February 27, 2002, 05:07
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There should be NO replies to this post if I'm right.
Who here IS totally and completely satisfied with the few amount of goverments (as opposed to maybe what we saw in SMAC, ctp, whatever you want) reply to this post and say so.
February 27, 2002, 05:08
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personally I'm fine with the amount of goverments. There are ways to edit in fascism etc with the editor anyways.
there are other features to the game I don't like.
Focus, discipline
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February 27, 2002, 05:41
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I like the government scope in CTP2 so I guess I would lie to see more governments and....
- Fisheries and
- Advanced fisheries
- Advance Irrigation
- Mega Mines etc
this keeps the game competitive and players climbing the ladder of progress.
However... the one thing you can customise in the CIV3 editor is governments.. so you can add your own. And the editor supports a reasonable amount of modifiers to justify new govs.
Of all the lack of scope (and vision) that CIV 3 has.. limiteed choice of govs shoud be of least concern.. at least we can remedy this one!
February 27, 2002, 06:02
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actually, I meant WITHOUT using the editor. some peeps here think using the editor too much (i just use it for grafix only) kills the competition sphere as everyone plays with different rules. others still think that it's  cheating!
Anyway, I agree with exeter, not because I'm such a ctp fan, but because I'm a SMACaholic. In SMAC you had normal mines AND boreholes (ie megamines) AND condensors (ie advanced irrigation, refrigeration).
Why FIRAXIS decided to kill all this stuff that were in TWO of their previous products (civ2 and SMAC) is beyond me.
Number of times I've said FIRAXIS should have kept SMAC things in civ3 on any post or topic: 36. Total number of posts: 58
February 27, 2002, 06:13
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you're right... i missed the fundamental point of your post!
Why should we need to attack the editor to model a level of scope that the developers should have had.
To be honest i've never played SMAC... but i'm sure I would be frustrated at not seeing a lot of it's functionality in CIV3 (lik eI do with CTP2).
I just don;t think CIV3 encompasses all the thinngs we loved from it's predecessors, SMAC (I'm guessing here) and CTP/2.
While I like CIV3... I should love it. Can't help feeling short-changed.
February 27, 2002, 06:25
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yeah... I sure for most of us here buying civ3 was an anti climax. I want to love it too, it's Sid, it's FIRAXIS, it's Civ for God's sake, but it's also missing.
I still keep on playing though....
March 2, 2002, 05:33
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I'm fine with the number of governments. I am disappointed that the ones given are so wussy. I personally think Democracy is a good form of government.
March 2, 2002, 09:11
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Originally posted by aahz_capone
There should be NO replies to this post if I'm right.
There are several replies. Does that constitute a resolution of your post?
March 2, 2002, 14:25
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That constitutes a "failure to communicate"
March 2, 2002, 16:21
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I still keep on playing though....
me to, i am really disapointed with civ3, but for some reason i keep playing because i WANT to enjoy it. i cant though
and as for govt.s the ones we got are crap and usless, in civ2 you were did if you stayed in despotism for to long, in civ3, you can stay in it as long as you want and it makes no difference at all, infact, you might as well just stay in it.
and the editor dosnt give enogh choices, like minimal corruption spread communally, we cant do that, so if you want communal you have to have it terrible still. and therer are other things (no way to punish war with out war weariness, yet this is unfair and stupid).
eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias
March 2, 2002, 17:21
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Originally posted by The Andy-Man
me to, i am really disapointed with civ3, but for some reason i keep playing because i WANT to enjoy it. i cant though
Kinda like drug addiction.
March 2, 2002, 21:35
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Originally posted by The Andy-Man
in civ3, you can stay in it (Despotism) as long as you want and it makes no difference at all, infact, you might as well just stay in it.
Despotism gets the standard tile penalty, which makes every other government way better.
I really dont care too much about governments anyways. Even if they added more unless they add in some new things that governments effect they wouldn't be much different. Every government past despotism right now imo is pretty much the same.. Ya you can research a bit faster with Republic and Democracy, or with Communism you get communal corruption but there really isn't much difference.
