February 28, 2002, 00:19
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History of the World III - The Story Begins
A journey begun on a distant planet in a distant universe has found its way to our humble planet. The journey of time, the journey of humanity, the journey of civilization.
Six noble tribes have set off on this journey on a planet called Earth. Six noble tribes have ceased their wandering and have decided to seek the goal of civilization. Building cities and striving for the advancement of their race.
The chronicles of this intrepid journey of man shall be recorded here for all the universe, and all future tribes to study, enjoy and learn from. These are the tales of the journey of man. This is the History Of The World.
February 28, 2002, 00:22
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Let it be acknowledged for all time, that 6 great men of 6 great tribes have set forth upon the earth. These men who would write history are:
Chinese - Frank Johnson
Zulu - Kuja
Arabs - OzzyKP
Indians - Dank
Germans - Chris
Russians - Prometheus
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
February 28, 2002, 01:13
Local Time: 15:08
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Posts: 252
*note along with not being able to move diagnoly and only able to use 16 colors, my spell checker is not working, and since i am a horrid speller forgive me.
Ivan walked down the great hall of the Palace in Moscow, he had
just returned from Volgograd to hear the intellegence report on the Zulu's,
and the Rumors of the existance of the Arab civilization, though no city
has yet been discovered.
Ivan for all practical purposes was the ruler of the Russian Empire, he was
the new Emperor. But Ivan was not as naivie as his predisesor, he knew the true
Power laid in teh hands of the God Prometheus, but that was not known to anyone
else nor was to become known.
Immiditly upon arriving intellegence reports had continued to poor in of the
Zulu wealth and power. There technology was vast, thought Ivan perhaps the best in the world,
but they lacked military pressence, in the immidite region, if nessary three Russian divisions,
could decend upon the Zulu city in Turkey. It was an option, the Germans would
be eager, so would the Arabs no doubt if the Russian scouts could ever find them.
A smile crept across Ivan's face, yes he thought perhaps a two prong attack,
one from the hills hills of Armenia, the other would be a German Cursade across
Turkey its self, a brillint plan. But unfortantly he was not sure of the rest of the world.
There were alot of other nations out there, a military strike would weaken Russia.
Somthing had to be done though, It was not so much that Ivan had anything against
the Zulus themselves, but they had emerged from Africa fast and now they were in the northern
spere of influence. In an area that was short of land the Zulus might of extended
themselves politicaly as well as militarily.
That would not stand, no thought Ivan, the Zulu's may remain in Africa, but they
are extending themselves to much, the city should go to the Arabs, and the europeans
should occupy north turky, that is how it should be.
But was the military the answer, that was the question, such a war would drain
resocres of all nations involved. He would write a letter to the Zulu leaders.
*Mean while in the labrinths benith the Russian Palace*
"Excellent" Prometheus thought, things were comming togeather better than could be
expected, the Zulu threat is present and has created a threat by which we can use
to our advantage. Already the Germans and the Russians have grown close.
And already we recive reports that the Arabs feel boxed in. The Zulus seem to be
a capitolist people but they ar already expaning into trouble, I will let Ivan
write his letter as the Zulus will undoubtly reject it out of national pride.
There mere pressence will give the Russians great gain.
A Letter to the Zulu Emperor
To his excellence Kuja of the Great Zulu nation:
I greet you from the great Russian Empire, our past relations have been
cool but cordial in the past. Your nation has expanded from the south quickly,
but in your expantion you have left Africa and entered a territory of poltical
hostility and contested territory. As you can imagine, the Germans from the West,
and the Arabs from the west both wish parts of the territory you have occupied in Turkey. Your city of Hloban will cause you trouble in the future.
It will be your week point in global politics, as as long as your nation is so close to
the Borders of the German Reiche and the Russian Empire our nations can not sit
asily, and while I have not met the Arabs of the Area, they will be hostile to you as they very little room to expand.
You are a large nation, I suggest you give up this city, to us, or to the Germans
or even the Arabs and leave for your home in Africa, shurely the second largest continent
in the world is enough for you. Let us other 4 expand into the largest.
I suggest you give our plan some thought. May our future friendship be long and glorius.
-Emperor Ivan
February 28, 2002, 01:29
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The Zulu nation had started as a small tribe, the Amazulu (people of the heavens). Unified under Emperor Kuja and his innovative use of the camel to travel the great distances of the African desert, the Zulu people have expanded greatly. Having stumbled upon scattered nomads in the harsh African climate, they gladly joined the Zulu cause to even further our young civilization. These nomads have taught us their ways in technology, which the Zulu nation in turn has profitted greatly from. We have already made contact with the Germans, the Arabs, the Russians, and the Indians, who have all signed treaties of peace and expressed tremendous interest in our glorious technology. It remains to be seen who is genuinely interested in friendship, and who is merely eyeing our wonderous cities, but one thing that is clear so far is that the Arab people have been very cooperative with the Zulu people. An arrangement is already in progress to give Hlobane over to the Arabs. We initially established a border between us, and the Zulu people feel that it is best to honor this commitment and trade the city to the Arabs. When the time comes the Zulu people will leave Hlobane and return to their home continent, with great tales of their exploits in foreign lands.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
Last edited by Kuja; February 28, 2002 at 13:15.
