February 26, 2002, 17:09
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Ich Bin Ein Berliner
[I have found that using a map of the world for this game is impossible as there are many countries in Europe, which on a world map is too small to show properly. So I will once again resort to naming areas, and each country starts in their correct location due to Marla's quick fix on her map. Oh, and I won't reveal who I actually played as in this game until the end, to keep you from guessing what way it might go! Also, instead of referring to cities by the names given to them in the game, I always refer to them by the name of what area they're in, ie; Singapore was actually Oxford, but because its in the area where Singapore is, I call it Singapore. The same happens for St. Petersburg, which was actually Minsk, and others.]
Hitler studied the map carefully. His border with France had a heavy French presence on it, but the first German panzer divisions were now ready, and he had an empire to create.
Hermann Goering was convinced as usual that the Luftwaffe would be able to outclass any opponent, especially France, but it wasn't France Hitler was worried about. Britain's Royal Navy was the strongest in the world, and HMS Hood the most fearsome warship known to mankind. Britain's RAF was also stronger than Hitler's Luftwaffe, but most of the RAF was bombers, whereas the Luftwaffe was a fighter only air force apart from a few bombers, including the famous Stukas and Condors.
Britain's army was about the same strength as Hitler's, but instead of a nation to defend, they had an entire empire, with the British competing with France and the Zulus for colonies in Africa, defending its South American colonies against barbarians, and protecting Australia from the Japanese, who had a rapidly expanding Pacific empire. So really they were weak, too spread out to cause damage. Bombers could sting, but not bite like ground forces. And a navy wouldn't help anything but to stop Britain being invaded, and Hitler's U-Boats would keep the Royal Navy busy.
So it was prepared. He would blitz France, going south using his right of passage agreement to send his army through Roman territory and outflank the French defences. The Romans would also probably get involved, knowing Mussolini and his famous ego.
It had already got him into trouble. He had built colonies in North Africa to oppose the British. They created a huge trade embargo against him, including most nations of the world apart from Germany, which had remained close to Rome, and then the British had sent reinforcements to North Africa and had also sent the fearsome Hood. The two powers had come very close to war, until Mussolini's two colonies actually decided to join Britain of their own free will, overthrowing the fascists. Mussolini had been enraged, but with Britain's Navy preventing an invasion force crossing the Med. Sea, he had given up.
Now back to the current situation, he chided himself. Donitz had admitted that the German surface fleet wouldn't be able to hold out against the Royal Navy and would have to stay in port for most of the war, but would be able to venture out sometimes to disrupt convoys. Germany didn't have enough U-Boats, but was building them at an incredible speed, and they would cause huge disruption, especially to American transports if they entered the war.
The Wermacht was in good shape, with the impressive new Panzers lining up alongside infantry and artillery. The old cavalry regiments were out of date, but would play a role in the war too, stopping any Russian or Greek attack, as both were backward nations. France had a stronger army, but it was poorly trained, mostly obsolete defensive units and with only a few modern units. It outnumbered the Wermacht, but was as obsolete as the League of Nations that was supposed to stop wars, Hitler smiled.
The SS, the three elite Panzer regiments that Germany possessed were going to lead the spearhead into France.
Charles De Gaulle laughed at the British M16 agent's warning.
"Hitler?! Attack us?! Our army is too strong for his measly attacks! Have you seen our defences? Not even the Americans could punch a hole in those!"
Commander James Bond shook his head at the foolish remark. "They are massing in Roman territory. That means they would strike from the South, bypassing your Maginot Line! And the turrets on it can't turn to face inwards, making it about as useful as a Chinese car!" The Chinese had long been the brunt of jokes about quality, their poor workmanship resulting in the destruction of an ironclad by a pirate galley, much to the embarrassment of Mao.
"And how do you know this?"
"What do you think I am? I have just arrived from Berlin with the plans of the German Wermacht. Here, take a look for yourself." Bond handed De Gaulle a sheet of paper with German deployments on it.
"Trés bien, James, but I need more conclusive evidence before I put France on an expensive war footing. And I take it this means that if Germany does attack, Britain will honour the mutual defence pact we have?" The pact that De Gaulle mentioned was now out of date, but it hadn't yet been cancelled. And Britain was not known for abandoning her allies.
James nodded. "And we have the political clout to bring Russia and America into the war. Unfortunately we think that Japan and Rome will enter on Germany's side, and we have alerted the Americans to this fact, as their bases on Hawaii and the Phillipines may be put in danger."
