February 20, 2002, 08:35
Local Time: 20:50
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Posts: 21
MULTIPLAY : The GameLeague is dead , The Battlefield lifes !!!!!
You loved the GAMELEAGUE ? You loved CALL TO POWER 2 ?
Than its time for you to join The Guardians Clan newest feature :
Better, bigger, smarter than the GameLeague !!!
Full automated Ladders, Tournaments, Game Reports and much more ! Join now and get a free account !!!
and dont forget to visit our Clan Homepage :
Thanx for you time.
Napoleon, webmaster Civ3 , Ctp2 , Guardiansclan
February 24, 2002, 04:57
Local Time: 20:50
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Listen, if you want to get a competitive league up and running again, then get soemone to fix the rush buy bug in multiplayer. Gameleague was going strong until the big bug in rush buy was discovered. Activisions refusal to even answer emails about it, let alone fix it, is what killed gameleague and, i believe, to a large extent, CTP2.
I had some great battles in GL that gave me a real buzz but when I discovered how easy it was to unbalance games using the rush buy bug, I and many other lost interest in playing competitively. Not much point in playing if your opponent just clicks rush buy during your turn and turns a settler into a wonder. Destroyed the game altogether.
How about the modders fixing that one and I will be back to competitive playing in a flash.
February 24, 2002, 08:18
Local Time: 20:50
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Posts: 21
Stankarp is right, this damn bug killed Call to Power 2 in multiplay. MODMAKERS, maybe there are some of you out there who are able and willing to fix that bug so that we can play ctp2 multiplay again. Its so said that it is dead because its such a great game. SO COME ON AND FIX IT !
Napoleon, webmaster
February 24, 2002, 14:10
Local Time: 20:50
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Hi, GxNapoleon
I've never played multiplayer so I don't really know how it works. I assume that everyone has to use the Host's files, otherwise it would just be impossible. So I've written some code that prevents the host - and hence everyone else, I hope, from rush buying anything. It's not a proper fix, but I don't know how to begin to deal with a situation where someone can do something when it's not their turn. I can't test this so I need you and one of your mates to try it out.
It's in the attached small .slc file. Put this file in ...\Call To Power 2\ctp2data\default\gamedata. In the same folder there's a file called script.slc. At the bottom of it add the line #include "MultiPlayerCheatWorkaround.slc" as follows:
#include "feats.slc"
// #including scenario.slc here will pick up the empty scenario.slc in
// this directory, unless a scenario provides a file named scenario.slc in
// its own gamedata directory.
#include "scenario.slc"
#include "diplomacy.slc"
#include "MultiPlayerCheatWorkaround.slc" |
Now you need to test it with one of your mates. Start a game with you as the host. (Don't get him to install the workaround.) See if he can cheat, if he can't it works and the next thing I have to do is to try to change it so that it only kicks in when you want to play multiplayer.
Keep your fingers crossed.
February 24, 2002, 15:47
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I'm working on a proper fix. The code is 90% done, give me a few hours/days to work out the details and I'll post it...
Edit: BTW an easier way to accomplish what Peter did would be this:
HandleEvent(BuyFront) 'KillBug' pre {
return STOP;
February 24, 2002, 16:34
Local Time: 20:50
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Location: Gone Fishin, Canada
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I forgot about that event. So what about :
HandleEvent(BuyFront) 'KillBug' pre {
int_t tmpPlayer;
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
} |
February 24, 2002, 16:57
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Unfortunatly BuyFront is the event that occurs when a building is added to the city. That is the reason why rush buying doen't work if you try to exploit the extra turn bug. The result of Peter's first code is that only the AI can rush buy things. Locutus' code will result that noone (both AI and human) can rush buy anything, and Peter's second code has the same result. At least I already tryed a version of Peter's second code last December. So this code should it do finally:
PHP Code:
//These triggers disable the Rush Buy Buttons to prevent cheating in multiplayer
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch1' on "BuildEditorWindow.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch12' on "ControlPanelWindow.ControlPanel.ControlTabPanel.CityTab.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
int_t tmpPlayer;
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch13' on "CityWindow.Globals.Tabs.QueueTab.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch14' on "CityStatusWin.TabGroup.Tab2.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
PS: Untried and untested. Cross your fingers again. This time it should prevent you from rush buying things if it isn't your turn. And you should now be able to rush buy if it is your turn. So I think there is no need to change it so that it will only kick in multiplayer games.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
February 24, 2002, 18:16
Local Time: 22:50
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Okay, can someone explain to me step-by-step how the rush-buy bug works? I wanted to test my code but couldn't reproduce the bug. This is what I did:
1. From the Build Manager (Ctrl-B), added a Granary to the build queue;
2. Added the Ramayana below the Granary in the Build Manager.
3. Went to the Empire screen (F2) and 'Rush Bought' the Granary. (Noticed the drop of 1800 gold from my gold reserve)
4. Went back to the Build Manager and removed the Granary from the queue.
5. Closed the Build Manager and pressed End Turn.
The next turn Ramayana was not built, it simply took 22(?) turns less to complete. So, what have I done wrong?
