February 17, 2002, 16:10
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
The Hunting Season
In the beginning there was peace between the 11 nations that made up the world.
That was until 250AD, when all hell broke loose...
This map only features the major cities in 250AD. If some of the city names seem to early, ie; Cairo for the Egyptian, it's because I've edited my lists a bit, mainly to bring forward the ones I can actually say!
At the tri-monthly meeting in Rome, which was chosen because it was the easiest capital to defend(I was the Americans), there were many arguments.
The English were furious with the French for letting their troops wander into English territory, and the Germans and Indians were arguing over rights to an unclaimed iron source near their borders.
Roosevelt sat at the round table in amazement. How the hell these people could argue so much he didn't know, and was just glad that no one was yet declaring war.
Then Mao of the Chinese approached him.
"I, as the great ruler of all the known world, demand taxes from my subjects. I do not see why America should be exempt from my taxes, as it is part of my world. So I demand payment of 50 gold from you!" Mao stood tall and proud.
Roosevelt leaned back in his chair and shook his head. This stupid idiot was asking for tribute when his nation was about half the size of America!
"America bows down to no-one. If you want gold, you must give us something in return. It is known as trading!" he finally spoke.
"That is foolish. I do not like to have to punish my subjects. But I may have to if they do not see reason!" Mao frowned.
Roosevelt jumped to his feet.
"You punish your people just by showing your ugly face Mao! And as for your little habit of raping 12 year old girls, well, that is one thing my nation cannot let continue! You may consider yourself at war with the United States of America!" he spoke loudly and angrily for the whole room to hear.
[By the way, that thing about the 12 year olds is true, ask any historian!]
Mao looked at the ground, humbled before all the world leaders. Roosevelt was too honest a man to have any scandal that Mao could reply with, and so Mao was to be ridiculed by the people in that room.
And he knew it. He stormed out, but not before shouting "I will kill every one of you!".
The leaders looked at each other, and all burst out laughing.
The ice was broken, and all the leaders except for Mao began to plan the war against him. It then turned into a squabble over this, and Hitler demanded that his troops be allowed to take a Chinese city. Gandhi stopped this demand, saying that as few nations as possible should be involved for the least amount of bloodshed after the war, as people will fight over treasure.
"You peace-loving fool! I want the iron which is nearest to my city, you refuse saying that the resources of mother nature belong to all, I want a share of the war spoils, and you go on about arguments over the Chinese cities would cause major wars! Are you a head of state, or a blasted priest, you bible-bashing idiot!" Hitler fumed, standing up in his usual pose.
"Watch your language Hitler. This is a grown up meeting, no children allowed." Roosevelt glared at him. The other leaders smiled at the joke, but saw the seriousness of the moment.
"I will not be spoken to like that by the infidel ruler of a nation so tied up in it's Constitution that you can't even boil an egg without Congress's say so!"
This caused more laughter amongst the leaders.
Roosevelt stood up, and using his height as an advantage whilst speaking. Hitler, only two seats to the right of Roosevelt was much shorter than Roosevelt, and it showed.
"This coming from a man who thinks that his nation should be made up entirely of white, blond Aryans when he isn't even one himself! Come on shorty, how the hell are you supposed to command all these Aryans if you get your wish? Stamp your feet until they look down and see you? It shows what kind of nation yours is if you are their leader! And you don't even belong to the nation that you lead! You're an Austrian, from the same area that you eventually took over near Nuremberg! And you say that I am the infidel ruler? Think again you damned Nazi son of a *****!" Roosevelt lost his temper.
The rulers smiled to see Hitler's angry face, and then Charles de Gaulle spoke up.
"But your closest ally is England, ruled by a non-elected monarch. Isn't that against your Constitution that you now defend so much?"
"How dare you de Gaulle. Your people can't stand the sight of you anymore, with your fancy army parades through Paris whilst your people starve. I provide my people with what they want, and they adore me. Some leader you are!" Elizabeth snapped at him.
"Let's take a break people." Josef[the russian spelling] Stalin spoke up.
All the leaders received their intelligence reports from messengers from their capitals during the break.
"Oh my god!" Roosevelt turned to Elizabeth. "We have reports of Jews being slaughtered in their thousands in Germany! And Mao is beginning to mobilise his army!"
"Look at this! The Red Cross, who are based in my country, have had members of their organisation were shot dead in Paris handing out food. Apparently de Gaulle has been hoarding food to buy loyalty so he can turn France into a dictatorship, whilst those opposed to him starve. The Red Cross was giving out food to the wrong people supposedly. My god, that son of a ***** is gonna pay for this!"
"How about an alliance against Germany in return for an alliance against France?" Roosevelt suggested.
"Done." Elizabeth smiled.
"We have reports of the mass slaughter of Jews in your country, Hitler. I have these reports on very good authority, and if you do not stop this practice immediately, then the United States of America will be forced to act for humanitarian reasons." Roosevelt glowered at Hitler.
Adolf Hitler looked furious as he stood.
"This is an internal matter for Germany! No American infidel will tell me how to run my country!"
"It's not your country, as we have already established!"
"Damn you Roosevelt! Germany will crush America and prove that the Aryans are masters of this world!" Hitler pounded his fist on the table.
"In light of this evidence, England will declare war upon the Germans in support of our American allies." Elizabeth spoke quietly.
"What's wrong with slaughtering a few thousand people?!" Shaka of the Zulus shook his head in confusion.
"What?!" Ghandi roared. "That is it! For the sake of humanity, India will join our allies in crushing Germany and Zululand!"
Shaka looked bewildered. "I've only killed a few hundred, honest!"
"Then you may consider yourself at war with America and her ally England." Roosevelt frowned. Elizabeth nodded.
"And I demand an explanation for the killing of Red Cross workers in Paris!" Elizabeth turned on de Gaulle once more.