February 28, 2002, 16:35
Local Time: 15:08
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After a breif power struggle in the early years of the empire, Lord Dangime came to be the ruler of the Chinese people. This was a time of innocense for the Chinese people who knew nothing of real war, only the hardships of day to day life, and they managed this with a humble and content attitude and lived for the most part ordinary lives. But one had only to look into the eyes of the emperor to know that he was different. To merely state that he was born under the star of the dragon, which means one will live an eventful life, would not be enough to describe the extraordinary life the Emperor has lived. In fact all the mystics and scholars put together cannot explain the Emperor. The scholars say he defies nature, and the mystics say he can speak to our anicestors.....
It was Lord Dangime's will that the Chinese people grow and populate the fertile lands surrounding our home, and to venture into the unknown and return with the stories of the far off lands. The Zhencha were formed and lead expeditions into the unknown. Their discoveries releaved a vast land for our people to cultivate, and knowledge from far away lands. They also told of a people known as the Indians who lived past a vast mountain range. From these people we learned even more about the world and rumors of other peoples in them. The Zhencha then continued on their mission to uncover all the mysteries of the land, while back home in the empire the settlement Xi'an marked one of our first expansions into these new lands. This world is still full of mysteries, but in the presence of the emperor it is easy to have faith. - Jian Fu Lian chancellor to Lord Dangime
February 28, 2002, 16:36
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Leader of the Arabic people, Hamad Al-Khalifa, calls a feast in the capitol city of Mecca to rejoice and hear Saleh Al-Fulani tell his history of the Arab people. Thirty elders converge on the great hall. For many this is their first time inside the newly redesigned hall. Currently the grandest building in all of Arabia, the great hall is the first building to utilize the new method of brick laying. The elders are impressed by the strength of the stone, far grander than the mud huts they were accustomed to.
The elders shake off the sand from their robes and take their seats around the grand table in the center of the hall. Servants bring food and drink and Al-Khalifa, frail in his old age, goes into a long toast. He praises the elders for the support they’ve given his rule, and the prosperity the Arab empire has enjoyed. He then points to Al-Fulani and beckons him to begin his tale.
“Our people are a proud people. A resolute people,” he begins, “from time eternal our ancestors roamed the unforgiving deserts. Traveling the harsh sands with our animals and families, there was no rest from this harsh life. Finally, the young tribal leader, Hamad Al-Khalifa, had a revelation. ‘Our summer lands he says were beautiful lands, with bountiful food and resources in the sea. Why do we wander the harsh deserts when we can settle in one spot and cultivate the land there?’
“The elders responded, ‘It is what we have always done.’ Al-Khalifa was resolute, and demanded our people find a permanent home. The elders tried to resist, but Al-Khalifa’s vision took hold in the people, and they followed his dynamic proposal.
“Al-Khalifa’s vision spread, and friendly tribes joined us in our vision for Arab prosperity. Our bedowin warriors set up our first permanent settlement here, in the great land of Mecca. Others traveled north, to the mouths of the Generous Rivers. With bountiful resources they established their settlement, naming it Kuwait.”
The elders finish their meal, and the deserts are brought out. Al-Fulani continues his history.
“A tribe of bowmen ventured off across the ‘narrow land’ to the Great River as the locals call it. These intrepid bowmen were intent to explore south along its great banks but were surprised to meet dark skinned men traveling north along the river. They were from the great culture of the Amazulu. They told tales of vast lands they have traversed, thousands of miles traveled and explored. After the long journey through the desert the bowmen could not believe anyone could travel such a distance.
“The Amazulu demonstrated their secret. They rode upon quick moving camels. They boasted they could travel through the roughest terrain as fast as most could travel along a river. We were amazed but became friendly with the dark skinned travelers.
“The bowmen and the travelers on camel back exchanged stories of the lands from which they came. The Arab men described the sand storms and the desert and the harsh terrain they affectionately called home. The Amazulu spoke of a lush paradise. Vegetation the likes of which we couldn’t imagine. Huge beasts and vast plains of grass.
“Chieftain Al-Khalifa traveled north to meet with the Amazulu travelers. The Amazulu knew secrets that our wise men had just begun to look into. While we had nothing to trade for these secrets the friendly camel riders taught us the craft of stonework and brick laying, taking in trade a thing they called a “rain-check”. Our men were puzzled why travelers from such a lush land would ask for “rain” from desert dwellers, but the deal was struck and construction upon the great hall began.
“Our grand city of Mecca grew, as did the city of Kuwait. Our people were happy to live in homes and quickly forgot their nomadic past. The Second City then had its own run-in with travelers from afar. A weak band of warriors approached the city and greeted our fierce bedowin warriors. They had come from the east, and from a great river they called “Indus”. These Indians were friendly too, but sought to limit our expansion east. This frustrated our elders and no deal was reached.
“The Amazulu brought tales of cultures far to the north. In lands of frigid cold where water itself freezes and turns solid. These stories amazed our elders, but we trusted our friends. The swift camel riders carried us well wishes from the northern culture of Russians. They seem like honorable, friendly people, and we look forward to direct contact.”
Al-Fulani, his voice hoarse, finally seats himself, his tale complete. The elders, long since finished with their meal and desert rejoice over the great Arabic history. Chieftain Al-Khalifa silences them, and begins to speak.