February 24, 2002, 19:35
Local Time: 20:50
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Location: Gone Fishin, Canada
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I guess it's time to come out of the closet and admit I was born and raised in Canada. 5-2!!! We won the hockey gold medal for the first time since 1952!!!
IW - think Wembley 66
Locutus - think 74/78
Martin - I can't suggest anything to you: you guys win all the god damned time. (Except for Pedro's people)
I'll get back to this tomorrow when I've sobered up.
February 25, 2002, 02:23
Local Time: 13:50
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Patrick, A.K.A. Napolean,
I'm afraid the others are right CTP2 rankings will never be viable until the "infinite builds bug" is fixed. Still, I'm glade to hear the Guardins are still alive and kicking.
You use the bug like this; first you rush buy something (ANYTHING!) then you go to the city manager and rush buy it there too. Then all you have to do is keep your que filled and remember to click rush buy in the top manager each turn and you will recieve everything in one turn for free.
February 25, 2002, 02:50
Local Time: 20:50
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Posts: 733
I understand the rush buy bug only works during multiplayer and only if you execute during the other persons turn. Correct me if I am wrong.
However, eliminating rush buy altogether is not the complete solution. It will require an official patch of somekind and then separate lobbies to play it.
There was a lot of confusion in GL sometime back when people appeared in the rankings and we had never seen them playing. It was then realised that they were playing without the official Activision patch so they were in there own non patch lobbies.
February 25, 2002, 09:51
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Originally posted by Locutus
3. Went to the Empire screen (F2) and 'Rush Bought' the Granary. (Noticed the drop of 1800 gold from my gold reserve)
4. Went back to the Build Manager and removed the Granary from the queue.
I did not know that you can remove an item from the build queque, afterwards you rush bought. But it is possible if you rush bought it from the empire screen and not from the build manager. Another odd behaviour is that the rush buy button on the global tab is disabled once the item just need one turn to be finished. The three other buttons are still enabled.
So far as I understood it you can in MP during the turn of your opponent press the button and the building will be complete immediately. And than you can rush buy the next item, without paying something for it. I was able to recreate this bug in SP once as I played with some code that makes the AI to build a happiness improvement, if the happiness drops under a certain level. For testing purpose I enabled the code for the human player, I rush bought something the turn before and the next item was than rush bought for free.
I think a possibility to recreate the bug in SP would be to write a handler that will prevent the AI from ending its turn, than a you will get a message that will allow you to finish the AI turn. So you should be able to do everthing during the AI's turn.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
February 25, 2002, 10:07
Local Time: 22:50
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Location: De Hel van Enschede
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Euh... we lost in both '74 and '78, still a big trauma over here... (we should have won of course, it was the referee being against us that made us loose in both cases  ). But I get your point, congrats on the victory
Thanks Oerdin and stankarp, it seems I used the wrong description in making my code.
Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
I did not know that you can remove an item from the build queque, afterwards you rush bought. But it is possible if you rush bought it from the empire screen and not from the build manager. Another odd behaviour is that the rush buy button on the global tab is disabled once the item just need one turn to be finished. The three other buttons are still enabled.
I didn't know about any of this either, but found out soon enough when I started playing around with it.
So far as I understood it you can in MP during the turn of your opponent press the button and the building will be complete immediately. And than you can rush buy the next item, without paying something for it. I was able to recreate this bug in SP once as I played with some code that makes the AI to build a happiness improvement, if the happiness drops under a certain level. For testing purpose I enabled the code for the human player, I rush bought something the turn before and the next item was than rush bought for free.
I think a possibility to recreate the bug in SP would be to write a handler that will prevent the AI from ending its turn, than a you will get a message that will allow you to finish the AI turn. So you should be able to do everthing during the AI's turn.
Yes, that would seem like a very useful trick. But as stankarp pointed out, just creating a fix (which is easy enough, simply disabling rush-buy during the opponents turn does the trick, as posted above) isn't enough, you also have to somehow ensure that all players are actually using the code, that's a lot trickier...
February 25, 2002, 13:48
Local Time: 21:50
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Put it in a self-extracting exe, give it the CtP2 logo, and call it another Apolyton 'hack'...
Originally posted by Peter Triggs
I guess it's time to come out of the closet and admit I was born and raised in Canada. 5-2!!! We won the hockey gold medal for the first time since 1952!!!