"They were interfering in French matters." de Gaulle spoke calmly.
"That is not a good enough excuse! I demand payment to their families and a full apology!" Elizabeth fumed.
"That cannot be done. And to save you the bother, I declare war upon the English!"
All the leaders ended up storming out the hall and onto their galleys back home, two distinct sides having formed.
The Americans, the English, the Indians, the Egyptians, the Russians and the Romans were against the Zulu, the French, the Japanese, the Germans and the now quieter Mao of the Chinese.
The Indians struck quickly, taking Frankfurt from the Germans. But there the war stalemated between those two countries, and the Indians would have to wait to punish Hitler for his murdering.
On the eastern front, the Russians took Lyons from the French, whilst the English took the other cities of France. de Gaulle was paraded through London before being executed at the Tower.
The Japanese and Romans resorted to warfare on the sea, with neither side getting the upper hand.
The Americans profted most of all. The 1st, 3rd and 7th swordsmen regiments took Bapedi from the Zulus, routing four Impi regiments in the process. Shaka quickly begged for a treaty.
The Chinese however were a different matter.
General Grant stared at the hill. On it stood three spearmen regiments, guarding the catapult sent to bombard New York.
He couldn't believe he'd wasted three regiments of horsemen against them, with the slow swordsmen regiments only just beginning to reach the front.
But now his swordsmen were advancing, the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th against those three spearmen regiments.
As he had expected, it was a slaughter. His units were slightly hurt, but mostly intact at the end of the battle. The spearmen had been decimated, with bodies littering the ground.
Now they advanced on China itself, with the new horsemen regiments leading the way.
The attack on Shanghai was catastrophic for his horsemen. They would attack, and then fall back to rest, where the Chinese riders would attack and hunt them down. When Grant tried this tactic against the Chinese, he found that their riders were better prepared to defend themselves. It was hopeless, all his horsemen regiments were destroyed in the first few days of combat. He sent a message for reinforcements now only to contain swordsmen, which were slow, but better at attack and defence.
Four spearmen regiments defended Shanghai, and three rider regiments took up positions outside the city.
Grant had only five swordsmen regiments, some wounded. All the Chinese regiments were at full strength.
Grant knew that his men were better at attacking, and decided on a bold strategy. He would march on Shanghai, and ignore the riders.
This tactic worked well, and he seized the city for the loss of only two swordsmen regiments. The riders attacked the city, and were defeated due to the experience gained by Grant's men whilst attacking the city.
The rest of China was swallowed up easily, until they reached Beijing.
Then they saw Nanking had been taken by the Egyptians, from the sea. They had used catapults to bombard the city, and then used spearmen to defend the catapults whilst their swordsmen attacked the city.
Beijing was defended by three spearmen regiments, two rider regiments and three catapults. Grant called upon all his reinforcements, which gave his army a strength of three swordsmen regiments, one catapult, two spearmen regiments and one archer regiment.
The first attack failed, leaving Grant with two hurt swordsmen regiments, two spearmen regiments and one catapult against one rider regiment, two spearmen regiments and three catapults.
As Grant led his swordsmen up the slope to the walls of Beijing, he saw the rider regiment stream past him to attack his catapults. They were massacred by the spearmen, much to his relief.
He led his men through the hail of fire from the enemy catapults, which hurt his men even more, and headed for the breach in the wall. He led the men through it, and charged at the enemy on his horse.
On his horse however, he was an easy target, and was hit by a spear. He carried on, and swung at spearman after spearman, followed by his men. He reached the catapults before he was stabbed between the eyes by a spear.
He fell to the ground, but not before hearing the cheers of victory.

The world after the first Great War.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 17, 2002, 16:11
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Franklin D. Roosevelt sat in the Oval Office staring at the reports. The Egyptians were up to something. But what?
The Indians and Germans were building up their armies ready for yet another conflict, the hatred between those two nations being so strong they would probably never have true peace until one was destroyed.
The Zulus had been cowed by the American attack on them in the Great War, now rebuilding their army, which was only a slight worry to Roosevelt, and Japan and Rome were getting on only slightly better than the Indians and Germans, jostling for power in the Central Sea.
England and Russia were putting on big military shows in their capitals, and their troops were facing off at the border. A big showdown was coming soon between those two superpowers soon, Roosevelt could feel it.
But Egypt had no enemy to worry it, as it was surrounded only by two allies, Russia and America. But Cleopatra had been icy during Roosevelt's visit to Thebes, and her forces were now massing at Memphis and Nanking.
The reports suggested that the Egyptians may just be increasing their border defences so that they would be unharmed in another Great War, but Roosevelt thought this unlikely. The units were mostly offensive ones.
Then his aide walked in with another report from the CIA.
It had plans in copied by a CIA agent in Thebes of an attack on Beijing and Atlanta! The Egyptians were planning to attack!
But the US was the world's biggest superpower. Surely that would be suicide, them attacking the US? Unless another nation was involved, Roosevelt thought.
The Zulus.
He quickly picked out the report on the Zulus again. Yes, it fitted, they were increasing offensive strength, and were massing outside Mpondo. Roosevelt guessed they would probably move to retake their old city, Bapedi.
He was wrong.
The next day, Operation WolfPack went into action.
Cleopatra smiled at Shaka as he walked into her throne room.
"A pack of determined wolves can bring down the strongest beast." Shaka said, smiling and looking at the real plans for the attack.
"Hence the name of our great plan, Operation Wolf Pack." Cleopatra grinned.
CIA Agent Martin Jones smiled at his Queen.
"I fed them the false plans like you asked me to, my Queen." he said.
"Good. America will soon learn how determined these wolves are." she laughed nastily.
Roosevelt had placed his best troops to defend the targets he thought were going to be attacked. He had placed his attacking troops near Nanking in the hope of taking it as soon as the troops there moved, as it was isolated. He had blundered badly.
