A warriors story.
This is my first story, and my first work of this kind since high school. Let me know what you think.
A Warriors Story
Part I
There was a rumbling within the town. The governor had placed a call out to the people. “We need able men to form a expeditionary group. Your mission will be to explore this lush landscape we have inhabited. Our great ruler Hammurabi himself has requested this.”
Amarri went to his mother. She was a young woman of the age of 36, but she was old and tired. Those citizens who were not part of the Babylon work force, building roads and irrigating farmland, were put to work on the farms. The great Hammurabi said it was for the greater good. Amarri approached her. At 16 he was the oldest of three children. He was the size of two wheat bales stacked on one another and strong enough to lift the same two over his head. His father died years ago, he barely remembered him. He knew as that she might not give him permission to sign up for the mission. He yearned to leave the fields of Babylon behind. He wanted to know what was beyond the lush fields, the cattle herds, and the hills the surrounded Babylon.
“Mother?” She jumped, startled by his approach behind her. “Mother, I have a question to ask.”
“What is it, my son.” He looked her in the eyes, studying the lines on her face. He knew the question he had to ask would break her heart. He knew his brothers were capable of taking care of his duties. He knew his mission was for the city.
“Mother. I’d like to join the expeditionary group. I know I can do a better service to the city.”
His mother stood there silently. Her brow furrowed slightly. Tears begin to well in her eyes. “Amarri, you are a man now. I can not tell you no. But, this is a dangerous mission you are signing up for. Who knows what dangers lie outside the safety of the town.”
“Mother. I thank you for your blessings. I promise you that I will return. This is for Hammurabi, the Great and Babylon.”
And with that Ammari packed and left his only home.
He arrived at the center of the town. Babylon’s itself was a small town. Spread out among the make shift roads were the huts of the general population. There was a town square where The Great Hammurabi and his advisors would come to speak. On the other side of the Town Square there were the huts of The Great Hammurabi and his advisors, and his meeting place. It was but a cave with flames burning within, but it protected him from the elements.
There were many men of the city there for the calling. Young and old alike had come out to sign up for the mission. One of The Great Hammurabi’s advisors stepped out. Amarri instantly recognized him as the head of the town defenses. He thought to himself why is he here? We’re explorers not fighters.
“Citizens! We have called you here to join our expedition force! You will be trained in techniques of combat and sent out to explore our great lands!” Murmurs filled the crowd.
“You may be killed by whatever awaits you beyond the cities borders! I only want the brave to step forward and do your great leader and city a great service! The god ruler Hammurabi will smile upon you! Form a line and step forward!”
Amarri stepped forward. His heart pounded in his chest. He knew that this decision would change the course of his life. If only he would be accepted. There were still many men out here wanting to sign up. The line moved quickly as the advisor and his men simply asked for their name, age, family ties, and job. Some men were turned away and sent home. Others were given a mark and were told to wait. No answer would be given to them until the sun sets in the west. He reached the front of the line.
“16 seasons.”
“None, that I am responsible for.”
“Wheat collection in the fields.”
He was given a mark and told to wait. He would have answer by that evening.