 Canadian? Oh well... I suppose at least you're not American.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; February 25, 2002 at 13:53.
February 25, 2002, 17:12
Local Time: 22:50
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
Canadian? Oh well... I suppose at least you're not American.
Now, now, Ben, not all Americans are evil capitalist pigs... only 99.99% of 'em
And Canadians are just cute, eh!
February 25, 2002, 19:51
Local Time: 20:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 16
Battlefield is a good thing
Sure you are right. Rushbuying can destroying a Game.
But a really good Player never use this!!!!!
And the Clan are a fair one, we are fair Player and we want fun. This is the Content for The Battlefield. Take a look you will like it.
When another men plays unreal (much buildings and much units) he will be disbanded from the Battlefield
Maybe we can make a rule to disband Wonders in League Games, this will be weaken the Rush buy trick but in Ladder its free for all .
Come enter and play with us:
Thank you MarkyMark
February 25, 2002, 20:05
Local Time: 13:50
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Location: In a bamboo forest hiding from Dale.
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Re: Battlefield is a good thing
Originally posted by MarkyMark
Sure you are right. Rushbuying can destroying a Game.
But a really good Player never use this!!!!!
These is simply not true. A good player, like a good general, will take advantage of all of his availible resources. I rutinely use rush buy to confound and consternate my opponents during MP play; rather then say a "good player" never uses rush buy it would be more correct to say a "good player" knows when to use or not use rush buy.
February 25, 2002, 20:49
Local Time: 20:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 16
A Game has his rules
A Game has his rules and this rules are valued for all Players.
A good Player will win within this rules not outside this Rules. Then the Truth is:
When he wins Games outside this Rules, he lost really.....This is the truth, surely he can do he plays fair but he knows himself he havent won really. And our Rule is no using this Bug!!!!
And this is for everyman.
And Remember:
CTP2 is just a game not more with talk and fun. I like this, winning isn`t so important for me.
Greetings Mark.
February 26, 2002, 09:50
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Originally posted by Locutus
Yes, that would seem like a very useful trick. But as stankarp pointed out, just creating a fix (which is easy enough, simply disabling rush-buy during the opponents turn does the trick, as posted above) isn't enough, you also have to somehow ensure that all players are actually using the code, that's a lot trickier...
I think we can't seperate the players field without this fix and with the fix, so the only sollution would be a code that detects the number rush buy events and point out if this event occurs more than once in a single city during the opponents turns. So a slic spy function, that should also work if it is just on one computer installed. Yeah an alert box that pops up if someone rushed bought an item too much:
HUMAN_PLAYER_CHEATS "Sir, a most troubling developement has occured: {player[0].leader_name} has cheated by exploiting the infinite builds bug."
That should be a nice message espeacily if the cheater receives the message, too.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
February 26, 2002, 13:04
Local Time: 22:50
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Location: De Hel van Enschede
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That's a brilliant idea, Martin  We'll probably need to test if it'll actually works in MP (I have no idea how SLIC code behaves in MP games) but I think that might just work...
February 26, 2002, 13:46
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I ran into trouble with all the begin turn events, obviously most of them are only used for AI civs, and it looks that in SP the Barbarians have the first turn in MP it looks that there turn is the last of all players, that resulted that nice bug in GoodMod about Shadow reported in Cradle, recently.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
February 26, 2002, 13:55
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I suppose something like this would do the trick (untested):
HandleEvent(BuyFront) 'LOQ_KillRushBuyBug' post {
if (g.player != city[0].owner) {
player[0] = city[0].owner;
Alertbox 'LOQ_KillRushBuyBug_M' {
// LOQ_KILL_RUSHBUY_BUG "<Martin's message>" |
February 26, 2002, 17:53
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From my observation I got the suspicion that the RushBuy (when a building is added to the city and not when the button is pressed) event occurs after your turn. So you have really count the number of rush buy events in acertain city of a player during the opponents turn.
Therefore I think if someone rush bought somethging in his turn without cheating, he will be blamed that he rush bought something, but if the event occurs a second time the same city although he hadn't a turn in in the meantime than it is cheating.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
February 26, 2002, 18:59
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Yes, BuyFront activates at the start of the turn of the next player. However, city[0].owner doesn't change so the player who gets the blame is still the guilty one (I tested this).
Still needs to be tested during an MP game though...
February 26, 2002, 20:00
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Originally posted by Locutus
Still needs to be tested during an MP game though...
LOL  Ben and I tried this a couple of minutes ago. It was quite an amusing experience (neither of us had ever played MP before) but since neither of us could recreate the rush-buy bug we just gave up. I think some SLICer(s) should try again with some more experienced MPer(s) sometime soon, together I'm sure we can figure it out...
