October 15, 2000, 15:46
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As I said before, Hannibal, each city could be worked like Seven Kingdoms with 'governors',
or you could make 'generals' for your army, based on the game by Sega with the leaders heads
as leaders... I can't remember the name... Dictator or something
Limiting aircraft, aircraft would be built as in Age of Empires format and Command and
Conquer. Crashing would be simulated by when the time bar for fuel on the aircraft runs
out and they have not had a mid-air refueling or have landed in one of your bases, they
would crash.
Tax collecting would be done every few minutes as years pass.
Cutting Multi-player is one of the reasons that this would be good... Oh yes you could
technically auto-play the entire game but where is the fun in that; this would only allow you
the 'option' to multiplay either the infastructure mangaement or the war management... You would
still have to do diplomacy, civilization, taxes and other important micromangements that make
the game fun.
October 15, 2000, 18:55
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Well, you certainly seem to have it all worked out DarkCloud. I think you Real Time guys should have your own Real Time civ. As long as I get my turn-based version, I don't mind.
"...The highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's plans; next is to attack their alliances; next to attack their army; and the lowest is to attack their fortified cities." - Sun Tzu
Dom Pedro II.... aka Hannibal3
October 16, 2000, 21:38
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Yes Dom Pedro- that is exactly what I have been proposing
November 13, 2000, 22:07
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Monthly Bump.
December 14, 2000, 22:27
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Monthly bump for discussion.
December 15, 2000, 17:39
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Real Time Civ?? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! My God man! That would be sacrilege! Who started this dirty, unholy thread??? Let him be burned at the stake!
December 15, 2000, 19:48
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I would like to know why a RTS game in addition to a TBS game would be sacrilage, please read what has gone before in this thread before being biased by the 'fear that CivIII will turn traitor.'
August 26, 2001, 13:42
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Large 7 Month Bump
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August 27, 2001, 21:53
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If you have read every defense I made for a RTS game IN ADDITION TO a TBS... please respond
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 27, 2001, 22:27
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and would you like firaxis to snap there fingers and *poof* we have civ RTS ? if you havent noticed *prepares to dash Dark clouds hopes* Civ3 is is in beta and theyre not gona turn around to make a RTS *dashes DC'S hopes*. so you can stop kidding yourself now
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 28, 2001, 00:35
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
Urban Ranger-
So what about 'majesty' It could have been done better, look at Seven Kingdoms 2 or Shogun: Total War. Civ RTS would be better than all of those if we submit ideas instead of criticisms.
Who's with me?
I have played Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Enemies and Shogun: Total War. Both of them lacked the depth of Civ.
If somebody wants to make a real-time game out of the Civ genre he has to first make it simple(r).
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
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August 28, 2001, 00:43
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Bump this!
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August 28, 2001, 12:04
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e.g. Europa Universalis
In the mean time Europa Universalis was released. It proves that a strategic RTS game is possible. There is one main difference with (all?) other RTS games though: time speed is changeable and stoppable at every moment. When time is stopped you can go to all provinces, to all armies and change their orders. Also diplomacy can be handled with time stopped. Although some actions can only be performed once a month etc.
In the thread also Roller Coaster Tycoon is mentioned, I think it a nice funny game. But it is really silly that you can't stop time to build (and eventually scratch) a new roller coaster. Building a prefab roller coaster can be done quick, but is not interesting. So also they thought that thinking and gaming should have nothing to do with each other. That mentality leads to all the click-fest RTS games, which have nothing to do with strategical choices.
Some people talked about gevernors. I think they are perhaps useful for beginners. But when I play a game, I want to play it, and I think I can do better than any AI. Otherwise I could better just go to the movies and look at the spectacle. I play games because that gives me the possibility to do something myself, with movies (or books) that is not possible.
August 28, 2001, 12:37
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There is a reason why this thread has been dead for so long, and keeps on dying. Let in die in peace, please.
August 28, 2001, 13:37
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A realtime Civ style game would be great,
I'm working on a big game of this genre thats mainly in Realtime,
and its no boring Red alert clone.