“I have asked you here for more than just to rejoice in our history. I have led my people honorably, and for a very long time. My bones are weak, my skin sags, and my body is tired. I soon will die and leadership will pass to my eldest son, Salman. He knows much of new ways, and much of our people. He will continue to guide our people to greatness.”
With that the elders rejoice, “Praise be to Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa! Praise be to Hamad Al-Khalifa!”
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 1, 2002, 13:04
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"That fool! Just like our father! Doesn't he see the threat posed by these Africans? Their power has grown strong. These Zulus and their damn camel riders have gained support from all the small villiages in Africa, now they are even turning the villiages in our land over to their side."
"I know sir but they have been good friends, your brother is honoring their friendship"
'Bah, may a camel crap on our 'friendship.' They are just setting us up. Look at how they immediately blocked off the narrow-lands preventing anyone from getting into Egypt and the rest of Africa. They are trying to keep us out!"
"But sir, they said they would allow our units safe passage."
"And what of when they change their mind? That land is rightfully ours. Our people have crossed this desert for all of time and these Jungle Bunnies think they can disrupt our people and our lands? They have no rights to have any troops in Arabia. From what I hear they have lush, plentiful land, why on earth must they keep troops here in Arabia? I tell you they are planning an invasion. "
"An invasion?  "
"Yes, these damn Zulu think they can push around the world. Their explorations have gained them immense wealth, power and technology, you think they'll ever be satisfied? No. They will over run us, we need to fight back and find others who are willing to stand up to them. Salman is too blind to see this. If he won't do anything I may have to take matters into my own hands."
With that Omar bin Hamad Al-Khalifa stormed outside. He got on his camel and disappeared north.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 1, 2002, 16:03
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Location: In the memmories of the past
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The Gothic Storm
How we came to be, and who we are, is a great story, the greatest story ever told.
Our lord, Odin one-eye, one day left Asgaurd, home of the Aesir, and came upon a beautiful maided named Gaia, and he mated with her, as he knew she would give birth to a mighty nation, the nation that we are, the all powerful Goths!
In our homes by the rivers, which we call Europa, we have begun the mighty work set out by our master, and accomplish that work we will!
We shall go forth, as if born by the winds of prince Thor's mighty Mjonir, like a Storm, and all who seek to do us harm will rot, their bones scattered to the winds of Niffelheim, while our dead go to dwell in Vallhalla...Old Norse Myth
Alaric bid the scribe cease the story, which he had heard many times since he was a child.
Like all Goths, he cared not for written words, only for the sting of battle and the touch of wenches, but now, he was saddled with being Hetmen of the Goths, most powerful of the German tribes.
In war, he had forged them into one nation, but he knew the alliance was fragile, the warlike Germans could split off anytime, and it angered him that he must stay in his hut, while others fought for glory.
The four tribes had united, and spread thorughout Europe, and in the course of time met and befriended the powerful Horseman of the steppes men did call Russians, and the Darkskins called Zulus, who are far from their homelands.
He knew not what the future would bring, but he kept seeing the world covered in blood, burried under a Gothic Storm.....
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
March 4, 2002, 11:05
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And now the histories of the Indian People begin.
The Indian’s having settled down from their nomad lives first settle in the great city on Dankville. There their fields of hemp grow twice as tall as a man and all rejoice in the bountiful harvests. It was at this time that a great leader rises among the ranks of the councilmen. His name is GandiDank, his family being one of the first settlers in Dankville. From his grand Palace he directs his people to build and to grow into a powerful nation. Also he sends many explores across the land to map and to establish the borders to his Grand Nation.
The first people they find are from the Arab nation to the west to him. Their city of Kuwait border very close to his lands and he mentions this to their great leader but no borderline was established. Both of their young nations cannot afford a war so they leave the question of border for a later date. From the Arab people they learn their knowledge of the lands east and southeast and are happy not to venture far into their lands. From the east come the mighty Chinese people and a border was quickly set that was pleasing to both nations. From them also they learn of the western lands so they do not venture into their great and mighty nation. As the travel north the weather is not as pleasing is it is at home. The explores awake one morning to white covering the ground and also a meeting from the Russians. After many years on arguing about a border one was finally agreed upon. They refuse to give their knowledge of the land to the north and north west so the explores travel it to learn what they can. After many meetings with them they finally agree to exchanging maps. With all of the land viewed the explores travel back home to report their findings.
This is the first chapter in the history of the Indian People.
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
March 6, 2002, 00:38
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In the many years of rule of the line of Lord Dangime the empire of China had grown strong. Its people populated the great rivers and grasslands. They marched through hostile jungles to bring progress clearing the land, and explored the farthest icy reaches of the continent. However some people forgot the wisdom of the great Lord Dangime. Greed and envy filled their hearts, they were dark hearted men who sought to undermine the will of the just Lord Dangime. A group of trecherous men led by Lao Zhou, a corrupt warlord from the south, attempted to seize power in Beijing. Lord Dangime himself fought the tratiors along his remaining loyal guards, however he was betrayed, stabbed in the back by one of his own men, and so the filthy rats sacked the palace and Lao Zhou proclaimed himself emperor. In the confusion of the battle Lord Dangime's most loyal general, Fei Chan, escaped with the emperor's infant son and disappered into the mountains. When Lao Zhou learned of this his became furious, and ordered that the child be found and killed, and if he was not turned over every infant child would slain in beijing, however so many loyal citzens were willing to claim that their own child was the emperor's son that it became impossible to tell anything.....
