Shorter Military Alliances?
It would be nice to be able to ask for military alliances that are shorter than 20 turns, or be able to make peace with the country you are at war with without pissing off the country who who are currently allied with.
Oftentimes, I go to war for specific objectives that take fewer than 20 turns to accomplish. It's a pain having to wait the full 20 turns to cancel the alliance, then make peace. I think the country that initiates the military alliance should face no diplomatic reputation penalty for making peace with the country who the alliance is against. Obviously if an AI civ makes an offer for me to join an alliance, and I accept, then making peace with the enemy before the 20 turn limit should make my ally mad and distrust me in the future. But it seems to me that I should be able to cancel an alliance that I initiate without penalty if the war is "over."
What do you guys think? Apart from the obvious "don't get into an alliance if your war isn't going to last 20 turns" advice.