December 21, 2000, 17:35
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Poll: Top-10 most important changes
Ive posted this thread to see what are the top-10 of everyones choices for change in civ3. since the other polls only give you one choice, Im giving you 10. Heres my top-10:
1. AI
2. historical accuracy
3. Customizability
4. Diplomacy
5. units
6. graphics (units, map, etc)
7. terrain improvements (bridges, canals, etc)
8. combat (ranged combat, realistic combat, battlemaps, flanking attacks, sneek attacks, ambushes, etc)
9. cities (improvements, 3D graphics, etc)
10. national stuff (borders, governor regions, etc)
well, thats mine, what everyone elses?
December 21, 2000, 17:40
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My top 10:
1. Make It Fun
December 22, 2000, 19:11
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I think the techs and units of civ2 were sufficient... but the AI and diplomacy needs to be dramatically improved.
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)
December 22, 2000, 19:37
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1 - when i first see the game, i want to be able to say, 'thats definitely a civ game', dont change TOO much!
2 - improve ai
3 - improve diplomacy
4 - more ai civs playing at once (15 seems a good number + barbarians)
5 - barbarians playing a bigger role
6 - more tech (but no silly futuristic techs please)
7 - more city improvements
8 - bigger maps!
9 - more realistic ai (so they dont get 'hostile' in just 1 turn, or give you anything you ask them)
10 - better graphics
December 22, 2000, 19:51
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I have to edit my top-ten, change my 9., to:
9. more civs playing at once = larger maps. (combine these 2, so having more civs would automatically create larger maps, since more civs would need larger maps)
then take off the 'cities', now, I think mine is complete.
December 22, 2000, 20:58
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Originally posted by UltraSonix on 12-22-2000 06:11 PM
I think the techs and units of civ2 were sufficient... but the AI and diplomacy needs to be dramatically improved.
I certainly agree about the latter. I would add...
- At least 25% bigger tech-tree, 25% more units and city-improvements.
- ICS dead and buried, once and for all - but preferably not by "expanding" city-areas, or by fiddling with radically untested city-area model overhauls.
- Something thoroughly and cleverly thought-out, has been done about the Bigger-Is-Always-Better empire problem.
- Some new challenging and hardly manageable rise-and-fall parameters; specifically targeted at dealing with those enormous human player Eternal-China-Syndrome empires.
- Military world-domination is now much more of an uphill struggle, with help of whole range of gradually added parameters.
- At least two carefully selected totally new city-screen game-parameters (one of my favourites is the health-concept; which includes new CI:s, and some other nice addons).
- An expanded and much improved economical model, with economical warfare, market-cornering and a nice camel-replacing advanced trade-section (or tab) in that huge city-screen.
- A timeline that DOESNT go beyond 2040 AD. Firaxis concentrates their efforts on a really powerfull and userfriendly scenario/map-editor, instead. Some nice futuristic scenarios is added in the box.
- A new combat-model that have done something about the turnbased Stan & Oliver fighting-syndrome (yet not real-time), stack-able units of course, a combat-screen, and more.
- The interface: Few clicks, few tabs, large manager-screens, standard windows controls, skins...
- And LOTS of minor tweaks and changes - yet not changing for the sake of changing. Not like CTP.
------------------------------------- edited:
- Extensive game customize-ability and tweak-ability of course. Even more then in SMAC.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited December 23, 2000).]
December 23, 2000, 03:00
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1. World Modelling: Spherical please with lots of different terrain
2. Diplomacy
3. A more central economy model instead city-state model would be nice
4. Game scale (more turns, more sub-techs, more civs)
5. Windowed mode (so I can access ICQ, Winamp, SYSTEM CLOCK so I remember to sleep)
December 23, 2000, 12:39
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1. Gameplay
2. AI
3. Diplomacy
4. Trade, economics
5. More civs (but no more than Firaxis can implement without AI/diplomacy/'the game in general' problems)
6. National things: Borders, regions, religions etc.
7. ICS dead
8. More turns
9. Terrain graphics
10. Combat modelling
Comment to many people on this forum:
I don't think history should play a very big part in Civ, because Civ is much about making an ALTERNATE history! Of course Firaxis must have the history in mind when they are making Civ3, but only as a start point.
Who am I? What am I? Do we need Civ? Yes!!
December 23, 2000, 16:19
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Top 5, In no particular order.
1. AI
2. ICS
3. Map/Scenario Editor
4. More Units
5. Diplomacy
December 23, 2000, 20:12
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Just to bring all you newbies up to date...