15 years passed. They were dark years for China. Lao Zhou lived in excess, over taxed the people, and was cruel and heartless in dispencing his brand of "justice". In this time the emperor's young son had grown into a man, trained by Fei Chan in the arts of war he now knew it was time to return. He brought him before an old blind woman who told fortunes. She told Dangime's son about the 108 stars of destiny, people throughout China that would aide him to regain the throne. So Dangime journeyed throughout the provinces with Fei Chan righting evils commited throughout the land and discovering the 108 stars of destiny, obtaining the loyality of local warlords who knew that Dangime was the rightful emperor of China. Word of Dangime's emergance came to Lao Zhou and he raised a huge army in Beijing to crush him. At the gates of Beijing Dangime's army met Lao Zhou's and routed it, but when Lao Zhou had no more men to fight he summonded demons to destroy Dangime. Dangime's army pressed on and entered the palace, Dangime fighting side by side with Fei Chan and the 108 stars of destiny. In the same spot where the elder Lord Dangime had been betrayed, Dangime confronted Lao Zhou in single combat, however Lao Zhou weilded a dart gun and attempted kill Dangime, but was foiled when Fei Chan blocked the dark with his own body. Fei Chan's dying words filled Dangime with rage and with a swing of his mighty sword he broke Lao Zhou's blade in two. Lao Zhou died attmepting to flee, like the coward and tratior he was, by one of his own demons who knew no loyality......
Afterwards in the great hall of the palace Dangime was proclaimed emperor. Lord Dangime offically created the monarchy of China on that day, the 108 stars of destiny swore eternal loyality to the Empire and Lord Dangime, set out to return justice to the land.
March 8, 2002, 10:12
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Local Time: 17:08
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The Great Pagan Deity, Ozzy, chooses at random a subject to watch from his palace upon Mt. Al-Hamin. He spies Afifi Bin Rehmat in his parent's wheat field near Tehran.
Afifi lays on his belly near the edge of the wheat field. Crawling slowly he inches forward. His mind is keen upon his task, his senses expanded to take in his world. Slowly, slowly he inches forward. Nervous he will get spotted, hesitant he will get caught, worried he get killed. Afifi swallows hard but presses on. Slowly, slowly he inches forward.
Afifi nears the edge of the wheat. Keeping low he hopes no one sees him. He waits patiently. Then it happens, his mark appears in front of him. Nimbly like a cat Afifi lunges out of his hiding place and snatches up Kimal. Startled, Kimal lets out a loud "BAAAK!".
"Oh crap" thinks Afifi. He quickly grabs the head of Kimal to silence him. His target captured he runs back into the wheat field. The enemy gives chase. He runs as fast as he can but he is cut off. "Oh No!"
Afifi turns and tries to escape, but its too late, he is surrounded. Sijad, leader of the enemy steps forward and stabs Afifi through his chest. Afifi struggles on however. He turns around and stabs Sijad.
"Hey! Thats not fair, I got you first. You're dead."
"Nu-uh, I'm still alive."
"I got you right in the heart, you're dead."
"Nay, it was barely a flesh wound."
With that Afifi's mother calls to say dinner was ready.
"Oh damn."
"Saved by the bell, eh Afifi?"
"I'll get you guys tommarrow, just wait."
Afifi drops Kimal who runs over, frightened, to the other chickens in the field. Afifi runs over to the house to have some dinner.
The Great Pagan Deity Ozzy stops watching the scene and decides to get down off of Mt. Al-Hamin and chase some kinky, mortal tail.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 16, 2002, 21:52
Local Time: 21:08
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: in your mouth
Posts: 159
An insight into Zulu Etiquette
The Greeting: Sawubona (I see you), response: Yebo, Sawubona, the person of the higher standing greeting the inferior member.
Excessive eye contact is considered to be provocative and is avoided, particularly between women and men.
The Handshake: Firstly the conventional shake, then clasping thumbs around thumbs and finally another conventional handshake.
Food: The men are served according to their standing, then the women, then the children, boys before girls.
Walking: Wives walk behind their husbands who, should they encounter another man, pass him on the left enabling both to see the other's weapons.
Beer Drinking: The women brew beer every couple of days and it is a slight to refuse it. The vessel is held in the right hand and the saucer with the left and the beer is drunk sitting or squatting. Rubbing the stomach compliments the brewer.
Seating Order: Men always sit on the right of the hut with those of highest standing to the rear.
Giving: Giving something is accomplished using the right hand only, the left supporting the right at the elbow to show that nothing is hidden.
Sitting: One is always expected to sit on a hide or shield.
This has been an insight into Zulu etiquette. Next week's installment on Zulu Culture and Traditions: Zulu Love Life!!!
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
March 18, 2002, 10:52
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Local Time: 17:08
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For all the ladies and gents following along at home, here are some stats that may interest you.