Zulu forces marched, but not towards Bapedi. They went straight at Boston, and the weaker garrison there was overwhelmed.
The Egyptian forces outside Nanking headed towards not Beijing, but New York, hitting the forces there so hard that the Big Apple fell.
The troops outside Memphis went forward towards Atlanta, as expected. But they bypassed it, and headed straight for Chicago, which fell after a fierce fight.
The offensive troops near Nanking attacked it, thinking that the enemy had moved off in the expected directions, as no orders had come to the contrary from the now isolated Washington. Nanking fell to their troops after a bitter battle which killed most of America's attacking strength.
Roosevelt had been humbugged.
Roosevelt spoke one order to the CIA Director:
"I want an investigation into that information! If it was fed to our agent on purpose by the Egyptians, get him out of there!"
The CIA Director shook his head. "I've already ordered him out. He doesn't reply, and we have sightings of him now with the Queen's entourage. It is now certain that he was a double agent."
Roosevelt looked furious, and cursed, then spoke. "Kill the son of a *****!"
The CIA Director nodded and walked out.
Roosevelt turned to his Secretary of Defence, who looked exhausted.
"Mr. President, Washington only has three regiments in defence, all three are pikemen regiments. We suggest you escape immediately, I will handle the defence of Washington, and we will die to the last man to defend it. We have a fast horse waiting to take you to Beijing. Please, go now!"
"I am not leaving my people!" was Roosevelt's stubborn reply. The Defence Secretary had been trying to get him to leave for the last few hours.
"But sir, the Zulus have halted, yes, but that is because they have a slow army and an agreement with the Egyptians. The Egyptians are coming though! Even with leaving troops to garrison their new cities, they have five knight regiments advanving on Washington! You must escape now to Beijing!"
An aide rushed in and handed a piece of paper to the President, then a copy to the Defence Secretary.
Roosevelt glanced at the paper in disgust. The Japanese had declared war, and taken Beijing by amphibious assault!
"Escape to where?" Roosevelt shook his head. "I will not leave my people, and that is final. Plus, there is nowhere to run to!"
The Secretary of Defence just nodded.
The English were overwhelmed by Russian numbers at Paris, and that city fell to Stalin's forces. The war then stalemated, with English technology holding out against Russian numbers.
Russia was slightly shocked by an Egyptian attack on Minsk, which succeeded, and they counter-attacked, but it failed. Minsk became the fortress which stopped the Russians entering the Egyptian homeland, not the fortress to stop Egyptian expansion as it had once been.
The Romans declared war upon Japan, and the latter had put so much effort into its assault on the US that it had left Edo vulnerable. Mussolini's troops moved in, and Hirohito was forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty to stop the rest of Japan from being overwhelmed.
The Indian war elephants fared well against the Germans, but a horrid sight welcomed the soldiers as they rode into Nuremberg.
A little village near it was called Auschwitz, and was full of dead bodies. The reports of slaughters that Roosevelt had received was right.
The Indian soldiers wept that they hadn't arrived sooner, and been able to save these people.
But they had saved the lives of ten thousand more who had been awaiting death at the camp, much to the relief of those there. But the soldiers were too upset at the sheer numbers of dead.
Nearly two or three million, it was estimated.
Now the Indians fought with a vengeance, and invaded Hamburg.
Hermann Goering was taken prisoner there, and was tried at Numreberg for the atrocities commited by the Nazis. He was beheaded by an Indian swordsmen after the sentence of death was read out.
But Hitler and his SS still had power in Berlin and Munich, and were too strong for now to be beaten. The Indians forced the Germans to sign a peace treaty which included a clause that Hitler must stop all killing of innocent people.
He didn't, but it took the Indians many more years to find out that he hadn't.
Washington was doomed, or so it was thought. Then America, the world's most advanced nation, made an even more startling discovery involving a little used resource called saltpeter. They found it could be used to make gunpowder, which could explode, and the scientists soon produced a new weapon known as the musket.
Roosevelt ordered every pikeman regiment in the US Army to be upgraded with these new weapons, and due to the large US Treasury, it was done.
Washington was now defended by three musketmen regiments, which evened up the fight a bit.
But Roosevelt's men were veteran, whereas the Egyptians were regular troops. That would play a vital role in the battle to come.
Roosevelt stood on the walls of Washington, holding a musket like those carried by the men fighting under him.
The Egyptians charged, hoping to tie a rope around the gate and use it to pull it down. Their first assault was ripped apart by the concentrated firepower of the muskets.
The second regiment's assault was also routed, until the third wave pulled down the gate, injuring many musketmen.
Roosevelt rushed to the gate, leading his men. They engaged the knights, and pushed them back out. But they were soon back after regrouping, along with the two remaining regiments of knights.
A bitter fight ensued.
Roosevelt fired his musket at a knight, but hit the horse. It collapsed, dead, and its rider fell to the floor. As Roosevelt reloaded, the dismounted knight drew his sword, and killed a musketman, taking his loaded musket. It took the knight a second to work out how to fire it, but then he aimed it at the President.
Roosevelt knelt to pour the powder down the barrel, showing his back to the knight. The knight fired, and Roosevelt felt a thud at the base of his spine. But he staggered to his feet, turned around, and fired once.
The knight dropped to the floor, a hole in his helmet where the bullet had struck.
Roosevelt collapsed, and was rushed into the White House.
The doctors were relieved to find that he was not dying, but horrified at the fact that he couldn't move his legs. They broke the news gently to him that he would have to go around in a wheelchair from now on.
Roosevelt shrugged as best he could, and asked one question:
"Did we win?"
The doctor turned to the Secretary of Defence.
"Yes sir, we did. We won."
"Good, now I need some rest if I'm going to see the victory parade." Roosevelt smiled and laid back.