"Telll Churchill 'merci' from me, James."
President John F. Kennedy rose as Churchill entered the Oval Office.
"Welcome to America, Prime Minister." Kennedy smiled as he shook Churchill's hand.
"Always a pleasure to be here, Mr. President. The British weather isn't the best for getting a suntan." Winston Churchill grinned.
"Too true." Kennedy smiled back. "So you have news for us of Japanese intentions?"
"Yes. Their navy as you know is slightly bigger than the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, and yours, which is why we depend upon each other there. That is why I want assurances that if the Japanese attack, we will both honour our military pact."
Kennedy nodded, and spoke quietly, but with force. "America has never abandoned its allies. If Japan wants a fight, it will get one, and Hirohito will end up as sushi!"
Churchill smiled at the pun, but didn't doubt that Kennedy meant every word. "That is good. Singapore is Britain's main naval base in the Pacific, as Pearl Harbour is yours. Australia is also a major British colony, which we cannot afford to have threatened. So I am glad that we will stand together."
The Japanese Imperial Navy had more battleships than the American and British fleets combined, but no aircraft carriers, compared to five in total on the allied side, the US having three and the British two. Britain had a huge destroyer contingent in the area though, for protection against the many pirates there.
Stalin smiled as the KGB officer reported. It was going to plan. Hitler would grind down his forces against the British, French and Americans, the Romans would go for heroics trying to reclaim North African territory, and would fail as per usual, and the Japanese would be beaten by a British, American and Chinese assault. The Chinese had paid heavily in their war with the Japanese, with the Japanese having a large colony in China known as Manchuria. Stalin had a border near to it, and had tanks and infantry ready to invade and take it in his name once the Japanese had been crushed by his allies.
And as for Germany, its Eastern border would be rich pickings for Stalin's huge Red Army, and an attack would please the allies, whilst netting the Soviet Union huge resources. And if he could, Stalin would also hit Greece in a combined assault with Egypt.
Yes, it was going to be a great war.
Emperor Hirohito smiled as the Admiral unveiled his masterplan. The Japanese would strike Singapore, and with it would take some major British warships, including the battleships HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, and maybe even the carrier HMS Illustrious. Then the Japanese fleet would attack the American carriers, and sink them, for what cost Hirohito didn't care. For the Japanese, dying in battle was the ultimate honour.
With only one carrier remaining, few battleships, and only a handful of destroyers, the Allies would be crippled. The Japanese fleet would engage and destroy what it could, and the huge bomber reserve based on Taiwan would attack at will.
The Japanese would control the Pacific!
Hirohito smiled at the thought, and saluted the Admiral as he retired to his bedchamber. Even an Emperor needed his sleep.
And he was going to have very pleasant dreams.
[What do you think so far? This is just setting the scene of where we are in time, the only major war has been the Japanese and Chinese, which has recently ended, but they still hate each other, and the Japanese hold Manchuria. The next part will come later tonight or tomorrow night.
Thanks for reading, and tune in for the next chapter to find out whether the Allies can thwart the Axis masterplans!  !
Nemesis AKA Chris]
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 26, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 15:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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how did you gat that WWII situation set up??????
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
February 26, 2002, 18:24
Local Time: 21:04
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
lol, I must admit that I try to get those kind of situations, usually by alliances and pacts to get the right sides, and a bit of provoking here and there to get enemies to ally as I would want them to. It's funny, I've actually had quite a few copies of famous wars, including one from before I started writing stories in which America suddenly declared war on the Iroquois, and a kind of American Civil War broke out, with only France and my England helpng out, but we were too busy fighting to help the American nations.
Anyway, I was actually stunned at how accurate this game was in terms of some historical fact... The title and the fact Kennedy is in it may tell you one part of the story already.
But then there was quite a few surprises!
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 26, 2002, 19:07
Local Time: 07:04
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 178
This is great so far. A close enough account of a WWII scenario from scratch. Looking forward to seeing what happens in this one.
February 26, 2002, 19:25
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: The College of New Jersey
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And of course, you know that "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" means "I am a doughnut" ...
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...
February 26, 2002, 20:00
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Yeah, that's gonna be included in the story :-p
And it was cause Berliner was a type of doughnut, wasn't it? I'm not sure what type though!
And was it supposed to be "Ich Ein Berliner" or "Ich Bin Berliner"?
