Ok, the key to this is the hidden nationality ability.
What i have done is made the...
1. Privateer 3/2/5 which enables it to have a use when pitted against IRonclad-down naval ships. Frigate is currently 4/2/5 to balance this out.
2. Changed useless Explorer into an Outlaw with stats of 3/2/1 which appears with Invention. This is great fun, although i have had them used very effectively against me, especially since patch 1.17f.
3. Made the Stealth Fighter into a hidden nationality unit which gives this otherwise useless unit and tech advance a great deal of worth.
Also giving archers, bowmen and longbowmen 0 range bombard stats (2/0/1 and 4/0/1 respectively) more than makes up for their lack of upgrading ability as it gives them a free shot when defending in a stack (i.e. similar to artillery).
What do ya think?!
They are cool fun to play with..