[Yes, I know that Roosevelt was really disabled by a disease, not a war injury, but I thought it would sound better in the story]
The Americans counter-attacked soon after, with Boston falling to troops from Washington, and Mpondo being taken by forces from Bapedi.
The US then attacked from Atlanta and Shanghai, recapturing the Big Apple and Chicago.
Finally there was peace in the world, and due to large numbers of US troops heading towards Beijing, that city was handed back to the USA in peace negotiations with the Japanese.
America had survived her worst ever time, and had come out from it stronger than ever.
And the agent who betrayed her mysteriously disappeared from Thebes one night.
No trace of him as ever been found.
There will be more I promise! And after this story, I am doing one with screenshots, as I am no longer saving over my old saves in my newest game!
Next chapter should come tomorrow night, or the night after if I'm busy.
Comments are appreciated!
The World After the Second Great War
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 17, 2002, 17:06
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
The next war, known later as the War of Unfinished Business, was fought to right the wrongs of the previous wars, or to finish off work started in them.
Hitler's supposed masterstroke to recapture Hamburg was a dismal failure, wasting precious resources against a well-prepared foe.
The Indians counter-attacked in huge numbers, with many cannon bombarding Munich and Berlin, paving the way for the war elephants, supported now by cavalry, to march into those. Munich fell after only a short battle, the Battle of Berlin was much fiercer, costing the lives of many men on both sides. Hitler commited suicide in his bunker under the Reichstag as the Indians moved into the centre of Berlin.
Ghandi could now once more preach peace and love between all people, but found the world not receptive to that message, with the other nations now embroiled in another major war.
CIA Report to President Roosevelt
India is currently peaceful, trying to unite their country.
The Zulus have declared war once more upon the USA, and move to try and retake their lost holdings. Currently, the new American riflemen are giving them horrendous casualties.
England and Japan are at war with Rome, who are trying to control the Central Ocean, but are being defeated by superior English naval power.
England is also at war with Russia, and has recaptured Paris for heavy losses.
Russia is sending hordes of troops to recapture Minsk, but the Egyptians are currently still in control.
All other national links not mentioned here are peaceful.
General Zhukov groaned as he saw the figures for how many dead and wounded. The Russians had historically always relied on weight of number, and to hell with what the cost in human lives was, but he actually cared about his men.
Luckily, a new Russian iron clad, launched from Moscow so that the English couldn't attack it from the Central Ocean, was now bombarding Minsk, as well as the Russian cannons.
Now it was time to once more unleash his cossacks and hope for the best.
They charged towards the breach in the walls, where many were shot. But many more made it through.
They were in!
The Romans moved steadily inland, pushing the Japanese further and further back. Mussolini was putting nearly every available land unit he had into this attack, to secure his Central Ocean empire.
Then the report came in. English troops had landed near Rome!
The Zulu attacks, mainly consisting of obsolete swordsmen, longbowmen and a few knights were slaughtered by the American riflemen. General Lee felt sorry for them, hadn't they heard of gunpowder?!
But now it was his turn to attack. He signalled his cavalry forward, and they charged to mop up what was left of the Zulu's offensive forces which were now retreating. It turned into a rout, with the Zulus dying.
Then Lee turned his attention to the remaining Zulu cities. Amazingly, ancient Impi units, which Lee had thought were now antiques consigned to the Museum of Zimbabwe, now rushed out to set up a quick and flexible defensive line.
Pikemen regiments were the main city guard, to Lee's amazement.
The American cavalry rushed at the Impi, puncturing the line, and breaking through into its rear. The Zulu's plan to make contact then move back to form another defensive line was defeated, as the line broke, and didn't hold.
The cavalry rushed around in the Zulu rear, causing havoc, and routing most of the Impi units. A brave few made it back to Zimbabwe.
Lee decided not to press his advantage quickly and risk the lives of more of his men. He waited for his cannons to arrive, which they did, along with some riflemen to garrison any captured cities and to defend the cannon.
The bombardment of the Zulu cities lasted for days, hundreds of cannonballs being fired into them.
Then, when most of the walls were destroyed, Lee gave the order to advance. The cavalry charged in, and overwhelmed the Zulu defenders.
It wasn't a battle, Lee decided. It was a slaughter.
The English eventually took Rome, forcing Mussolini to flee to Antium. The Romans eventually destroyed the Japanese.
The Russians managed to take Cairo from the Egyptians before a peace treaty was signed, and the English sued for peace soon after.
The War of Unfinished Business was over.
The world after the War of Unfinished Business.
Another part may follow later tonight.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 17, 2002, 21:04
Local Time: 06:43
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 178
Great story so far. A picture tells a thousand words. I wish other stories also contained pictures especially all those succession games that go on.
February 17, 2002, 22:04
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Great story!  I especially like your anachronisms!
Nazis with spearmen...
Can't wait for more!
February 17, 2002, 22:20
Local Time: 14:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
Yeah, pictures are cool... I might scan some of my pictures, and put them up, because I have one relating to my Drakonian Story.
February 18, 2002, 16:36
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Ghandi smiled at his masterplan. Yes, the United Nations was now formed, but it was not enough. NATO, made up of England and the United States undermined the UN, and the Warsaw Pact of Russia, Rome and Egypt was a counter to NATO, forever risking a war between them. Only India stood, alone, as a peaceful nation.
The only reason that the nations hadn't fought since the War of Unfinished Business was that not long after, before the nations had rebuilt their military, the atom was split. It enabled the creation of a terrible new weapon, the nuclear missile.
India was now the only country without ICBMs, although even Ghandi had tactical nuclear missiles and cruise missiles, just to counter any threat.
But Ghandi's plan would change all that. He was sick of the selfish leaders of the world not uniting in true peace. He would have liked the people of the world to rise up to place themselves under his peaceful rule, but they had grown too fond of their countries.
