I am creating a new WW2 scen for ToT.
I need some help
There are lots of things to do
But my english is so bad to create the textfiles in a good context.
At this time I use most of the graphics from Europe in flames(I am a lousy graphics designer)
but rules are changed completly.
I am trying to create a all civ playable game.
Its an very early Beta - unplayable at this time
-New Map 20.000 squares (somebody interested- Most parts (Europe) taken from Ansteig map- bigger atlantic and some parts of US-eastcoast)
-Begin July 1939
-About 250 cities
last night I worked about 4 hours only to change citysizes, Terrain improvements not included at this time.
-Tech path taken from extended original game with some changes
techs beginning with z should first techs researchable in the szen following techs will be renamed
-Manhattan Project included, mass production of A-Bombs should be prevented thru event take technology-collapse
-Civ individual unitssets for the main civs Axis, Allies, Soviet.(I use only 1 set for the complete war)
Another set for Spain, Neutral, Neutrals(Barbarian), Turkey, France
4 generations of Infantry.
5 generations of Tanks
4 generations of Artillery
2-3 generations of fighters
2-3 generations of bombers
3 generations of subs (Axis only) only speed abilities increased
Units are not historical in their strenght but designed to create a challenge for the player
fine tuning when game testing
newer generations 50% stronger than the older ones to keep Sun Tzu (soviet wonder) working properly
All types of units has individual weaknesses and strenghts.
(I dont like the allround attack/defense Killer - mostly Tiger II
-Use spies as recon units. you can buy units from the neutrals, turks, spanish, french to get an better reputation to this civs(event). City bribes are not allowed for human
-Naval Warfare- use a second map layer for hiding submarines (hope this works). Use Torpedos and depth charges as naval weapons - naval units has low attack/def strenghts to prevent ongoing sea based attacks. Torps. and Depth charges will be produced through events.
naval Warfare should be hunting transportsships and subs.
-To get a challenging gameplay human players only get monarchy/republik (Axis, Allies, Soviet), because gameengine is not able to manage big civilisations as good as a human player. So the human player has a economic penalty through the government
All AI player gets all possible governments through event.(negotiation event)
France, Neutral, Turk, Spanish civs has all forms of governments from the beginning.
somebody interested