March 4, 2002, 16:03
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but the penalties of despotism arent really penalties. in civ2 you rushed as fast as you could to get out of despotism, other wise you were stuck, in civ3 you can stay in it for way to long ad still be a competitior.
eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias
March 4, 2002, 16:12
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Originally posted by Munroe
I really dont care too much about governments anyways. Even if they added more unless they add in some new things that governments effect they wouldn't be much different. Every government past despotism right now imo is pretty much the same.. Ya you can research a bit faster with Republic and Democracy, or with Communism you get communal corruption but there really isn't much difference.
A no-lose proposition...nothing like dumbing down the game!
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
March 4, 2002, 18:53
Civ 3 is a lame duck; I'll have to wait until another developer comes foward and puts out a game that doesn't take backward steps.
With the advancement of technology taking the steps it has in just the last two years, it was very disturbing to see how Civ 3 turned out. This genre of game needs a new 'traiblazer', Firaxis has fallen off of the proverbial horse and is no longer a leader in this category. They kept this game too simple. It looks like they kept the things that were easy to carry over and dropped the ones that would of required more work. Instead of delivering a truly inspiring game, we got an emmisions controlled version of Civ 2 with a new paint job; when I was expecting a completely new car. Civ 2 had four wheels, seats, windshield, steering wheel,........; I expected similar/like items in Civ 3, except I didn't expect them to be dumbed down. I expected an improved version of them and some new fancy stuff. Granteds there was some new stuff (some very nice) but overall, I'm disapointed with the way they made the game. I really wonder if they were all that happy themselves?
Does anyone know of any developer's out there considering(to work)/working on a game in a genre such as the Civilization series of games?
March 4, 2002, 19:10
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I like Civ3. I even like the fact that Firaxis chose to strip down quite a lot of Civ2/SMAC features so that the the AI can be challenging. But Social Engineering should have been the exception to this design rule - it is superior in every respect compared to Civ3's government system.
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
March 5, 2002, 17:07
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hmmm... I don't agree there lockstep. Stripiing down SMAC was a mistake. Hell, I didn't KNOW there was anything to strip down in civ2 until I saw that civ3 hasn't got engineers, refrigeration, etc.
IMHO, SMAC was the most replayable game BECAUSE there were so many options and complexities, each a variable in itself.
That's why the so called drug addiction theory led hard core SMAC fans to become SMACaholics, with SMACdiction to SMAC. Hell even the word SMAC sound like drug. InSMACification can SMACup your whole life.
March 5, 2002, 17:16
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If Firaxis even thinks about making Civ 3 into something like SMAC I'll be worse than Lib and Yin combined!!!!!
Keep It Simple Stupid. The KISS principle applies. Millions (Billions?) of Checkers players can't be wrong.
Maybe someday there will be a SMAC 2, but please leave our Civ games alone.
Sorry....nothing to say!
March 5, 2002, 17:30
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I agree with bigfree1, civ3 in many ways was a disappointment, the only good additions in my opinions were culture, AI and graphics. Everything else were superior in either civ2, ctp, ctp2, or SMAC. They even got rid of some fundemantal civ2 stuff like even the most basic of basic scenario creaters. (yes that was in the orginal version, you could at least put down units and cities, change knowledge for different civs, in fact for those who never owned the orginal version everything in MGE's cheat mode bar is from the first release of civ2.) Things like MP weren't added. Combat was made incredibly more simple (i made a model for it in C++ class in like five minutes) and dumbed down. If you think the armies were new play ctp where not only there are armies but good versions of them (in ctp you not only had to be a strategition but also a tactican. You could defeat superior groups in numbers by having shortranged in the front with flankers on the side and ranged out of harms way in the back. Also you didn't have to pay to build armies you automatically got the ability along with everyone else.) and the government system of SMAC (which far outstripped any other systems government system i've seen yet).
Don't get me wrong I'm not totally against the game, in fact it is an ok game, but i'm very disappointed in its presentation and elements, and think it could have been done extremely better
BTW, MOO3 sounds like a promising game. It sounds as though they're adding a horde of new cool features you should check it out.
March 5, 2002, 17:33
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Since the patches fixed so many of the things that aggravated me earlier, there are a lot of things that I like. One single simple thing remains that really keeps me from loving it: no MP. It's just that simple for me. Its GOT to have MP or it's just yet another dull single player experience.
Oh well, the wife and I will be playing Empire Earth until they finally get Civ3 right.
March 5, 2002, 17:33
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I'm sorry ACooper but what you say contradicts itself. I bet that the majority of people on this board wouldn't mind some aspects of SMAC be included in fact i bet the majority at least liked the game if not loved it.