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 26, 2002, 22:59
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: The College of New Jersey
Posts: 1,098
It was supposed to be "Ich Bin Berliner"...
I don't know what type of doughnut it is, but my uncle said it was a cheese danish. I don't know who to believe.
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...
February 27, 2002, 13:05
Local Time: 17:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Kneel before Grog!
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Good stuff so far, do keep writing. I'm pretty impressed you were able to get the game to evolve such that you could have a virtual WWII.
By the way, what in the world are the English doing with a city where Shanghai should be? (my guess: you're the English, and you wanted those silks)
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
February 27, 2002, 13:29
Local Time: 16:04
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Posts: 61
The name's Bond...James Bond. 
But, why not Austin Powers?
February 27, 2002, 16:41
Local Time: 22:04
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Posts: 365
A Berliner could be described as a doughnut without hole but instead filled with marmelade. JFYI
February 27, 2002, 19:50
Local Time: 21:04
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Admiral Chester Nimitz couldn't see the Japanese fleet yet, but he knew it was there. The Imperial Fleet had steamed into the small gap between the Royal Navy and the US Navy, widening it, and isolating the Americans from the support of the numerous British destroyers.
And now the Japanese were coming to destroy his fleet. And worse, he had been told to launch attacks upon the Japanese positions in Taiwan using his air assets by Washington, who were angered by the sudden declaration of war, and he had done so.
But now his planes were refueling, right when they were needed most.
His fleet was going to have to fight this battle without any air cover, apart from one bomber squadron based at Pearl Habour.
Admiral Yamamoto sighed as he received the order. He disliked slaughters, which was what this battle was going to be, but war was war. And now he had the order from Kyoto to take dominate the Pacific Ocean with his fleet in any way possible.
He ordered the fleet to battle stations, and the fleet began to move as one to engage the American Fleet.
General Percival felt safe inside Singapore. It was a heavily defended fortress, containing five infantry regiments, two artillery regiments and three tank regiments, not to mention the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious, the battleships Prince of Wales, Repulse and Rodney, and five destroyers. Also, on top of the two fighter and two bomber squadrons carried by the Illustrious, Singapore itself had one fighter and two bomber squadrons.
It also had a huge coastal fortress, and it was a naval base that even the Japanese would fear to bombard. The only approach by land was only a mile wide, by two miles long, and was jungle, without any roads through it. An army would take at least a week just to advance throught there.
But Japanese engineer regiments had been spotted nearby, hacking a way through the jungle. Percival had attempted to send a recon force out to find out what was going on, but they were crushed by a tank regiment, and his planes couldn't see into the jungle because of the huge canopy of trees.
Suddenly he got his answer, as the last few trees fell in a quarter of a mile wide path made by the "engineers" which turned out to be Chinese slaves.
He could now see right through the jungle. The Japanese had cut it down!
Worse, he saw what was waiting to attack him. Five tank regiments, at least ten infantry regiments, four artillery regiments and three cavalry regiments! And that wasn't including the air support he could now see on the horizon, which looked to be about five bomber squadrons!
"Battle stations!" Percival ordered.
The alarm sounded, and men rushed to their positions.
General Rommel was ready to advance as leader of the German invasion of France. He was in the lead tank of the three elite panzer regiments that were leading over nine veteran panzer regiments and thirteen or more infantry regiments along with five artillery regiments into France.
"Forward," he ordered.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 27, 2002, 19:53
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
And thanks Todd
As for Austin Powers, I didn't really like him, I'm much more a Bond fan lol, lots of shooting and explosions, and much more serious war stuff
Oh, and as for the Singapore question, I won't say whether or not I was the English, but I can tell you that the computer made good use of cities on other continents, some even beating the nations which were on that continent to building at prime locations...
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 27, 2002, 21:52
Local Time: 15:04
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
February 28, 2002, 14:13
Local Time: 21:04
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Charles De Gaulle despaired. If only he had listened to that MI6 agent, and ordered a mobilisation, he could have been ready for the German invasion. Not now, he thought grimly.
He studied the map in the quiet of his office, having sent out everybody else to remove distraction. He had once been an army general, and still considered himself one, and was determined to plan this campaign himself.
But where could he get the forces? He had four riflemen regiments, two infantry regiments, one tank regiment and two cavalry regiments along with two cannon and one artillery regiments defending the Maginot Line, and they were known to him as Army Group North.
