Someone in the Civ3 forum pointed out that one of the problems of PW over the worker system is that you cannot simpler supply more labour (workers) and get it done in a faster time. With PW, you have to wait the 4 or so turns it takes to complete the TI.
So, never willing to accept that Civ3 is superior in any way

(other than the AI, at the moment at least

), I thought I'd mod a way around it.
This script is the result. Everytime you lay a TI, you get an irritating little messagebox asking you whether or not you wish to rush its completion. If you press 'no', it works as normal, if you click 'yes', it attempts to rush the TI at the cost of ~1.5 times as much PW again. (some are more of a bargain that others) If you have insufficient PW, it tells you so, if you have enough, it completes it.
At present, the mod has to run as another mod through modswapper (prefix PW_ ) because of a small change to tileimp.txt. It should be simple to implement in any mod, so I'll describe how and why.
It seems the CreateImprovement event fires twice a turn, regardless of what is happening in the game, and each time, it attempts to create TI#1, default: an advanced mine. I don't know why.
Unless anyone can shed some light on this, the fix is to put a dummy TI as #1 in the file (actually in second place, after #0. CS...

). If you do this, add the lines CantBuild TERRAIN_XXX for every terrain type. Then it can't be built, and if you copied the advanced mine entry somewhere else, then it should take preference, and the rest works normally. See PW_tileimp.txt in the zip for the exact format.