March 5, 2002, 17:47
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Originally posted by Mars
I'm sorry ACooper but what you say contradicts itself. I bet that the majority of people on this board wouldn't mind some aspects of SMAC be included in fact i bet the majority at least liked the game if not loved it.
Contradict myself? How? My point is that Civ games are best left simple, strategic games, not the crap that was SMAC.
Sorry....nothing to say!
March 5, 2002, 18:05
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Simplicity is both a fuction of the number of rules and the clarity of them- I found SMAC more simple than civ3 because, while there are morethings to do, they follow simple patterns and are sensible. What about a gopvernment just collapsing in the middle of a war, when all cites are in WLTKD? That's chaotic, not simplistic.
Civ2 had far more than Civ, and was a far better game. I don't mind the Unit Gallery gone- for Civ it makes no sense. I don't mid things like the fungus gone and so forth, but the diplomacy and internal management in SMAC was, if more numerous, far more entertaining and player friendly than Civ3. Players had choices in SMAC, choices that allowed them to make their socio-political situation fit to their playing style. In civ3, you must conform to the few given standards or fail. Look at all the crap over MPP and trying to figure out when to go to war with a dem, how long before, if not relegious, to go into a long and sometimes crippling revolt to change over to communism if you think you won't make it fast enought to win with a dem. The whole great leaders! I mean, that is just based on randomness, and there is nothing more complex than randomness.
Social enginnering was a great advancement for TBS in SMAC. That Fixaris got rid of it is sad.
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March 5, 2002, 18:19
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No, You are wrong
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 5, 2002, 18:40
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Godinex why don't you clairfy your stance, kinda left us standing there by not giving us a reason why we're wrong. (Or are you just a spamer  )
I also agree with GePap, the great leaders were often unbalancing as well. I don't think i ever saw the AI come at me with an army. There are ways to make things more optionable, fun and complex code wise without making them hard for the user to understand. The only thing civ3 achieved was a simple code for the basic functions. You can code civ2 combat seriously in less than 15 minutes easy even if you're just a middle of the line programmer like my self. Prehaps even a beginner(that is to say they didn't make it blaringly more complicated than they had to with the results they achieved).
March 6, 2002, 02:58
ACooper, you are WAY off base calling SMAC crap! Have you ever seriously played it, I don't think so, because if you had you would have had more fun with it than you do now with Civ3.
This, of course, is based upon the assumption you're a reasonably intelligent individual. But maybe since you called SMAC 'crap', well, maybe we shouldn't assume too much about you......
March 6, 2002, 10:18
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I can understand some people don't like 'sci-fi' and thus found it hard to get into SMAC and thus never played more then the demo, but if you are in anyway happy with civ2 or ctp you'd put faith in SMAC and learn to love it.
I don't understand how someone wants to KISS. Granted too much complexity can make the chance of unbalancing increase, but if you want to KISS, go back to playing tic tak toe.
March 6, 2002, 10:27
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I have owned and played Civ, Civ 2 (and all its X-packs), SMAC/SMACX, CtP, CtP2, MOO. I gave SMAC a serious try, even bought the expansion pack. I found the replayability suspect because it always came down to the same types of games. Not that that is a much different than most TBS games. The best game ever was Civ1. It was simple yet had many different ways to play.
Before you question a person on their intelligence I suggest you get some facts yourself. I do not like SMAC. Never have, never will. You like it, fine. I come to this board to discuss CIV 3, not some game that is a second rate sister to the Civ series.
Sorry....nothing to say!
March 6, 2002, 14:33
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but i is 2nd rate for a civ game. civ 3 is like the diot bastard son of the civ series.
SMAC was a very involving game that, becasuse of the Sci-fi aspect, i personaly had a little trouble with, but the game was fun all the way through, it implemented many civ3 things properly (borders worked great in SMAC, and so did bombardment). If they just made and XP for SMAC that set it on earth with earth civs in 4000BC, then you have a fantastic civ3 right there.
eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias
March 6, 2002, 16:05
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That wouldn't be too hard, andy-man. Invent the wheel, invent riding, you can design a chariot. Armour it with iron. Put bowmen on it. Using the SMAC style unit builder can work perfectly in ancient times. Don't see why they didn't do it.
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