I've been reading alot of strategies on this site and I'm curious as to how you can wipe out your own city. For instance, I have a few cities that really just get in my way and I'd like to get rid of them but there's no way I can seem to do it. I've tried starving them but there's always enough food for atleast 1 citizen. From what I recall there should be a way where the city turns into a settler but I don't know how to do it. Any help?
Drop the population to 1 (by starvation or make settlers) and when it's at one of pop. make a worker. When it's complete it'll ask you if you want to hold production until you have enough pop. to complete it or if you want to abandon the city. As easy as that.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.