City and Unit counts for the first three sessions:
Native Tribes (AI) 5 Cities 8 Units
Indians (DankMaster) 3 Cities 7 Units
Russians (Prometheus) 2 Cities 5 Units
Arabs (OzzyKP) 2 Cities 3 Units
Chinese (Dangime) 3 Cities 5 Units
Germans (Chris) 3 Cities 6 Units
Amazulu (Kuja) 6 Cities 8 Units
Native Tribes (AI) 14 Cities 29 Units
Indians (DankMaster) 6 Cities 15 Units
Russians (Prometheus) 6 Cities 10 Units
Arabs (OzzyKP) 7 Cities 8 Units
Chinese (Dangime) 8 Cities 7 Units
Germans (Chris) 8 Cities 10 Units
Amazulu (Kuja) 15 Cities 23 Units
Native Tribes (AI) 16 Cities 39 Units
Indians (DankMaster) 8 Cities 19 Units
Russians (Prometheus) 10 Cities 14 Units
Arabs (OzzyKP) 11 Cites 13 Units
Chinese (Dangime) 14 Cities 12 Units
Germans (Chris) 13 Cities 20 Units
Amazulu (Kuja) 20 Cities 60 Units
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; March 28, 2002 at 01:04.
March 18, 2002, 12:39
Local Time: 15:08
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
Peter looked around at his various advisors, he was old, and soon his only child, his daughter Catherine would rise to the thrown, but not yet, he still had a year or two in him.
“Report” he barked at his ministers….
First as always was the Minister of Foreign affairs…
”Sire, we have well developed borders with the Indians, Germans and Arabs. Our border with the China is undefined but the area is too lawless and sparsely settled, there will be no need for any real arrangement for some time. However there is a problem with the Indians sir.
As you know they have settled exactly on the border, and have put a number of units exactly on the border, this we have long overlooked, as silly Indian paranoia of a Russian attack, but sir, now they use our buffalo herds, on our side of the border but we do not use them as of now, but it might be something that causes problems in the long term. “
“I have noted as much”
“Our relations are quite with everyone else sir, the Zulus have given us a horse division that was in our territory and talks continue with the Arabs for further cooperation between our two people, we have learned of Germans in America and Arabs in Africa. Both interesting developments sir”
“and of our ship heading toward new Russia?”
The expansion minister speaks “it is proceeding as scheduled sir, as is are our new cities”
As went the proceedings for the rest of the afternoon, each minister giving his report on the State of the Russian Empire. Peter only found one significant thing to look into, the Indian presence along the border, he would have to meet with their representative to sort these matters out, no use in leaving a problem for Catherine.
March 18, 2002, 13:30
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Posts: 198
All dialogues are said in the accent of Apu from the Simpson’s
“O great and glorious Gandhi our magnificent Gardens is complete.” Proclaims the Minister of Happiness
GandhiDank looks around at his people and smiles. “I have promised my people a place of solitude and peace. Where they can enjoy the plentiful harvest of our Hemp fields. But I fear that the other great civilizations will become jealous of us.” Sadly he shakes his head. “Send in the Minister of Foreign Affairs.”
“O great leader I fear that in the north we will have trouble with the Russians” says the Minister. “We have settled a city directly on the border with the Russians and some of the buffalo are on their side of the border. We must stop herding them to keep the Russian people happy.”
“What?!”, screams GandhiDank, “Who has authorized this?”
“No one has, your Grace. The peasants do not know the border and cross it unknowingly to reap the bountiful harvest of the herd animals.”
“We are a peaceful people, we do not desire a war with the Russians. Prepare a message to the border and also send a copy to the Great Russian leader. Tell our people to withdraw to our side of the border and send an apology to the Russians. Also check all areas of our border and make sure we are not crossing it nor are the Russians”
“But sir, the Russian border is unfair to our people”
“As long as I live I will not violate treaties I have made. Make it so. Send out the messager and make haste”
“So you have said, so it will be done.” Bowing, the minister walks backwards out the presence of GandhiDank.
“I fear this will become a problem in the future” GandhiDank says to no one. He looks down at his children playing at his feet. All twenty-nine of them are happy children but he fears that the happiness is only temporary. As the world grows so does the uneasiness in it. The world is becoming smaller and his country is becoming bigger. It is at that moment that he calls in his Minister of Domestic Affairs.
“Raja, send out ships and find this New World I have heard about. I feel that we will need it to grow and prosper in the future.”
“As you command ‘O Glorious Leader.” Bowing he leaves
“Let us grow in a new land!!!” Proclaims GandhiDank.
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
March 21, 2002, 16:31
Local Time: 15:08
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Lord Dangime pondered the future of the world and of his Chinese Empire. While China has nothing as serious as a border despute with another civilization to consider, it still had issues to deal with.
By the direction of the House of Dangime the Great Canal was completed linking interior portions of China to the port city of Shanghai. It was deitcated and offically opened with a ceremony and the unveiling of a huge bronze statue of the first emperor of China, Dangime I. Trade in the port city boomed.
Meanwhile advisors bickered over what was the path China should take in the future. Our first naval expeditions had just ended, with the discovery the islands of Japan and the settlement of 2 new cities. The expansion minister says this is just the first step, and more expeditions should be setout.
New ideas have been evolving in China, one such idea is Trade. Many people support the idea of going to foreign lands to offer and exchange goods and return with them to China.
But Lord Dangime had more immediate concearns, barbarian raiders threatened his latest settlement in the hills of western China. A militia was hastily prepared, and a battle is sure to insue soon. It is too bad any Zhuang Shi are too far to respond, as they could easily handle the situation.