Its called Mantra, and you can pause or slow down the game anytime, and battles go to a separate close up screen, zooming out when new units are moved into the area etc.
Heres some of my Design and Manual txt for a taster:
Strength Amp (Amplification)
200% increase in strength given to to 50 humanoids, if the spell area contains less than 50,
extra strength is given to the people.
WARNING:theres a chance that the user will hurt themselves or others, or break
weak weapons and equipment (like the controls on a compiuter or starship)
when they don't know how to handle such strong muscle power.
Major Primitive Civilisations
MAIN INFO:2nd Universe
General Style: Old Industrial - red brick Factories and Cotton Mills
coal power steam world (1860's style)
Communist government primarily
Current gameplay: A Pre-Contact Quarantined (under Universal Council Mandate)
Tarnastians Primary Star system is on edge of a Nebula in non Primary Galaxy ,
consisting of Original Homeworld where they evolved, and another larger Planet
where another separate Tarnastian State is.
Tarnasia Head (homeworld)
Still has the Kletchen Colony ships AI Supercomputer Module in a Kletchen made cavern under volcano, using
the volcanoes geothermal power to work.
Kletchen Supercomputer Universal Library
Has all the knowledge of the Kletchens, but only tells the Tarnastians about technologies they already
know. Was Given Directives by the Kletchens to 1. only serve the kletchen contacted continent.
2. not help with technologies to do with spacetravel or further
3. only give out limited millitary tech (to stop biowarfare wiping them out etc)
When Optronics has been discovered the Kletchen Library comp can be researched and its Directives Overridden,
allowing the full knowledge of the kletchens revealed(though limit this still) such as:
OR any race with Codebreaking tech(std maths) can break the computers password-
3% chance every year
Bio-warfare anti evolution microvirus breeding - alters offspring of enemy evolutionary, reducing intelligence,
or strength, or sterilises(can't breed much) or makes insane/ psychotic. (This science can lead to good uses
to allow science of SuperEvolution > evolution engineering to help intelligence/strength/bravery genetically etc)
History etc:
Tarnastians did make contact with an alien colonial fleet, of the now extinct
Kletchens, their confederation of 4 star systems having been destroyed by
bio-warfare in a war between government factions. The Kletchen colony ship and
4 Royal Death Guard Battleships (defensive) orbited Tarnasia Head (one-homeplanet) for
14 months trying to resist full contact and contaminating the primitive Tarnasians
they landed in the early rennaisance era of Ternasia, keeping themselves secret to a
small remote continents inhabitants-who seemed more millitaristic and strong.
The kletchians bought Tarnasia slaves and some came freely as colonists to make up the klatchians
dwindling numbers, they also bought supplies and equipment, in return for technologies - mostly millitary
so the continent could dominate the rest of the planet and 'unite' it.
Klatchians set off to find a new world to colonise , colonising first Tarnasia Heart, a second planet in the same
system, giving Heart terraforming equipment to make it a fully habitable world (atmosphere/biosystem).Heart
started as a Volcanic energy rich place with rich burnable methane underground-cavitys and a large cave network. Volcanoes
continued to be a problem, mucking up the CO2 cycle, making the world hot even with the Mythical Atmosphere
God Arks. (as the later more primitive backward inhabitants called the Klatchian Atmosphere Recycler Complexes in
the remote poles)
The couple of advanced Klatchian towns that populated Heart were killed in a rebellion from the larger Tarnasian
colony, they developed terraforming /advanced agricultural techs only becuase of the Klatchian technolgy influence,
otherwise they were primitive and barbaric. They DID develop the Combine Uguali Acid Jet-Cannon weapon, fires
a metal /flesh eating acid more powerful than anything in the universes.
When they remade contact with Tarnasia Head this all changed and they
advanced to their level gradually.
