
Originally posted by orange on 12-22-2000 10:26 PM
This is not cool at all guys. Yin does a great job moderating this forum...he deserves much more respect than this.
And I saw the thread ContradictioN - belongs on OT 
Well..before you get to out-of-line..Fella..Know The Whole Story..Understand?..this weinie.(Yin..or Yang..).got all over me..maybe he dont-a-speak-a-dah-ENGLISH language too well.I am not sure..but I was having fun with some Australian Dude..NOT making fun of him..just agreeing with him..and YIN pulled his DICKHEAD Attitude out on me..Threatened to Kick me out of Forums..Screw Yin..and Screw his NON-American ARse..I was just having some fun..NOW I am POKING at YIn..Because he is a D-i-c-k-e-y-Dooo ..he should apologize to me..since I wasnt out of line..HE was
Thats My Story..and I am Sticking to it!
You know what the problem with being a MODERATOR..is..They are MODERERATORS..NOT DICTATORS...and should remember that..RESPECT as you so freely refer to it as..IS EARNED..NOT DESERVED..because of a TITLE!!
Respect he deserves..HUH?
Hmm..OK...MR.Richard.Y.(Yin).(Dickey Doo ) Head
[This message has been edited by Troll (edited December 23, 2000).]