I'm a bit new to web-based forums, so perhaps I'm overlooking something obvious, but I was wondering if there is a way to filter the thread/post view so that only *new* threads, or threads with new posts appear. Also,is there a way to get the sort order to *stick* once it's been set?
Let me explain: I want to see a forum sorted ascending by last post date, and when I open a thread, I only want to see *new* posts. When I'm done reading all the new posts in a thread, I'd like to be able to jump to the next thread with a *new* post.
I'm already using the edit options for showing posts from the last 2 days. I also understand that I can set the sorting options in the main forum display to give the ascending by last post date, that threads with new posts have a red envelope icon and that I can jump to the first *new* post from there, but returning to the forum main page resets everything to the default sorting/view arrangement.
If I use the back button of the browser, I can keep *my* sorting preferences, but the page does not refresh, and I won't see any new posts.
It would be nice if the new posts search allowed you to restrict your search to one forum, and sort the way I have described (perhaps it can, but I'm missing the obvious?)
Also, how the forums decide a post is *new*? Sometimes threads appear to have new posts, but I've already read them, while other threads I've not yet read appear not to have new posts but do. (Cookies are enabled, BTW in case it matters).
Just curious: how does everyone else navigate here day to day?