400 Years P.L/PreLanding (0 is when colony ship leaves earth system to the 2nd uni, A.L After Landing is
after Landing in second uni on Riyu)
The Klatchian fleet then left the safety of the Nebula and colonised 2 more solar systems , finally the remaining
2 battleships tried to invade and conquer a small space faring Civilisations outer colony (a beautiful rich
6*earth sized jungle planet just archipelagos and life full oceans.) but were telepathically controlled and
the ships stolen, giving much to their ship weapon tech. The telepathic empire was of the Grey aliens -super
intelligent amphibious small weak aliens known as - The Rarters
The colony
Language /culture:
numbering and rank system are based on parts of their near humanoid bodies.highest 1st-Head 2nd-Heart
3rd- Hand 4th-Foot 5th-Finger 6th-Tail 7th-Backside
MAIN INFO : 2nd universe,
telepathic empire was of the Grey aliens -super intelligent amphibious small weak aliens.
Homeplanet : Fut
a beautiful rich 6*earth sized jungle planet just archipelagos and life full oceans
wild lifeforms:Pantapus -ocean, like huge earth octopus with 5 legs, domesticated(traditionally pulls along a carriage
tied to 3 legs)
Current Status:
Gained a boost in starship esp. weapons technology from the Kletchens
has the Advanced[7/10] Underwater Mobility TECH, and prototyped and built
the Special U/W Mothership the Pantapus, has many of these in the seas
[see mantrabase.txt]
Each city could require some resources and currency to work (paying the council etc) or it only does
things at 50% or so efficiency and has strikes, and unhappiness for those that aren't maintained.
(<-democracy/republic cheap maint as individualistic)
(Hard levels-> ?) have every 10,000 or so people requiring Maintenance.(esp.communist/monarchy? etc)
Some society systems this could work differently.
New colonies could need more mainenance to start with, expensive importing goods to run them
till they get bigger and self sufficient.(more expensive the further the nearest civilised place)
Growth - the closer a colony is to its nearest main city
the faster it grows. Might stop ICS infinite city strategies.
Could link a colony to a established city! -good
Could have bonuses (or penalties) with electricity being needed for advanced societies, to power lighting,
traffic systems, security, research /bankjing/industry nearly everything (not so much growth though)
This is Secondary Maintenance, where each pop unit needs an amount of electricity ,petrol to eiuther stop
reductions in efficiency(after say tech of electronics or electro mechanics[electromagnets] ) or to
increase efficiency from the base amount(might make more sense). Some buildings could require electricity
like aluminium Smelters, Computer research labs? laser defence systems.. Radar and jamming scanners.
Maybe have fundamental Maintenance like water(important esp. if we've got lots deserts/dry tundra),
as well as food
PJ email peter@artpac.demon.co.uk
for more info or if you want to help on this game project (its 20% finished)
August 28, 2001, 19:47
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Splangy yes, but eventually
If you mix Shogun with Europa Universalis, you may get a viable hybrid? A map that is real time, mixed with real time units moving and battling on various fronts
perhaps we should be able to stop the time to build an army when you go into city mode?
Wars on various fronts would limit ICS. Sadly it would mostly be a warriors game, but for the warriors the units would be the same types as civ... sort of like a Wargaming RTS.
The depth would be like so- in the city modes you can build cultural structures or war structures. Cultural structers make your population happy and eventually, more productive (and numerous) in building war materials... The war structures build war materials which are assembled in assembly structures into
PJ wow.  seems a bit like starcraft/MOO.
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August 28, 2001, 19:59
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A thread as old as this has absolutely NO reason to be resurrected. I don't want to hear about civ in realtime, and I don't want to see the word "bump" ever appear hear again?
Am I bitter? Yes. Am I right? As always, probably!
Retired, and it feels so good!
August 28, 2001, 20:04
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It is historical. It was one of my first 100 posts
Anyone can bump any thread they feel deserves the need.
Now scat, heathen chieftan.
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 28, 2001, 20:25
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hey, don't belittle the rank of chieftain, you were once lowly like me too. It took me six hard days of posting to attain my rank. Some day I will Rule this site, then you'll be grovelling at my feet!
Retired, and it feels so good!
August 29, 2001, 00:49
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Originally posted by Osweld
There is a reason why this thread has been dead for so long, and keeps on dying. Let in die in peace, please.
Great point!  I'm with you.
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