But it wouldn't be for long.
"Is our agent in Edo ready?" Ghandi asked his Director of Intelligence. They had been unable to get an agent close enough to the paranoid Mussolini to assassinate him, but they did have an agent now as Commanding General of the Japanese Military District, who was second only to Mussolini, who was Commanding General of the Roman Military District, and the Vice President.
Ghandi now also had agents in Washington, very close to Roosevelt, Moscow, in the Politburo which helped Stalin run the country, Thebes, as a lover to Cleopatra herself, and in London, a very senior official.
The other leaders were all at a meeting in Rome now to discuss reducing the number of ICBMs each country had, in an effort to stop any nuclear war. Of course each country would keep their tactical nukes, they had to have some protection, right?
Pathetic, Ghandi thought. They were more worried about their country than the wellbeing of the world.
"Yes sir," came the now reply to the now forgotten question.
"Will he do it?" Ghandi asked.
"Yes sir. He will."
Roosevelt relaxed on Air Force One on his way home from the meeting. It had resulted in an amazing treaty, that all ICBMs worldwide were going to be put out of use. The leaders had faxed ahead, and now, for the first time in years, there were no ICBMs pointed at any city in the world. All had been dismantled.
"Sir! We have been locked onto by Roman SAMs based in Tokyo!" an aide rushed in from the front.
Roosevelt unhooked his chair from the floor, and wheeled it into the cockpit, and hooked it up once more to the floor in there.
"All passengers must take their seats and fasten their safety harnesses." the pilot said over the intercom.
Roosevelt fastened his, and sat back to watch the pilots at work.
"Sir, we have two SAMs fired at us! Authorising countermeasures now!" the pilot shouted.
Air Force One went into a steep dive, causing one surface to air missile to miss. But the other SAM ploughed straight into the rear of the plane, causing major damage.
"Sir, we're going down in the Central Ocean!" the pilot looked stricken.
"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister to see you."
"Let him in." Elizabeth nodded.
The grand doors opened, and Prime Minister Oliver Cromwell marched in.
"Your Majesty, I regret to inform you that you are no longer fit to rule. With the support of every MP, and most of the armed forces, I am taking over control of the country as President." he said quickly, pointing a gun at Elizabeth.
"I am afraid you are wrong, dear Cromwell." M, Director of MI6 stepped out from behind the throne. "You see dear, we anticipated your plans. The Indians may think us fools, but I surprised you underestimated us as much as they did. Do you think we did not know of Ghandi's plan to overthrow the Queen? And you might as well drop the gun, it's loaded with blanks."
Cromwell fired a shot at M to test. She was right.
Then the Duke of Wellington stepped out from the shadows.
"We have the SAS positioned in this room." he gestured, as the SAS men slowly creeped forward from behind the huge curtains. "It would be wise to surrender now."
Cromwell ran for the door, his SAS training showing as he dodged bullet after bullet.
"I have the support of three out of the five regiments defending London!" he roared. "I will overthrow you by force if necessary!"
Then he ran out through the huge doors.
"Get him!" Wellington ordered.
Cleopatra wasn't even awake when the blade plunged into her back, piercing her heart. Her lover crept away quietly, leaving Egypt a nation leaderless and in disorder.
The three Politburo members burst into Stalin's office in the Kremlin.
"What?!" he roared.
"A fellow Politburo member went crazy, and killed the rest of them! We managed to escape by shooting him! We are the only survivors!" one managed to say.
"Where?" Stalin demanded.
"In the main chamber."
Stalin rushed out to see the bullet ridden bodies in the main chamber of the Kremlin.
Then he felt the gun to his neck.
"After the tragic event of Stalin trying to kill his own Politburo, the surviving members decided to take control." one spoke in his ear, like a news broadcast.
"He will be tried for treason outside the Kremlin tomorrow."
The map is unchanged for now, and this story will continue tomorrow or the next night.
Nemesis(AKA Chris)
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 23, 2002, 13:45
Local Time: 14:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
very nice story, i love the maps!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
February 23, 2002, 14:16
Local Time: 20:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
"Sir! You must parachute into the Ocean! It's your only chance!" the leader of Roosevelt's Detail handed him a parachute.
"I will not leave all of you to die!" Roosevelt shouted again.
"Sir! America needs you! America doesn't need us! And I promise once you're gone, we will all try as hard as we can to escape! But whilst you're still on board, we're duty-bound to stay with you! By you staying on board, none of us are allowed to escape!"
Roosevelt could see the sense in that, and the Detail chief helped him on with the parachute. He wheeled his chair to the door, which was opened by another Detail member.
The Chief of the Detail held the chair whilst Roosevelt prepared to jump.
Roosevelt saluted his brave Detail, and jumped.
Zhukov adjusted the throat microphone. He hated it, but at least they allowed the Spetsnaz men to speak to each other without actually making a sound.
Stalin was led out onto the wooden platform specially built for the trial.
There was a huge crowd there, but instead of the cheering happy group of people the plotters had expected, there was a huge crowd, maybe of a million people, all supporting Stalin as leader, carrying placards saying things such as "STALIN THE GREAT!".
A voice was heard over a megaphone. It was the leader of the crowd.
"There he is! For Mother Russia and our great leader, CHARGE!" he roared.
The crowd surged forward, onto the wooden platform.
The plotters looked uncertain for a moment, then ordered the guards to open fire.
None did.
The plotters were ripped apart by the crowd in minutes, and Stalin was lifted to the shoulders of two large men from the crowd.
The crowd surged on into the Kremlin, carrying their leader and killing all those who supported the traitors.
"Doesn't look like we were needed." General Zhukov grinned to the nearest Spetsnaz officer. He had ripped off the throat mike.
The Spetsnaz soldiers had been ready to free their leader, with the full support of the KGB. Only a few in each organisation had supported the traitors, and they had been shot within the first hours of the rebellion.
