April 29, 2002, 12:24
Local Time: 22:36
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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hi ,
well , guys and girls , is the thread "dead" ?
allas , what is this "talk" about having more civs as the total number in the game , 24 or 32 or something like it ?
have a nice day
April 29, 2002, 13:40
Local Time: 15:36
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I'd say XP if they plan on including a fully-working editor in it, and such. And patches if the only chance for those things is in reg Civ3. Now all of you who don't like the game, and continually whine about its flaws, why are you here? Are you trying to save us poor lost souls who DO like it? Are you trying to build up the courage to try it again? What? I'd really like to know.
You seem just to agree with anything bad said about the game, then repeat what you didn't like about it. Happens in lots of post, by alot of the same people. I for one think Civ3 is a great game, is obviously a step-up from other civ games. Admittedly the not-so-flexible editor and lack of MP is annoying, but not a major game-breaker. Not for me anyway, since I can play reg sp games fine. I'm impressed and thankful that Firxais did release Civ3, though i'd have been fine waiting on it a bit more so the bugs could be worked out. But not it seems they all are, and those who actually want to play Civ3 seem happy.
I even played Civ3 when it didn't have as many patches, annoying but still fun. But I suppose this won't change anyones opinions much, the whiners will just go on whining. You people really should find another game instead of complaining about one you don't want to play.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
April 29, 2002, 13:51
Local Time: 22:36
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 8,117
hi ,
annoying but still fun , true , ............
as for why we are here , well maybe we all want to find aswer's and solutions , ...........???
as for the rest civ3 is good , but like so many things in life , nothing is perfect , .......;
its true that sometimes some people seem to be "whanking" , but try to understand them , ........LOL
have a nice day
April 29, 2002, 15:05
Local Time: 12:36
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Posts: 76
Note that this thread was started pre-1.21 and now people are posting... that's silly. =P Anyway, 1.21 is pretty good. Personally, I never play scenarios, but they should come out with a good editor just so I don't have to listen to the unrelenting noise of whiners. I would classify that as a "patch" though. 1.21 rules, 1.31 should fix various things, include a toggle for save compression, scenario editor (yes yes... with your silly starting locations too...), etc. Then, that should be it, and they should work on Multiplayer for the other (smaller, louder?) set of whiners.
April 29, 2002, 15:12
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Should Firaxis now work on Patches or an XP???
all four of them:
April 29, 2002, 16:26
Local Time: 22:36
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Posts: 8,117
Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
Should Firaxis now work on Patches or an XP???
all four of them:
who could not agree ?
have a nice day
April 29, 2002, 18:45
Local Time: 15:36
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I remember when the game first came out. There was so much Civ3 slamming going on (still?) that I was glad I didn't have the money at the time to purchase such a bad product.
Most of the criticisms were well written and sounded reasonable. I believed 'em for the most part. Well, lo and behold I was able to get the game for about $20 cash. I hopped on the chance.
Well, I haven't looked back. My wife and I are both very pleased with the product, and even though there are several things missing (true combined arms combat, a la CtP2?, etc.), they are not the game breakers for me that they are with so many other people.
I have been VERY pleased with the response from the Firaxis team with patches and listening to *most* (perhaps, read "some") of our concerns.
I think the biggest thing lacking, by far, is a complete editor and scenario maker. Let's face it, no matter what Firaxis puts into the game, there would still be some who would find fault. Voi la, the editor. If this were the end all be all it was purported to be, the mod community with its immense talent would MORE than compensate for a lacking product.
I think this is where most of Firaxis' energy should be focused (along with MP, of course!!). Then, each and every one of you could modify the game just how you see fit.
In the end, then, I *would* pay for an XP, if it had a GREAT editor, MP support (especially Hotseat!), and some new unit graphics and maybe some new civ(s). I think, then, it would be worthwhile.
I enjoy Civ3. So there! Maybe I am a simpleton, or maybe I'm not an old stick in the mud complainer.  (ok, OK, I see your points. I just don't happen to agree with 'em  )
April 29, 2002, 19:17
Local Time: 14:36
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I love Civ3, its a great game since the latest patch. In fact I liked it since the beginning except for the 1.16f or 1.17f(with the tech-monster AI). I vote for patches because I'm 14 and patches don't cost me money!  I think patches would be of more quality anyways just from the fact that along the way as they add bit by bit they can see whats wrong instead of building and working hard on something the community might not like. Anyways Firaxis is doing a great job compared to other companies on patches. I've seen games released with more bugs etc... than Civ3(none of which I encountered) that patches less than once every 4 months.
On a sidenote: Its hilarious to see all the fighting in these forums, its like some talkshow without the gaurds to stop the mad people from smashing each other into the ground! I am happy to see Yin post anyways, the more hes here the less people in the real world have to put up with him.
April 29, 2002, 20:14
Local Time: 15:36
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Posts: 915
Whatever Firaxis works on it better be FREE, considering the beta product we've had for over five months.
April 30, 2002, 00:06
Local Time: 09:36
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I agree, Coracle.
I have already wasted $50 NZ on this game.
Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ | grrr@orcon.net.nz
Waikato University, Hamilton.
April 30, 2002, 00:08
Local Time: 15:36
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Posts: 915
And any prduct they come up with hopefully will alow us to turn off Culture Flipping and that flood of settlers for the first three thousand years.
April 30, 2002, 05:11
Local Time: 21:36
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Originally posted by ChaotikVisions
But I suppose this won't change anyones opinions much, the whiners will just go on whining. You people really should find another game instead of complaining about one you don't want to play.
ChaotikVisions, IMHO is a good point that a game forum share good and bad opinion about the game.
I often browse some game forum before considering spending money and time buying and playing it. I haven't many hours free to spend playing, so I prefer to do a bit of searching before.
When I find a place where every one is delightful with the game I have a view about only one side of the coin.
Everyone can see no game can fit every player, but reading and judging motivated points, anyone can have a rough early opinion about the game itself versus him/herself expectations.
So, I really love a live forum with at least "almost polite" debate, not that clean and all love place I often can see on official forum where bugs doesn't exist at all, patches are unneeded if not for some strange customer with awful PC configuration, the game is really best thing BEFORE sliced bread, etc.
It's fine some enjoy the game and some hate it. I wouldn't like a world where anyone MUST enjoy Shakespear, or the Bible, or The Matrix or whatever book, movie, comedy, etc. (please avoid flame about my example: they are unrelated example, not reflecting my personal opinion, is it OK?)
If I don't like it I can still critic and debate about it, of course in acceptable and polite way, not insulting others forum members (or not really often, that probably is more realistic  ). Steering away from a forum and let it to enthusiasts only is quite a limited way to live IMHO. We are here because we were enthusiast about Civ 1, Civ 2 or SMAC or many others games (not necessary everyone of them). May be we'll love the next.  (but don't bet on it, for now  )
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