His Army Group South, only ever having been expected to tangle with poorly trained and poorly equipped Roman forces, was in an even worse state. Two riflemen regiments, one infantry regiment, one cavalry regiment, and two cannon regiments against Hitler's entire army.
De Gaulle was glad he had a colony on Madagascar he could escape to, well away from any nations apart from the warlike but backwards Zulus. And there the Royal Navy, the small French Navy, and the American Navy all stood in the way of Hitler. So at least De Gaulle could have a peaceful retirement...
Stop thinking like we've been defeated! he angrily told himself.
It was now obvious that the Maginot Line would be ignored, so De Gaulle planned to move all of the regiments based there except for the four riflemen and two cannon regiments, which would remain incase Hitler sent his cavalry to take Paris.
The city garrisons were not included in the Army Groups, but each only had two or three regiments, too few to stop the Panzers unless they had been weakened considerably by the French defence.
Now, he would be defending Southern France with two riflemen regiments, three infantry regiments, one tank regiment, three cavalry regiments, two cannon regiments and one artillery regiment.
And most were regular units, he thought bitterly. He studied his entire military's layout, but realised that only one extra regiment could be flown in from the empire, and that was an infantry regiment to help defend Paris.
So onto the air support. He had in the European theatre of war seven fighter squadrons and eight bomber squadrons. Hitler's Luftwaffe consisted of twenty one fighter squadrons and four bomber squadrons.
He would have to call Churchill and ask for air assistance, which could easily be launched from London.
De Gaulle hated begging another nation to help, but it was necessary for his nation's survival. He picked up the phone.
Percival felt a shiver go down his spine as he glanced at the map on the wall of his office. The Japanese held half of Singapore, and were likely to take the rest soon.
He had lost his three tank regiments to an ambush, having sent them out to push back a landing made by the Japanese on the coast near the land bridge. They had died for the loss of only two Japanese infantry regiments.
The little bit of good news was that the Japanese cavalry had been totally destroyed in a suicidal attack across the bridge, for the loss of no British troops.
But they had created a big enough distraction to allow the tank regiments to cross the bridge unapposed.
Then the Japanese had begun their air attack, losing only two bomber squadrons whilst causing huge damage.
Now the Japanese had the main British military base on the island under seige, and Percival could feel the vibrations after shell after shell of artillery fire rained down. His own artillery was returning fire, but was outnumbered.
He walked outside to lead his men in the final defence of Singapore.
The Japanese tanks ripped through the fence first, followed closely by five of their infantry regiments, the other four remaining to defend the artillery.
Percival's artillery fired one last salvo, badly damaging one regiment's tanks, and then fell silent as the battle began in earnest.
Percival ducked back behind the barricade, reloaded and popped back up, shooting some more Japanese soldiers with his pistol. Then he saw the tanks looming up.
It ripped through the barricade as though it was made of paper.
Percival fell back with the rest of his men, leaving their artillery to be captured by the advancing Japanese, who sent it back to join their own artillery.
Then the tanks came again, now fewer in number, the badly damaged regiment having been destroyed, and another regiment was now at half strength. Two infantry regiments had been annihilated by the brave British soldiers.
But there was now only three understrength regiments left of Percival's own army.
A hail of anti-tank rockets destroyed the half strength regiment of tanks and destroyed a few of another. The tanks stoppped, presented with a barricade of anti-tank defences.
Then their infantry surged forward.
Percival rallied his men, and went down fighting.
The British lost all of their men, tanks, artillery and air assets for the loss of two tank regiments, three cavalry regiments, and four infantry regiments.
General Yamashito shook his head in wonder at the bravery of the British soldiers. They had fought to the last man, as any good samurai would. They had his respect, as they had caused losses in excess of what he had expected.
The British naval assets had been scuttled by their own crews rather than let them fall into enemy hands.
But one had escaped, the battleship HMS Prince of Wales.
Yamashito didn't let it worry him. That was now the navy's problem, not his.
Nimitz heard saw the burst of flame on the horizon before he heard the boom of the guns. He counted the time in between, and worked out that the Japanese were closer than he had thought.
The fleet was already at battle stations, and began to return fire. But he knew it was useless. The aircraft carriers were at the moment useless, and he had only seven battleships and five destroyers compared to the fifteen battleships and six destroyers of the Japanese Imperial Fleet.
