Good Idea
Maybe we can use this feature in League Games.....
but its hard, it must be an official tested Patch........
Thanks for your Ideas and Posting
//These triggers disable the Rush Buy Buttons to prevent cheating in multiplayer
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch1' on "BuildEditorWindow.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch12' on "ControlPanelWindow.ControlPanel.ControlTabPanel.Ci tyTab.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
int_t tmpPlayer;
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch13' on "CityWindow.Globals.Tabs.QueueTab.TabPanel.RushBuyB utton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
trigger 'TestMultiplayerPatch14' on "CityStatusWin.TabGroup.Tab2.TabPanel.RushBuyButton" when (1) {
if (g.player!=tmpPlayer) {
return STOP;
PS: Untried and untested. Cross your fingers again. This time it should prevent you from rush buying things if it isn't your turn. And you should now be able to rush buy if it is your turn. So I think there is no need to change it so that it will only kick in multiplayer games.