March 24, 2002, 00:35
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Baghdad Post
"Al-Arab Al-the time"
675 BC
.25 Gold
Royal Lineage Continues After Sudden Death
King Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa has died suddenly in the royal palace in Mecca. His son, Prince Ahmed bin Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa has taken official control over the Kingdom of Arabia and will preside over his father's funeral Tuesday.
While old, Isa Al-Khalifa was in good health sources say. His death so far is a mystery; Prince Ahmed vows a full investigation to determine foul play.
"My father has presided over a time of glorious expansion and acheivement for our people, I find it hard to believe anyone would have a reason to assasinate him but I am not ruling anything out," commented Prince Ahmed.
"All my father's projects will continue on unabated."
Prince Ahmed will be crowned in the royal palace on Wednesday, there is no other successor.
Zulus Violate Sinai Treaty, Make Amends, Violate More
It was revealed to King Isa that the Amazulu have established two cities on the Northern African coast in direct violation of the ancient land agreement between the Arab and Zulu peoples. After confrontation the Zulu handed over both cities to Arab control, but demanded something in return. Government sources have been quiet as to what the deal entailed.
After securing this resolution to the Zulu's transgression it was further revealed that yet again the Zulu had broken the Sinai Treaty. Building more cities north of the agreed upon Bapedi border. The Zulu King claims to have "forgotten" about the treaty altogether. Instead of handing over the infringing territory as has been done in the past the Zulu government demanded the territory remain under their control.
Border Debacle Results In Flogging
Chinese explorers attempting to cross the Caucus Mountains to enter Russia were held up by excessive buerocracy in the Bedowin checkpoint. All transportation across the Bedowin checkpoints require a 15 Gold toll, the Chinese explorers paid the toll but were held up during an extensive background check at the regional Caucus office of the Bedowin Border Patrol. Wishing to make good with the Chinese travelers King Isa Al-Khalifa refunded 10 gold to the Chinese deligation and personally ordered the Bedowin comanding officer flogged for his delay.
Territory Expands Greatly
Colonization and expansion plans have gone ahead as planned to much success. Persia, Asia Minor and the Mideast have been settled and beautiful cities errected. Gains have been made in Egypt and far in Northwest Africa. Currently the Kingdom of Arabia includes 4 cities in Africa with the construction of 2 others underway. One more is planned in coming years.
Pyramids Built In Mecca
A massive tomb to house the body of Emporer Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa and the royal family has finally been completed. This contruct is widely regarded as the largest construct of human hands on the entire planet and has earned acclaim from the leaders of all the great nations. Drawing inspiration from Arab neighbors in the region of Egypt the grand project was undertaken. All the world turned toward Mecca in awe of the power of Arabian engineering.
On a sidenote since pyramid construction was completed population levels have begun to increase at a faster rate. Many experts are baffled but local priests claim the power of the pyramids has something to do with it.
Road Project Carries On
The great Arab highway project continues. The cities of Antioch & Jerusalem, Baghdad & Tehran, and Kuiwait & Pura have all been connected by great roads. The roads are proclaimed to speed travel by up to 3 times. The Royal Engineering Corps vows to continue to link up cities and stretch the project into the new African lands.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 24, 2002, 00:45
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Cheif Engineer on the project, Mehareb Hohsen, stands by his creation.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 24, 2002, 15:12
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Salah bin Aziz bin Omar bin Hamad Al-Khalifa burst into the palace dining room waving a scroll and yelling angrily. "Look! Look what they are doing to us!"
Prince Ahmed bin Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa looked up from his meal to see what his passionate and excitable cousin was yammering on about now.
"The Zulu! For the third time they have violated the Sinai Treaty! Have they no shame!"
"Yes cousin, they are greedy Africans, but honorable people. Once they realize the treaty has been violated they will respect the terms of the agreement and make a deal for the violating territory. As it has been in the past."
"No! They refuse! The Zulu say they have made too many concessions for the treaty and will not honor it. They pledge to expand no further north but if they are breaking their word now, what reason do we have to believe them further?"
Turning to Foreign Minister Fahed Al-Taleb Prince Ahmed asks, "Is this true?"
"Yes sire, the Zulu are indignant. They are upset with the cities they've had to turn over to use because of the Sinai treaty. They refuse to turn over anymore."
"We don't ask for the cities, we just ask that they leave. The treaty was spelled out centuries ago, they have no excuse for breaking it regardless of their past genorisity," chimed in Salah.
After a long pause Prince Ahmed speaks up, "Hmmm, this is troubling news indeed. I trust our Zulu friends have our best interests in mind however. They have always been by our side to offer help, even when not asked. We are forever in their debt, perhaps a small fudging of the treaty can be overlooked."
"I respectfully and adamantly disagree. They have admitted to one city over the border, but there are reports that they may have as many as two or three cities north of the Bapedi line." While talking Salah gets up and grabs a Russian made map to show the Prince.
"Here is the location of the one city we have confirmed by the Zulu. It is very near the Arab city going up....here." pointing to another spot on the map, "they are so close it is very likely farmers in the area will be in dispute over resources. Word comes from the Russians that a similar dispute wages between them and the Indians in the far north. This border will be a spot of contention for years to come, and all because they have violated the long standing Sinai Treaty. They must be made to follow the treaty!" With this Salah drops down on a soft coushin in the room.