"Did you see the look on his face?" the officer replied smiling. He meant Stalin's surprised look as the crowd freed him. He had been expecting a death penalty and a bloodthirsty crowd. He hadn't committed anywhere near as many deaths as Ghandi hda accused him of, but he had been quite rough with his laws to keep order and modernise Russia. But it seemed that the people were more behind him than he had ever thought.
"Better the devil you know." Zhukov said to himself. He knew Stalin wasn't a saint, but he held together a country which without him would be centuries behind America. His rule also meant that the Mafia which had caused so much trouble in America a few decades before didn't dare to expand into Russia, as the few who had tried had either been shot or were now serving life sentences in strict labour camps. The Mafia in America had caused huge amounts of trouble, until Roosevelt had learned the true extent of the problem. He realised even he was going to have to be bloodthirsty to crush them, and so he had ordered the FBI to use all force necessary to crush the Mafia. Many assassinations of godfathers and the imprisoning of Mafia members without trial or evidence soon stopped the rot. London had fared better, with British crime being ruled by the Kray twins. Ronnie was evil, and sometimes killed for fun, but Reggie had actually brought down crime by making sure anyone who committed crimes without his consent, usually drug addicts, were killed. Ronnie had soon been stopped by Reggie himself, who had got sick and tired of his brother killing innocent people, and had killed Ronnie. This was the act that ended in the jailing of Reggie, and now England was a nation without any criminal structure once more, as it should be.
Zhukov shook his head, clearing it. He had a party to arrange to celebrate the survival of Mother Russia!
[I know Stalin was an evil man, but in surveys in Russia, a third of all Russians still think he was their best ever leader! That means to me that he had the support of the people, as shown in this, and in this story he didn't kill a quarter of the people he did in real life.
I also know that Ronnie wasn't shot by Reggie, and that the Kray twins were evil, but if you ask any Londoner of that time, the Krays actually reduced the petty crimes against innocent people, as they came from the same background, and didn't like anyone harming their own.]
The Yeoman of the Guard, the infantry regiment famously known as the Beefeaters, with their red uniforms and black hats, were on guard at the Tower of London. They were actually a mechanised infantry regiment, with the vehicles being kept in a secret underground garage.
Cromwell had rounded up the two regiments he knew were absolutely loyal to him, and was going to destroy the Yeoman of the Guard. Then, he would find out the true loyalty of the 1st London Modern Armour Regiment, which he thought were loyal to him. And then he would attack Buckingham Palace, and destroy the last regiment of London loyal to Elizabeth, the Foot Guards usually known as the Queen's Guard, with their red uniforms and bearskin hats.
Now his two regiments began to bombard the Tower of London, using the radar artillery attached to each regiment. The Yeoman guards returned fire with their own artillery.
The artillery battle lasted for five minutes, with the Yeoman's outnumbered artillery being destroyed, but taking with it over two thirds of Cromwell's artillery.
Now Cromwell began to bombard the Tower in preparation for his attack. He knew that the Queen's Guard couldn't move from Buckingham Palace because that would leave the Queen unprotected, and they had to defend her.
The 1st Modern Armour regiment had just sent word that it was arriving shortly to support the attack.
Nothing could stop Cromwell now.
"Sir! We have inbounds from HMS Invincible!" the officer commanding the radar shouted. Invincible was an aircraft carrier, the flagship of the British fleet, and Admiral Nelson's own ship. That ship could hold 85 aircraft, the same amount as America's supercarriers which the world feared.
Cromwell had no air assets, as the RAF hadn't been formed long enough to have forgotten its vows to protect the Queen. And the few Navy ships that had rebelled had been destroyed by Nelson in a fierce, decisive and for Cromwell, disastrous battle.
But he knew that the Modern Armour regiment had some SAMs, and they were now arriving behind him.
So he continued the pounding of the Tower.
The Commander of the Guard looked out over the Tower walls. He wanted to fire back, but his men's guns couldn't reach as far as the artillery bombarding them. He had to wait for reinforcements, as he had orders not to leave the Tower, which was stupid for a mechanised regiment which required movement to survive. Over half his men were already dead due to the huge pounding from Cromwell's artillery.
But he had sworn to protect Queen and country. And by God he was going to do that!
"SIR! We have another regiment behind the 1st London! Visual confirmation from our scouts suggest that it is the Queen's Guard!"
Cromwell groaned. That meant that the 1st Modern Armour were on the Queen's side, and that meant a hard pitched battle for his troops. They could do it though, he was confident. And it also meant that the Queen was nearby, which could mean a great coup d'etat.
Then came worse news.
"Sir, we have inbound fire from HMS Victory, which is moored on the Thames refueling!"
Victory was the flagship of the battleship squadron, named for the man o' war that Nelson had won the great Battle of Trafalgar against Rome in. It had very modern computers on board, which could guarantee that the shells it was firing would hit where they were supposed to.
And that meant doom for his regiments, Cromwell realised.
"Sir, we now also have a cruise missile launch from the nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar!"
This just gets better, Cromwell thought sacastically.
The aeroplanes launched from Invincible went into dives to drop their cluster bombs on target. They had no return fire from Cromwell's regiments.
The cluster bombs hit at the same time as the cruise missile and the shells from Victory, as planned.
The resulting devastation was horrific. Over two thirds of Cromwell's forces were destroyed.
"Remember the Queen is watching, so best behaviour!" Wellington reminded the troops of the 1st London. He was in the front tank, commanding the regiment. "Now charge and kill the sons of *****es!"
The tanks lurched forward, and were seen by Cromwell's surviving men.
They began to run the only way they could. Straight towards the Bloody Tower.
"Fire!" came the order from the Commander of the Guard.
The Yeoman of the Guard opened fire, revenge in their minds.
The slaughter began.
