Deornwulf
While Civ III may be playable and to some even a 'great' game, it is to the critics a bottle of grape juice when a Merlot was expected. It may be drinkable and even taste good but it is not what was expected or MARKETED.
Great quote! Straight to the point!
April 8, 2002, 19:43
Local Time: 15:36
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yea, you really zinged firaxis good with that one.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
April 8, 2002, 21:16
Local Time: 15:36
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Posts: 915
Re: Grape Juice instead of Merlot
Originally posted by Deornwulf
I think the naysayers of the naysayers are missing the point. While Civ III may be playable and to some even a 'great' game, it is to the critics a bottle of grape juice when a Merlot was expected. It may be drinkable and even taste good but it is not what was expected or MARKETED. . .
Ditto on Civ III.
What I EXPECT is for Firaxis to replace my beta effed up game disk with the finished product - not have the gall to try to sell me something else.
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