I've seen people Moan about Terrain in several threads since Joining here, especially the crapstart thread. Now, there's many issues on Terrain people must have , so lets try and get them down here and maybe firaxis will listen

Here's what I think
Less Tundra
Plains and Forest Should be More useful
Bring Back Bananas and Oasis
Sea and Coast! - This is my main problem, Coastal Cities are way Underpowered IMO, I think something needs to be done here, they are not very useful until near the end of the game, Perhaps Fish and Whale Squares should Produce 1 More extra food than they would , when a harbour is present in the city.
Farmland Irragation - Why was this taken away?? Too much terraforming?? Perhaps this should be brought back, but to Bonus Resources only, giving the user a headache on whether to mine his cattle or go right for Farmland Irragation.
People have spoke about Irrigating Hills, but i think thats silly, although how about the 'sheep' resource on hills???? giving +2 food and +2 Commerce ?? or something like that.
There needs to be the Option of Making something of a city which isnt posistioned on Grassland, which at current, there isnt!