"Release the Guard!" Elizabeth shouted from the top of her APC.
The Queen's Own Guard, as Elizabeth called them, began to move. Their APCs were faster than the 1st London's tanks, and could be expected to overtake them to help finish off the job.
M was thrown backwards as the APC lurched forward, only saved by a member of the APC crew, who were used to this. She grabbed hold of a handle, and steadied herself.
She looked over to the Queen, expecting to see her fallen over, or worrying about the rough ride.
But the Queen was standing tall and proud, her hand round a handhold, and with a murderous look in her eyes.
She was going to crush Cromwell!
As the last of his men were slaughtered by either the APCs and tanks or the Yeoman of the Guard, Cromwell slipped into bushes nearby.
Then he saw the Queen's APC, and began to run towards it. He grabbed hold of a rung of the ladder up to the top of it, and climbed up.
The Queen saw him first, but was unable to do anything as he grabbed a pistol from the Secret Service man next to her. He pointed the gun at Elizabeth.
Then M lashed out, her foot hitting him in the groin.
Cromwell doubled over, and the Queen grabbed the pistol from him.
"Die you traitorous son of a *****!" she screamed as she fired one shot into his forehead.
He slumped to the floor. The rebellion was over.
Vice President Paul Adams stood behind the desk in the Oval Office.
"The plane crashed five hours ago. I'm afraid I will have to take over the office of President so that I can retaliate against the Romans." he looked down sadly.
Admiral Chester Nimitz and General Dwight Eisenhower looked at each other, then at Secretary of Defense Robert Lee. All three shook their heads slowly at each other, then turned to Donald Rumsfeld, the Navy airjock who had later become the General of the Air Force. He shook his head too.
Usually the decision would be made by the Cabinet, but they had been on Air Force One. Only Lee, who had been ill, his three commanders of the armed forces, who weren't officially part of the Cabinet, and Adams, who had been left to run the country whilst Roosevelt was at the conference were left.
"We have decided to wait a few more hours." Lee spoke quietly.
Adams frowned, and went back to his work, ignoring the others.
Then an aide walked in.
"Sir! Great news! President Roosevelt has been found! A Coast Guard helicopter found him in the water with a life belt on near Shanghai!" he smiled happily.
"Damn it!" Adams roared. His Detail pulled out their weapons as he nodded at them.
"What the hell do you mean?!" Lee jumped to his feet.
"I mean you are all under arrest, and I am taking control of America!" Adams glared at Lee.
Lee punched him, and was shot in the head by the Detail.
The Vice President had the support of one third of the Army, none of the Navy, but two thirds of the Air Force.
Roosevelt's return to power was a bloody one, with Nimitz, Eisenhower and Rumsfeld's escape adding to the people supporting him.
The Navy's warplanes, especially the long range F-14 soon helped the part of the Air Force which supported Roosevelt to crush the oppposition.
Soon Roosevelt was outside Washington with his troops.
The battle lasted for two days, with Roosevelt eventually winning. But the damage was done, with most of America's armed forces, apart from her navy, in bad shape.
Russian armed forces, with the full support of Roosevelt and Elizabeth, moved in to restore order in Egypt, which was now a rioting no mans land, with gangs trying to take control.
Soon Egypt was subdued under the iron heel of the Soviet Union.
General Benito Mussolini Jr., son of Il Duce, and Commander of the Japanese Military District of Rome, marched into his father's palace.
"You have betrayed me and Rome!" Il Duce roared. "You ordered the shooting down of Air Force One, which now means that the Americans will invade!"
"They are in turmoil, and their President is dead. An ally of mine has taken control." his son replied.
"What?! Are you some kind of moron?! Their President is very much alive!"
"That is American propoganda. My own men have confirmed that he is dead!"
"That's because they are CIA agents! Roosevelt has contacted me personally, and told me what his CIA have found out. That you are planning to rule Rome!" Mussolini Sr. glared.
"My agents would never be turned by the CIA!"
"They are dead! The CIA is sending you the false reports, not your agents! And guards, arrest this traitor!" Il Duce had doubled his guard to protect himself against his own son. He was confident.
He shouldn't have been. The guards stood still, uncertain of what to do. Il Duce had been a terrible leader, losing Rome itself in a huge blunder, and his son promised a democratic nation.
"Father, I am now President of the Roman Democracy." Mussolini's own son pointed a pistol at him and fired.
Roosevelt appeared on TV that night.
"People of America, a great wrong has been done to all the nations of the world by a crazy man. That man was Ghandi of the Indians. Well America is still strong."
The picture changed to two F-117s taking off from an American aircraft carrier.
"One of these planes carries two very accurate bombs which will be the assassination weapons. The other carries a larger bomb which will destroy the palace. They took off two hours ago."
The picture then changed to one of Ghandi's Palace.
"This man killed many. Well as part of the new Roosevelt Doctrine, if a man is willing to cause the deaths of others, then he must be willing to die himself. This feed is live from Ghandi's palace outside Delhi. He is inside in his bedroom, the left most window with the light on. The other bedroom with the light on belongs to his Director of Intelligence, who conspired with him. This has been confirmed by the CIA agents taking these pictures."
Ghandi looked at the screen in his bedroom in horror. Roosevelt was going to have him assassinated!
"Well Ghandi, this is American's answer to terrorists."
The picture showed two dark shapes zooming in, and the release of three bombs.
The two quicker ones headed for the two windows which had lights on, whilst the bigger one headed for the middle of the palace.
"Oh well." Ghandi sighed. "Is there time for a vegetable curry?"
"No sir."
Then the bomb smashed through the window.
"Damn." Ghandi groaned as the bomb blew up.
The same happened to his Director of Intelligence, and then the main bomb hit, and the palace blew up.
