Sorry for my late reaction, I've been very busy lately, which makes me tired and unable to think clearly about complex problems such as this one...
My solution to the Alexander scenario was to simply make all roads 2 tiles wide, this works as well. In the regular game this doesn't help much of course and you're solutions could well fill this gap. However, the problem is: how do you know the armies actually mean to move in the direction you think they're moving? They might just be passing by and be going in a completely different direction. You could reduce this problem by only teleporting armies that are fortifying. This still creates a problem though: if armies intend to fortify at the position at which they are, they will constantly try to fortify and be teleported, resulting in an infinite loop (at least until they are needed elsewhere or desstroyed).
Although your solutions could help a lot, they don't solve the problem entirely. Therefore, and because there are far easier ways of improving the AI, I've put a general solution to this problem pretty low on my priority list. If noone else does, I'll probably have a look at it sometime, but that could be a long time from now.
If detected, this stacks should be unstacked so AI could be allowed to upgrade those units.
I think we (read: Peter) came up with proper auto upgrade code quite a while ago. I think this upgrades all AI units, including city defenders.
I hope I haven missed something.
You've missed more than you can even begin to imagine...
Still I feal obligated to share some good ideas here.
Those are always welcome and very much appreciated