Prince Ahmed responds, "I appreciate your concern, and I am myself very concerned about this violation of the treaty. But they have promised to go no further, that is good enough for me, and it would have been good enough for my father."
"Your father was a weak man. And so are you. My grandfather was right about all of you." With this Salah stormed out of the room.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 26, 2002, 13:28
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Location: In the memmories of the past
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Germany awakens.
As the years past. the Goths grew in strength and numbers, spreading their culture throughout Europe.
At first, the Goths were slow to develop and grow, wandering the land aimlessly. they only vaguley remembered their great warlords like Alaric, and became aimless and sedate.
The people forgot the old ways, and the spirt of adventure and wonder, till a new leader arose to take over the tribes of Germania.
Prophesy long told of a new dynamic leader would arise, and he came, and did call himself Gaiseric the bold.
Like all Goths, he was gruff and illiterate, a bully and overbaring greedy swine, but he had one redeeming feature:
He wished to see he people as the greatest in the world.
To that end, he hounded hid subbordinates, tortured men of learning if they failed to solve problems, persecuted weak military officers, but his tyranny bore fruit.
Northmen, tired of his bullying, took forth in longships and reached a new world, where they settled in a place they called New York, and quickly built another outpost called Quebec.
The natives were friendly enough, but nobody knew who long it would last.
Gaseric shared one other quality with his ancestor Aleric, a vision:
The world burning under a Gothic storm....
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
March 27, 2002, 18:58
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"Bring him in, Dhaher"
"Greetings my liege, there is trouble in Egypt. The likes of which I have never seen before."
"What is going on?"
"An upstart by the name of Moses, sir. He is an Israelite who was raised in the governor's household. For the past several days he has been making demands of the governor, demanding we let his people go."
King Ahmed threw his head back in laughter. "HA! The Hebrews provide good labor in Cairo, why should we let them go? There is much work to be done."
"Its not so easy sir. This man, Moses, claims to speak to his god. He and his brother Aaron made frogs appear all over Egypt. They have covered the land, it is quite frightening."
"Frogs? How bizzare, how has the Pharaoh handled the situation?"
"He made a deal with Moses sir, he said if he could destroy the frogs he would let the Israelites go. The next day the frogs were dead, and with the problem solved, Pharaoh refused to let the people go."
"ha ha, smart man. I'm glad I appointed him. What became of Moses?"
"He didn't stop sir. He kept going, more plagues. Next he sent lice, then flies, then a disease that struck Egypt's livestock, then boils, then a hailstorm, then locusts. Each time the Pharaoh promises to let the Israelites go and then changes his mind when the disaster is removed."
"What a fool! I change my mind about him, half a dozen terrible things happen and he doesn't figure out to let these people go already? Sheesh, what a thick skull. Quick, go to Egypt, tell the Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go. His stubborness is going to destroy Egypt, have the Pharaoh executed for his stupidity and put the deputy Pharaoh in charge. And hurry up before more stuff happens."
"Yes sir, right away sir."
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 27, 2002, 19:21
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A Few Days Later
Panting, the messenger from before bursts into King Ahmed's Palace in Mecca. King Ahmed rushes to him, "Do you have news from Egypt? What has happened?"
"It is terrible sir.... terrible..."
"Oh no, what happened?"
"I got there too late... it was already over by the time I arrived."
"What was over? What happened?!"
"Moses returned again to the Pharaoh, and once again said 'Let my people go!' He always says that. Once again the Pharaoh refused, and so the worst disaster of them all occured that night. The oldest son in every household in Egypt died that night. Including the Pharaoh's own son!"
"Oh my heavens! Thats insane, what a bloodthirsty god of theirs. What of the Hebrews?"
"Apparently their god passed over them, not a single one was injured that night, but all the eldest Egyptian sons were. Finally Pharaoh told Moses and Aaron to get the heck out of Cairo."
"Whew, good, it is settled then. Those damn people are finally gone."
"Not quite yet sir. After hearing the Israelites were camping on the side of the sea the Pharaoh sent his army after them, figuring he could trap them between the desert and water and end them there."
"What happened?"
"Well... the sea opened up and the Israelites ran away along the sea bed. Pharaoh sent his troops into the sea to chase them, and once the Hebrews emerged on the other side the sea closed upon Pharaoh's troops, drowning them all."
"Arrgghh, that fool. I sure hope that bastard drowned with his troops, cause he'd experience his own set of disasters at my hands for his stupidity. Please tell me that is the end."
"It appears so sir. The Israelites are rumored to be wandering the desert on the Sinai Pennisula right now. While their god can kick some royal ass when he needs to, he doesn't seem to be the best on directions. They are making their way to Jerusalem, but with the way they are going its going to take them 40 years to make it there! Hehe."
"Ha ha, those fools. Well I'll see to it that they don't have any problems in Jerusalem. They can have the friggin place, these people are more trouble than they are worth."
"Yes sir."
(OCC - Happy Passover to all you Jews out there.)
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 28, 2002, 00:30
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Posts: 198
A great shadow has drifted over the Mighty Indian empire. The death of GandhiDank is a sad event for the people. The eldest son of 29, Mohammed Dank rises to the seat of power that his fathers death has left vacant. The very first day of his reign his Defense Minister comes into his presence.
