On my first post-patch game I rushed a settler and disbanded a city, and next turn the size one city next to it went into civil disorder. I thought that this was kinda strange (it was a newly built city) so I checked why the citizen was unhappy. It was, as the thread title would suggest, due to unhappiness from rushing. Is this intentional to stop the strats tied up with deliberate disbanding, or just a bug? Anyone else seen this?
Your citizens are much more sensitive to brutal treatment then they were before. If you pop-rush, or in general, crack the whip too often, you'll have a lot demoralized citizens on your hands.
...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs
Even with the patch, I don't think pop-rushing is supposed to affect other cities, just the city where you pop-rushed.
I think this might be a side-effect of something else. I know that if you raze a civ's cities, they don't like you. Maybe this is your own civ's way of saying they don't like you disbanding their (your) cities.