Then he saw a sight which made his blood run cold. The Yamato, flaghship of the Japanese fleet, armed with huge 18" guns, appeared on the horizon.
America had only two of its Iowa class battleships in the Pacific fleet, the battleships designed to specifically combat the powerful flagships of other navies.
He ordered the USS New Jersey and the USS Missouri, his two Iowas to engage the Yamato.
They opened fire, and a fierce fight ensued, ending with the sinking of the Missouri and the Yamato itself. The most powerful battleship in the world had been sunk.
But it had also done huge damage to the New Jersey, and now Yamato's sister ship appeared, the Musashi, looking to avenge the death of it's sister.
The New Jersey fought bravely, but was sunk by the powerful 18" guns on the Musashi.
Now Nimitz's remaining, older battleships engaged, but the rest of the Imperial Japanese Navy's battleships appeared on the scene. The battle was quick and decisive, with all five battleships sunk for the loss of only one old Japanese battleship.
Nimitz finally sent in his destroyers, which were meant to protect his carriers, as a rearguard whilst his carriers escaped.
It was a suicide mission, and all five destroyers were sunk, but they took with them one more famous prize, the Musashi herself.
Now the guns of the Japanese Navy turned to the carriers. Nimitz climbed aboard a helicopter which would take him to Pearl Harbour. He was more use to America alive, not dead.
As the chopper lifted off, he could see the Yorktown, the last surviving aircraft carrier receive a torpedo to her starboard side, and she keeled over and began to sink.
But then in one last act of bravery, the Yorktown turned to face her enemy, and began to go full steam ahead, intent on ramming an enemy ship.
She did so, sinking one Japanese destroyer before she slipped beneath the waves.
Nimitz just hoped the British would fare better. The Japanese now had twelve battleships and five destroyers remaining, compared to the British fleet's strength of six battleships not including the Prince of Wales, which was currently too far away to help, and nine destroyers, plus one carrier.
At the declaration of war, three infantry regiments and two tank regiments were rushed over the Channel by the Home Fleet to help defend just south of Paris. This force was known as the British Expeditionary Force, and took up defensive positions recently built there. If the French counterattack and defence failed, the British were to hold for as long as they could.
General Wellington watched the battle unfold from the hilltop his position was on.
First the Germans had crossed into France, and then slowed to refuel before the assault. The French had counterattacked, their three cavalry and one tank regiment assaulting the enemy after a barrage of fire from the French artillery.
The German artillery opened fire in a counter-barrage, killing many in one cavalry regiment before it had the chance to attack.
The counterattack was a slaughter, with the French regiments being wiped off the face of the earth for the loss of only two German infantry regiments.
And rather stupidly, Wellington thought, De Gaulle considered that a success!
But then, he thought bitterly, the French were poorly trained in comparison to Britain and Germany's skilled forces.
The French were now being battered, their riflemen having been destroyed for the loss of one German panzer regiment. But the division moved onwards to engage the infantry, finally crushing it for the loss of one critical regiment, one of the elite panzer regiments known as the SS.
A last assault by infantry to destroy the last French regiment, which were in fortifications, resulted in the loss of yet another infantry regiment for the destruction of the French force.
Worse news came from further north, where the Germans had launched a surprise attack using three panzer and two infantry regiments, destroying the forces holding the now-useless Maginot Line and pushing towards Paris. They had lost none of their strength, and the Paris garrison consisted of three infantry regiments and two artillery regiments.
The war in the air was over even quicker, with the German fighters quickly destroying the French bombers, and Paris being bombed by the German Stukas, for the loss of one squadron of Stukas.
Wellington had begun to give up hope, until the RAF arrived on the scene. The RAF consisted of eighteen bomber squadrons and twelve fighter squadrons, not including aircraft based on aircraft carriers.
Germany's Condors tried to attack the British fleet, but the fighters on board HMS Illustrious, HMS Ark Royal, and HMS Eagle intercepted them and shot them all down.
Now the RAF bombers moved in, blizting much of Germany's army, and even attacking Berlin, for the loss of three squadrons.
Wellington was relieved to see that the two elite regiments of Rommel's Corps had been badly hit, as were much of the Panzer force. The infantry had fared better, but most had severe losses.
To lessen the damage, the Germans had split into two groups, one made up of seven infantry regiments and the artillery, the other the Panzers and the other three infantry regiments.