Edit: D'oh!  I already see several mistakes in the approach me and Ben took. Too bad Ben's not online anymore. Oh well, better luck next time...
Last edited by Locutus; February 26, 2002 at 20:06.
February 26, 2002, 21:44
Local Time: 20:50
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Well, I'm back in the land of the living.
Locutus, glad you got the point. I wasn't very clearheaded when I wrote that, didn't even get Pedrunn's name right.
This is looking good, but like you say it really needs to be tested in a multiplayer environment. Hopefully some multiplayer volunteers will come forward.
February 27, 2002, 07:44
Local Time: 20:50
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OK thats the gauntlet thrown, so what do i need to download/ change in the text files etc to help out?I will only be able to test the LAN TCP/IP multiplayer mode though, will this matter.
Oh please bare in mind that i'm newish to all this text file jiggery-pokey so give me the instruction's nice and easy!!! Oh yeah does it matter what kind of CTP2 i test it on? Vanilla+1.1patch/Craddle 1.2/MedMod etc?
(I hope i can help - and not the other way round  )
February 27, 2002, 19:59
Local Time: 22:50
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Location: De Hel van Enschede
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Welcome back. I guess that was the flush of victory
Child of Thor,
I very much appreciate the offer but it would help an awful lot if you had ICQ or something, then we could communicate the details before and during testing. I suppose email, forums and the in-game chat will do, but you'd have to agree in advance to be online and working on testing the code at the same time. However, the earliest I have time for this again is probably Sunday, so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave this to someone else to test. What needs to be tested AFAICS is the following:
1. A game without extra code, to try and recreate the bug and see it in action (only if any of the testers are SLICers without experience with the bug).
2. A game where only the host has the anti-cheat code, to see for which players rush-buying is prevented and if the warning message is displayed properly.
3. A game where a single non-host player has the code, to test the same things as with 2.
4. A game where all non-host players have the code, to test the same as with 2 (could be merged with 3).
5. A game where all non-host players have the code, to confirm that noone can exploit the bug.
The test probably need to be performed on the original game, to ensure differences in modifications don't affect the test results. The code that needs to be tested is the following:
in scenario.slc:
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch1' on "BuildEditorWindow.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch12' on
when (1) {
int_t tmpPlayer;
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch13' on
"CityWindow.Globals.Tabs.QueueTab.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch14' on
"CityStatusWin.TabGroup.Tab2.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
HandleEvent(BuyFront) 'LOQ_KillRushBuyBug' post {
if (g.player != city[0].owner) {
player[0] = city[0].owner;
Alertbox 'LOQ_KillRushBuyBug_M' {
} |
and in scen_str.txt:
LOQ_KILL_RUSHBUY_BUG "Sir, a most troubling developement has occured: {player[0].leader_name} has cheated by exploiting the infinite builds bug."
I hope I got all this right, it's already pretty late over here and I'm tired...
Last edited by Locutus; February 27, 2002 at 20:08.
February 28, 2002, 17:35
Local Time: 20:50
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Hi Locutus! Sorry for 'that' thread, hmmmm....i think i wasn't thinking too clearly!
Anyway onto this thread. I've got a nasty firewall at work(which is where i get access to this site) so i can't partake of any multiplayer games over the net. However i DO have access to quite a few computers that myself and a few friends play CTP2 on.
So i don't think i can help in the way you were wanting(as you and IW tried the other day). But what i was offering was that if you gave me a set of instructions to follow(which is above yes?) then myself and a mate can play through in multiplayer(local) to test it out.
So this is what i've got:
Load origional CTP2 only(official patch Y/N?) - i guess yes.
try to replicate 'rush buy' bug.
add/edit above SLIC to relevent place.
try to replicate bug/ as host as not host - watch for other strange things.
Sound ok? I think i'll be able to test on friday night/Sat morning and come up with some comments. Is this usefull and are the instructions above complete to try?
February 28, 2002, 18:00
Local Time: 13:50
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Location: In a bamboo forest hiding from Dale.
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Re: A Game has his rules
I am not speaking about using the bug I am speaking about utilizing a valid feature of the game. There is a very pronounced difference...
Originally posted by MarkyMark
A Game has his rules and this rules are valued for all Players.
A good Player will win within this rules not outside this Rules. Then the Truth is:
When he wins Games outside this Rules, he lost really.....This is the truth, surely he can do he plays fair but he knows himself he havent won really. And our Rule is no using this Bug!!!!
And this is for everyman.
And Remember:
CTP2 is just a game not more with talk and fun. I like this, winning isn`t so important for me.
Greetings Mark.
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