War Council
I think a War Council should be in civ3, not just a high council. It would be used for wartipe stuff:
1. When you are going to 'invade' anothers territory, you would have the option of going to your war-council, and seeking advice, there would be 5 levels of oppinion: 1. Totally for the idea. 2. support the idea. 3. doesn't matter. 4. dislike the idea. 5. strongly advise against the idea. The War-Council would be made up of 5 members, you edit your war-council at the beginning of the game, you can choose there names, and there prioritys, what they like, and dislike, there would be 3 different classes of characters: 1. war-like. 2. peace-like. 3. either way. you would use a total of 10 points to distripute among each member, as you see fit. for example:
Member A would have 4 points in war-like, 3 points in either way, and 3 points in peace-like.
Member B would have 7 points in peace-like, 2 points in either way, and 1 point in war-like. etc.
Depending on how you would choose and distripute there points, would be the way they react to things you do during your reign. For example:
you are planning an invasion, and go to the war-council for advise. Member C dis-likes the idea because you put him on more peace-like. but Member A loves the idea because you made him a war freek, etc.
the majority of the members rule, so if 3 out of 5 like the idea, you would get +1 Attack on all the troops you use in the turn that you invade. if the majority dislike the idea, then its -1 to attack, etc. This may be way to micro-management, so maybe you could just edit your own high-council like I explained here, and not have a war-council. what does everyone think?