Now Wellington counter-attacked, sending his entire force to attack the Panzers. They were weaker on the defensive, and his force destroyed the three infantry regiments defending them, and using the element of surprise, destroyed the two elite Panzer regiments.
Rommel now attacked, sending his eight Panzer regiments to destroy Wellington, who had taken up position on the hill again after the counter-assault.
To Rommel's amazement, the already battered Panzers were handed their heads by Wellington's small force, with the British only losing one infantry regiment weakened during the counter-attack.
Only three Panzer regiments limped back from the assault.
Now Rommel ordered a huge bombardment by his artillery, but it had little effect upon the well-entrenched British, only succeeding in slightly damaging some tanks.
Then he sent in the infantry.
They charged up the slope, to be met by a hail of bullets. None made it back alive, for the loss of one British tank regiment.
Now Wellington counter-attacked once more, this time confident of victory. The Panzers were caught refueling and repairing, and were destroyed. Rommel's artillery was captured.
Rommel had been defeated.
Wellington savoured the sweet taste of victory, then got the report that Paris had falled.
Damn, he thought. The battle wasn't yet won...
[Oh, and I know those odds sound extreme, but I was amazed watching this battle at how well the English infantry held off the attacks by the already damaged Panzers and infantry! They really did win!]
The Bismarck headed out to sea to begin its attacks on Allied convoys. Little did it know that the British were tracking it with aircraft.
HMS Hood was sent to intercept it, and they met in the North Sea.
The battle began in earnest, with the Bismarck's crew confident that all the plans they had made to sink the Hood would work.
Admiral Barbarossa saw huge clouds of smoke hovering over the Hood as more shells hit it.
One more salvo and she would sink, he smiled confidently.
Meanwhile, Admiral Collingwood was worried. The Hood had taken major damage, and looked likely to blow up or capsize soon. Her guns still continued to pound the Bismarck though.
A shell hit home, straight through the weakened armour into the ammunition store. The ship blew up, and their enemies celebrated.
The Bismarck had blown up, and sunk. The Hood was the master of the oceans once more.
But for now it limped back to London for repairs.
Admiral Nelson raised his signal "England Expects Every Man Will Do His Duty", and then gave the order to open fire.
He was on board HMS Prince of Wales, having saved it from the Japanese by ramming a way through the old galleons which were sunk to try and block it.
He had then ordered full steam ahead, and she had managed to set an amazing pace, arriving at the front of the British Pacific Fleet before the Japanese had been sighted.
Now the Prince of Wales led her fleet to engage the Japanese.
The destroyers raced on ahead, engaging their opposite number on the Japanese side. The Japanese destroyer fleet was sunk for the loss of three destroyers.
Now HMS Ocean launched its two bomber squadrons, and they began to bomb Japanese battleships, damaging at least one.
The guns of the battleships on both sides opened fire. Two battleships had actually been hit during the bombing, and they were the first to sink. Now Nelson ordered each battleship to concentrate on one of its enemy that no one else was firing upon, and for the destroyers to pair up and attack the three battleships not being shelled.
The Prince of Wales's target blew up five minutes later, and she quickly trained her guns onto another enemy. Then the destroyers struck, losing half their number for the sinking of all three of their targets.
The tide of battle was turning dramatically against the Japanese.
Then the Crusader, an older British battleship, began to sink. The Prince of Wales trained its guns on the ship firing on the Crusader, and succeeded in sinking it, but too late to save the British ship.
Finally, the battle was won. The British lost six destroyers and two battleships for the loss of the entire Japanese Navy.
It was a victory worth celebrating, Nelson thought happily.
Britain still had a Pacific Fleet, made up of one aircraft carrier, the Ocean, three destroyers, the Bristol, the Manchester and the Edinburgh, and five battleships, the Prince of Wales, HMS Conqueror, HMS Battleaxe, HMS Royal Sovereign and HMS Britannia.
It was strong enough to prevent any Japanese attacks over the sea, so Pearl Harbour and the Phillipines were now safe, as was Australia.
But Singapore had to be avenged.
Nelson, as Commander-in-Chief in the Pacific, had to come up with a plan of revenge. He contacted the Vice CINCPACIFIC to get him to fly out to the Ocean.
They had a war to plan.
That's all for now, will post more tomorrow. Comments?
Nemesis AKA Chris
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
February 28, 2002, 19:50
Local Time: 07:04
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 178
This is fantastic. I love all the battles and great names for ship and so on. So we still don't know what civ you are playing though. Keep up the good work.
