I would love to see the developers do both of the ideas below just for the pure fact it would immerse some people like me into the game a lot more. I'm not saying the game is bad without it or they HAVE to add it. But it might be something to consider for people who just love to make their own little Earth.
1. The first thing would be to make it possible to name squares. Like The Blue Desert, or the Manchurian Mountains. It'd be awesome being able to make landmarks out of places!
2. Have the ability to name Treatys and all you sign. For example, you have violated the Peach Peace Pact by declaring war on us, You will be crushed like a bug!
Go ahead and post other things that you think fall under the category of immersing the player in a game. The Civ3 developers can always use a ideas, no harm dome

. If you want to comment feel free!