E-Mail from FIRAXIS on the matter of the newly released civ3 units
I know that everyone here (including myself) hates it when people post emails constantly. I just thought this was too important to ignore.
I E-Mailed Dan Magaha about the units, asking him if the shots were in-game shots. and a couple other stuff as well, heres his answer:
"The Artwork is not In-Game, there are still renderings of the 3D models the artists are using to create the in-game units."
He also said that there would be more new stuff coming after the Holidays:
"Glad you liked the images. Stay tuned as there is more to come after the Holidays."
he also said that the reason for the 'Panzer Tank' was:
"Thank you for the tip on the Tank, I am aware of the word Panzer, but we wanted everyone to know which kind of Tank it was (for those that don't know there Abrams from there Shermans from there Panzers)."
I typed this word for word, so dont ask me if its accurate to what he really said.
[This message has been edited by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto (edited December 20, 2000).]