March 2, 2002, 05:38
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I think I know who you are
Money isn't everything, but it's very useful.
March 2, 2002, 10:10
Local Time: 15:04
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But you can't upgrade to UUs (panzers)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 2, 2002, 13:27
Local Time: 23:04
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Posts: 6
You can't upgrade to panzers, but what restricts him from building those? Did the Germans have any riflemen? I only noticed Infrantry. When I have played, the computer always had riflemen, even though it ha better units and resourses for them.
Money isn't everything, but it's very useful.
March 8, 2002, 20:14
Local Time: 13:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 551
can't you see it
Du sprechst Duetsch? Or did you write the German just for the title? But anyway, can't everyone see it? The title is Ich Bin Ein Berliner, which translates to either I am someone from Berlin or I am a jelly filled donut, though it isn't the latter one. That's what some people say, but it isn't what he meant. He meant he was one of them. But anyway, Jaxu is right. He is the Germans. Just look at the title! Also, I am bad at writing stories. I was wondering if someone could read mine and critique it so I can do better the next time. It is called "The Saga of Upper Earth" and isn't on the first page of stories. I think it is on the second page, but it depends on your settings on how much is here per page.
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
March 9, 2002, 00:25
Local Time: 22:04
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That is a fantastic story cbraund
I have no idea how you get all civ to set in the right WW2 scenario, but that is great!
I also think you are the Germans!
March 10, 2002, 22:57
Great story cbraund! You should make it a scenario from when the WW2 began, lots of people would love to play it.
March 11, 2002, 18:05
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 13, 2002, 18:03
Local Time: 15:04
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uhhh...any more coming???
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 14, 2002, 19:03
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Location: because I'm the son of the King of Kings.
Posts: 661
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 16, 2002, 00:59
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 16, 2002, 23:14
Local Time: 13:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
Posts: 77
That was an excellent story! I hope theres more, thats cool that you got everything to work out like that too. Excellent story!
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
March 17, 2002, 10:22
Local Time: 15:04
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His last post was "28-02-2002 12:13
Ich Bin Ein Berliner"...I'll email him, but it seems like he's on vacation away from computers or something...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 17, 2002, 12:22
Local Time: 21:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 77
Anyone who wants to read the end of this story can go to the civfanatics' forums at http://forums.civfanatics.com. I personally think the ending is kinda lame but I got tired of people complaining, lol. It's under stories & Tales and his SN there is uknemesis.
March 17, 2002, 13:30
Local Time: 15:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
Copied from civfanatics, written by cbraund: the end of the story!
Sorry guys, but this is my last few weeks before all my coursework has to be handed in, and I have loads to do! So updates may not be regular. Oh, and I got an A for that Till Death Do Us Part opening chapter to a story! I'm very happy with that , so thanks to you all for proof-reading it!
Hitler howled with anger when the report came to him.
"Rommel managed to be defeated by a small British force?! That stupid son of a b*tch is going to pay for this! Tell him to return to Berlin for court-martial!" Hitler growled.
"Sir!" the aide raised his arm in salute and ran from the room to avoid Hitler's temper.
"Now, we hold Paris, but only with one infantry and two Panzer regiments. Wellington has only two infantry and one tank regiment, although they are battle-hardened, elite troops. We have two infantry regiments moving up to take positions in Paris, which should mean it will hold. Then we can attack once more." Hitler listened as his commanders gave their news, opinions and advice.
"We should still be attacking! Rommel wasted an entire Corps which was supposed to destroy France!" Hitler screamed.
"Sir, that is over now! You have to calm down, what has been done cannot be undone! Now shut up and listen to what we have to say!" Admiral Donitz had had enough.
Hitler looked startled, not used to being talked to like that by anyone.
"Very well." he said more calmly.
Wellington received reinforcements of two tank regiments and one infantry regiment, courtesy of Winston Churchill, who was eager to appear strong and decisive in the public eye.
Damned politicians, Wellington thought grimly. He hated them, except when they did something unexpected like actually give him more troops. But most were complete and utter idiots, apart from that American President, Kenny, or whatever his name was. Now he sounded like he was a stronger man than most politicians.
Wellington's second in command, the Earl of Uxbridge turned to him.
"Think we can do it with these men?" he asked.
"Well, these men scare the hell outta me, so god only knows what they do to the enemy!" Wellington winked.
