Hello all there. This is my first time here and I am excited to have Civ 3.
My opinion is that we should stop calling Cities, Cities. They were ok for Civ and Civ 2.
These cities are just to big to be cities (when playing on an earth map.)
What I believe they should be called are Provinces or in case for Americans States. I find it funny that we should go to a city screen and place farmers in tiles in a city. Where I live there are no farms. Is there a farm in New York or Toronto or England? I mean right in the city? Maybe they should be called states or provinces or whatever now. We all want more reallsitic concepts now.
Anthor opnion I have is, its getting boring that we can only make one unit or building at a time. Why cant we make a factory and make multiple objets now. The programing is getting alot better now. ( I am too computer dumb to do programing myself but I have seen it in other games where you can.)
Say we have 3 factories in one City (province or state) either making a unit and city improvment or all 3 making one unit together faster.
And anthor thing that bothers me is why cant we research more that one advance? I loved the Master of Orion (the first game) where you can research 6 different advances.
I would also love to make my own units or custimize them. Adds a personal touch to it as in Alpha Centarui.
Have a great day\night and hope to hear your opnions
Your cities themselves occupy the square they are in, and also take into account an area of squares nearby them to be counted as in their influence. These other squares are like a provence in that respect.
Originally posted by Davor on 12-26-2000 06:27 PM
What I believe they should be called are Provinces or in case for Americans States.
Im not principally against the idea. If Firaxis, wants to change the naming-convention from "City" to "Province" - its OK by me. But, its only a minor cosmetic difference.
Say we have 3 factories in one City (province or state) either making a unit and city improvment or all 3 making one unit together faster.
And anthor thing that bothers me is why cant we research more that one advance? I loved the Master of Orion (the first game) where you can research 6 different advances.
Im all for the KISS-rule; Keep It Simple Stupid. So im against it.
I would also love to make my own units or custimize them. Adds a personal touch to it as in Alpha Centarui.
The three unit-pictures already published by Firaxis, seems to indicate that the idea of customized units ala SMAC, is not likely in Civ-3. Personally, i think thats a good decision. Let SMAC be SMAC, and let CIV be CIV.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited December 27, 2000).]