The History of the World II was quite possibly one of the most interesting and innovative Diplogames the Apolyton community has yet to produce, including the original "An Open Letter to All Nations." This is not to brag or boast about this game, but it is an important game and should be remembered. No game has spanned such new ground and has included as many players as this one has, truly it was part of the Civ2 MP community here at Apolyton.
Unfortunantly nearly all of the game's threads have been locked out by the moderator Ming. Ming, I know I have been disrespectful to you many times in the past, but it was not personal more in protest.
Now I am pleading with you NOT to close this thread here, I want to keep this game's legacy alive and I believe it would be a great disservice to this community if you were to lock this thread out.
So anyone, to anybody reading this thread right now I give you the archives of the History of the World... (originally compiled by Diety):
The original thread, posted February 17th 2001-
Posted April 11th 2001-
Posted May 31st 2001-
Posted July 14th 2001-
Posted the 25th of August (very short)-
Posted the 27th of August 2001-
Thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed the posts and learned a little bit about diplogames.
Long live the greatest story ever told...
The History of the World!