Then he ordered the advance.
Rommel had escaped north to command the Paris defence. He didn't much fancy returning to Berlin in disgrace, so he resolved to win a victory here.
He saw Wellington's men advancing, and ordered his Panzers to counter-attack.
They zoomed out of Paris and began to advance on the enemy.
The counter-assault worked, destroying Wellington's infantry, including the battle-scarred Scots Guards.
But the Panzers had gone round Wellington's tanks to attack the infantry, and now those tanks attacked Paris.
Rommel's infantry fought a desperate battle in the streets, but two regiments were destroyed. But the other regiment destroyed the tank regiment pursuing it, by using the buildings to make ambushes and using anti-tank mines.
Now Rommel's Panzers returned and attacked the tanks.
The battle was a bitter fight to the death, and eventually Rommel's Panzers were destroyed, but with one tank regiment destroyed and one badly damaged. That finally assaulted the infantry regiment that had survived, and was destroyed by the same tactics the infantry had used earlier.
Wellington looked on in horror. He had sent an order to the last tank regiment's commander to disengage, as he knew that the infantry were well dug-in, despite being at only half-strength. And he had only had a few tanks left. But the damned commander had decided to go for the glory.
If he survived, that commander would be executed for treason, Wellington thought grimly. He saw the Earl of Uxbridge returning with the few people who'd escaped, his left leg missing from the knee down.
"Damned awful." was Uxbridge's only comment as the surgeons rushed him off.
De Gaulle stood on the podium infront of the Arc de Triomphe.
"We have won an historic victory this day. Our cavalry entered this great city, our capital, and vanquished the infantry regiment occupying it. The cavalrymen have all received awards for their bravery, and the thanks of all the French people. We have all fought hard to regain our capital after Germany's sneak attack, and now they will pay for that attack. We will now cross the Rhine into Germany, and destroy Hitler!"
Wellington laughed at the Frenchman's arrogance when he heard it via radio.
Now that guy was a typical politician!
The USS Iowa, nameship of her class, opened fire upon the beach, paving the way for the amphibious assault.
The US Marines landed first, securing the beachhead for tanks and infantry. Then they headed south to secure Naples and Sicily.
The British, led by their Royal Marine Commandos, landed further north, capturing Rome and Milan.
Rome had fallen in one day. Mussolini had to escape north to Berlin, where Hitler began to lay plans to retake Rome in his name.
The surprise attack on Rome, and its sudden conclusion shocked Charles De Gaulle. His allies had acted without asking him first, and now had stolen the glory of his victory in Paris!
He knew his army wasn't ready to go on the offensive, but it must. He ordered his country's tank regiments, only two in number, to join the country's only infantry regiment in an assault upon Frankfurt.
The Allied invasion of southern Germany failed miserably. Churchill suggested an amphibious invasion of Denmark, but it was a catastrophe.
Now Kennedy no longer had the support of Congress. The French attack had failed, and only British and American reinforcements were stalling their defeat.
Hitler was coming to Washington for peace talks, against what Kennedy wanted.
But the Congress wanted it, and were threatening to impeach him if he didn't end the war.
"Damn them!" he thought aloud.
"Yes sir, damn them to hell." Rumsfeld, Kennedy's Secretary of Defence smiled grimly. "But there is one way..."
Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler's limo pulled up outside the White House, and he climbed out to meet President John F. Kennedy of the USA.
On those famous steps, they shook hands, and turned to face the press.
"Adolf Hitler, it is my great pleasure to..." Kennedy began.
Hitler stood quietly next to him, awaiting the beginning of the peace talks that would save the Third Reich.
The people of Europe and the world watched in horror.
"Arrest you for crimes against humanity. You are hereby held in custody until your trial before a war crimes tribunal for your crimes against the Jews." Kennedy held up the photos his CIA agents had obtained of Auschwitz.
Hitler looked shocked, and began to run to the safety of his SS troops.
They opened fire on Kennedy, but their guns had been switched by the CIA during the "customs" seaches at the airport. They then moved to attack him, and all were quickly shot dead by Kennedy's Detail.
"Touche, Hitler." Kennedy smiled at the crestfallen Fuhrer.
Hitler was led away, knowing the punishment for his crimes would be death.
thanks for pointing that out toasty, but here it is so others dont have to go and find it
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 17, 2002, 13:33
Local Time: 15:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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