(27 March 2000, 15:16 EST/Civ3) After lot's of discussion and voting, this is the Essential Civ3 List : the fixes that need be done and the new ideas that must be in Civ3 in order to deserve the number "3" in it's title. The number next to each item is the votes it got in the final vote:
1. Trade - 105
2. Diplomacy - 86
3. Make It Harder For Civs To Last - 73
4. Comprehensive Scenario Editor - 72
5. Improved Road & Rail Rules - 72
New Ideas
1. Rise and fall of Empires - 75
2. Domestic Politics - 63
3. New Modes of Victory - 52
4. Energy - 48
5. Stacking - 46 TIE
5. Religion - 46 TIE
others receiving votes
6. Bring Back News Reports - 52
7. No more Instant City Conversions - 52
8. Amazing City Veiw - 42
9. Faster Smoother Graphics/Interface - 35
10. Multiplayer Startup Option - 26
New Ideas
7. Open Source AI - 44
8. Expanding City Radius - 43
9. Detailed Replay - 41
10. Hex Based Map - 40
11. Simultaneous Turns of Play - 36
11. Different Levels of Cities - 36
13. Recruitment System - 29
14. Automatic Patrolling - 23
15. Tourism - 20
The "official" letter to Firaxis will be sent in the coming days.
(Note: it's pretty encouranging to see that the first two fixes(trade and diplomacy) were already mentioned in Sid's recent message as things where there is going to be lots of imporevment) -MarkG
Also, check the results of this poll.
Not that new ideas are no longer welcome...
[This message has been edited by Kumiorava (edited December 23, 2000).]
December 23, 2000, 22:55
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Well I voted in the poll...
I'm not really as new to Apolyton as my registeration date shows; I first came to the site in August 1999. I first looked at the forums in May 2000 and then joined in July 2000.
December 24, 2000, 03:31
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Up to and included 1 through 10?
*> C-U-S-T-O-M-I-S-A-T-I-O-N power.
But since, i talk too much also...
11 MINUS 10> represent HISTORY in another entertainingly unbeatable revolutionary game.
Case closed, even if i couldn't make it to the March-officially-sent list to Firaxis.
Farewell salute to Hasbro Interactive quickie market investors, maybe NOW the designers can concentrate on the real thing without rigid timelines pressure and "the give us results before quality way of doing business".
December 28, 2000, 04:27
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A improved version of Simultaneous play. The multiplayer community loves it, also a way better TCP/IP play. Currently there is large amounts of lag between players (don't see why since very little info is actually sent back and forth)
GNP linked to Units strength etc. I believe if you have a stronger economy your units should be more powerful!!!
December 28, 2000, 05:34
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Posts: 120
1: Improve AI
2: More units
3: More of everything
December 28, 2000, 17:57
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Well, I also support a
1. Unit Workshop
2. Terrain Workshop
3. Improvements Workshop
December 28, 2000, 18:03
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I fully support you on 1 & 2. Give us;
1. Unit Workshop
2. Terrain Workshop
I don't know about an improvement workshop.. That sounds tougher to implement.
Instead, my third request is;
3. Social Engineering table similar to the one in SMAC. NO FIXED GOVERNMENTS.
December 28, 2000, 18:10
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Both "Unit workshop" and "Social engineering" seems too SMAC:ish in my ears. I believe that Firaxis wants to distance themselves from SMAC-solutions, arguing that "it aint Civ". I tend to agree.
But, then again - what do i know? Maybe...
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited December 28, 2000).]
December 28, 2000, 19:36
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That makes total sense, and unfortunately, I figure there's a good chance that they won't use 'Social Engineering' like in SMAC, but really, don't you find CIV2-style 'absolute governments' restrictive? Or at least overly simplistic?
Besides. If they aren't willing to make changes, then why make a sequel?
The aspect of S.E. that I liked in SMAC was that you could change an aspect of your civ without changing everything. You could take an industrial war-driven democracy, and turn their focus from war to research, and then 100 years later, when pollution becomes a problem, you switch your focus from freemarket to more green-friendly practice, while retaining the democracy and research-driven orientation.
I don't care how they do it.. add more slider bars, or copy the SMAC system outright. But it's unrealistic to have to change governments outright just to go to war. When WWII broke out, the allies didn't all change to communism or Fascism. There were changes in the structure and economy to be sure, but they weren't outright revolts or revolutions!
Ah well. I still have a while to play SMAC and get sick of SE I guess.
December 28, 2000, 19:47
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Oops. Forgot one of the main things I was going to say -
Civ is Civ because it let's you build an empire to stand the test of time - Not because it uses 2d units instead of 3d ones, or because of the way it approaches government types.
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