"Now a new President of India will be elected, and the American aircraft carrier USS Constellation will stay near Delhi to make sure that the elections go smoothly. The people of India will not pay for their leader's foolishness, as they didn't have anything to do with it. Instead they will be rewarded with a democracy.
"But now to Rome. Il Duce has been overthrown by his own son, who was a supporter of Ghandi. I would usually welcome a democratic state, but not one ruled by a terrorist. So I call upon all the nations of the UN to invade Rome alongside the US and bring peace to that area once and for all."
The US Marines landed outside Pompeii, and along with the 101st Airborne took the city. The Russians took Antium, and the usurper was taken to Moscow where he was shot.
England invaded Edo and Kyoto, whilst the new pro-American President of India authorised Indian forces to take Tokyo.
Peace was restored.
The world after the War of Ghandi.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 24, 2002, 15:29
Local Time: 14:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
February 24, 2002, 19:52
Local Time: 06:43
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 178
This just gets better and better. A fantastic read. Too bad that story contest has died. This would definitly be up there with a chance. Keep going please.
February 25, 2002, 14:32
Local Time: 20:43
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
"Since no other nation is brave enough to take the first step, Russia will take it." Stalin said. "We will firstly decommission our nuclear submarines, and invite UN weapons inspectors into Moscow to watch, and to see the tactical nuclear missiles destroyed. Then, after everyone has done the same, Russia will disarm it's ICBMs, and will expect everyone else to follow suit."
Stalin's plan was to get rid of nukes once and for all. After the Ghandi War, the UN had split in two, NATO against the Warsaw Pact, or England and the US against Russia and India. A cold war had taken place, and with tensions over Antium and Pompeii nearly bringing the world to a nuclear holocaust. That had been avoided, and now nuclear weapons were to be destroyed.
"Agreed." was Roosevelt's immediate reply. The other two leaders nodded their assent.
"Good, the idiots fell for it." the President of India smiled.
"Don't be so sure, remember how your predecessor(sp?!) underestimated them." Stalin replied in his usual gruff tone. "And Roosevelt and Elizabeth are nobody's fools. But I will rule a Russian England, and you shall have what you can take of America before we bring them to a humiliating peace treaty."
"I don't like this one bit." Roosevelt growled. He didn't like surprises, and that was one too good to be true.
"Well, I think they're up to something. I suggest we go along with it, decommission our nukes as they do, but keep some nuclear warheads to put on our cruise missiles to fire at them if they attack." Elizabeth was only too aware how outnumbered England was on land by the mighty Red Army. Just her Central Sea Fleet could crush the Russian and Indian navies combined, but her air force was only just that of the Russians, except her new F-117 stealth fighters and B-2 bombers purchased from America. They could inflict significant damage on Russia.
"That's underhand, backstabbing, cruel, evil and misleading!" Roosevelt replied. "I love it!"
Roosevelt was aware that America's armed forces were the most advanced in the world, but since reaching the pinnacle of mankind's evolution, other nations were catching up. That meant that India's army, which outnumbered the American one, was soon going to be as advanced as the US Army. That was bad news, and was the reason Roosevelt had increased spending on defensive units. The US Navy was the second largest afloat after the Royal Navy, but outnumbered everyone in aircraft carriers. Just the F-15s launching from the carriers could destroy India's air force, and the extra planes that were based on land would just make the pounding that India received even more severe. But planes couldn't stop an army, which was Roosevelt's major problem.
"There is one other way though." he grinned as he thought of it. "The UN has huge amounts of money pumped into it, and it is made up of ex-Roman citizens, which we have made sure have loyalty to no-one but the UN."
Elizabeth looked startled. The UN couldn't be abused in such a way!
Then Roosevelt explained.
The four leaders signed the treaty that would ban nuclear weapons worldwide. Then each leader also signed a document each that allowed weapons inspectors in to their country to observe the destruction of the weapons.
Then the leaders sat back around the table.
"Now, I think we should call a vote for Secretary General of the United Nations." Elizabeth smiled wickedly as she said it, unnerving Stalin.
But the Indian premier was flushed with his success.
"Okay, but you know what happens. Always we vote for our opposite number in our alliances, as we aren't allowed to vote for ourselves, and we don't want a leader from the opposite alliance to hold that position."
"I think you may find it is slightly different this time." Roosevelt grinned, holding up the contract that the Indian President had signed. "In here is a clause saying that you realise that an official elected every four years cannot decide in the election of a Secretary General because you are not in power long enough to guarantee that your vote is in your country's best interest."
"What?! That makes no sense!" the Indian premier roared.
"Sorry buddy, you're out of this voting." Roosevelt smiled.
Stalin looked grimly at Roosevelt, knowing he had only two choices now in the voting. Elizabeth or Roosevelt.
"I vote for Roosevelt." he snarled the word as if it were a curse.
"As do I." Elizabeth winked at Roosvelt. "Roosevelt is elected Secretary General of the United Nations by a majority of two to one." She hadn't even waited for Roosevelt's vote, which wouldn't have mattered anyway.
"Thankyou for your vote of confidence, Joseph." Roosevelt grinned wolfishly at Stalin.
Stalin just glared. Now with the UN's military might behind NATO, his plan would fail. He could no longer invade England.
[sorry to end it so boringly guys, but it's how it really ended, and to continue playing it after a win or loss is stupid, and I have now started a world map game which you may all find interesting]
[Anyway, as you can assume from this, I won a diplomatic victory, which I was surprised at because Russia hated me, but voted for me!]
Thanks for reading!
Nemesis AKA Chris
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
March 16, 2002, 00:57
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 1, 2002, 23:19
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BUMP because this is in the story contest
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 7, 2002, 09:08
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 15, 2002, 16:49
Local Time: 14:43
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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bump for story contest---THis story is in the finals!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
January 7, 2003, 11:56
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Location: Arizona
Posts: 476
Come on, man, where's the other story?
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)
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