“O Great and Mighty one. I bring dire news from our northern borders. It seems that now we have a problem with Russians coming over our border to reap the rich harvest of the Indian lands.”
“How can this be?” Ask Mohammed, “ My father before his death brought back our own people from doing this. Do the Russians feel that they must get even?”
“Great leader I do not know the answer to your questions. But I do have some suggestions. First send a messager to the Russian leader asking him to pull back all of his people from the border. Second send out riders along the border to make sure that this is done. You might also want to start heavliy defending the border towns. They might be up to a sneak attack. People are jealous of our Hemp fields. They could start land grabbing”
“Make it so. People think the Indian nation is weak. Let us hope they do not make a mistake and truly believe this.”
As the minister leaves the King to his own musings he thinks to himself. “This Mohammed is not as weak as his father. The other nations laugh at us. That will be their mistake. With this new leader I shall have a chance to prove that we are truly a great and mighty nation. One to be respected or one to be feared!”
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
March 28, 2002, 00:59
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Short session but was a boom period for the Arabs. Started the game near the bottom. Worked up to middle of the pack, now am doing quite well for myself. Here are some nice stats for everyone. Also the powergraph and demographics screen.
Native Tribes (AI) 16 Cities 49 Units
Indians (DankMaster) 11 Cities 20 Units
Russians (Prometheus) 11 Cities 17 Units
Arabs (OzzyKP) 16 Cites 19 Units
Chinese (Dangime) 14 Cities 17 Units
Germans (Chris) 15 Cities 22 Units
Amazulu (Kuja) 21 Cities 63 Units
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 30, 2002, 13:36
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King Ahmed has grown very old (He is still on Old Testiment time, hasn't switched over yet. i.e. Genesis 9:28-29). He has turned into a bitter and cruel ruler. Wary of the Jewish people after many years of conflict over Jerusalem he has grown highly suspicious. The Jews have prospered in Jerusalem (once they finally got there). After many years of conflict between the Arab empire and the Israelites things have settled down to a degree. Currently Jerusalem is under the power of the Arabs, and the Jews exist as Arab citizens. While there is an uneasy truce the Jewish people look forward to the coming of a Messiah. Many prophets have foretold his coming.
Finally the day came when King Ahmed received a visit from three astronomers from far east. They asked him where was the King of the Jews, they have followed a star from far east leading them to the new born King of the Jews. King Ahmed, fearing this was the Messiah, and fearing his power may be challenged ordered all babies under 2 to be put to death in the villiage of Bethlehem. It pissed off a bunch of people, but these weren't the most liberal times, they got over it.
King Ahmed's murderous ways did not succeed. The newborn's parents fled Bethlehem to escape the attention of the King. An angel came to them advising them to flee to Egypt and wait until King Ahmed's death. After a few years King Ahmed finally passed away and the family returned to Israel, settling in the town of Nazereth along the sea of Galilee.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
March 30, 2002, 16:26
Local Time: 15:08
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Posts: 252
“All Hail Czar Ivan II, Ruler of Russia”
Prince Ivan II never wanted to be King; his mother Catherine was doing just fine changing the country’s infrastructure. She was a great leader and had died before her time. The Germans, Russia’s old and trustful allies were the first to wish him well.
He just wanted peaceful coexistence on part of all his neighbors, unfortunately that was going to be tough. On the eve of his coronation he had received a letter from the Indian Leader. The Central Plains were erupting with trouble. The border along was suppose to be neutral territory, and already the Indians had settled on it, on the border, the exact border, not to mention fortifying on, not south, but on the border the neutral territory separating our nations from each other. Then, to top it all off now they were claiming rights to the land on the border. This troubled Ivan II, this troubled him deeply he sat down and wrote two letters.
To: GandhiDank
To the Great Leader of the Great Indian Empire, I question your motives, what kind of man, claims the border territories for your own. Your ancestors settled on the neutral territory and we gave you no trouble, your armies fortified them, and we did not act with the same hostility. We do not believe you wish war between our two nations, but your nations increasingly hostility puts doubts in our minds.
Now to the issue of the territory you speak of, the border, the line that divides our two nations, it is not yours. We arrived first in these fields and we shall continue to harvest them, like you arrived first and settled on the neutral border a few hundred miles off. This is not your land, by treaty or any other way. Do not believe the Russians weak, we are not, nor shall we be intimidated by your forces that you keep near the border. The wheat is Russian, it has been, and if you call for our removal from it then we demand you abandon your forces positions and your city.
We hope for peace between our two nations but we must work for a greater understanding, instead of saber rattling.
Czar Ivan II
To: General Yaroslav,
Prepare for the conscription of a number of forces to match the Indian’s forces in kind and to protect the border territories. The Indians may be preparing for an invasion. Note: you will not be called on to invade India proper, only defend against and repulse the forthcoming Indian Assault.
March 31, 2002, 12:32
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30 some years go by.
Oldest son of King Ahmed, Raslan bin Ahmed bin Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, has assumed Kingship after his father's death. After several years of quiet in the world King Raslan has calmed down a bit. His new concubines have helped with that some. He appointed Pontius Al-Pilate to be governor of the Israel province. One day a memo arrives for him by courrier.
TO: King Raslan
FROM: Pontius Al-Pilate, Governor of Israel
RE: Local Holy Man
For several years a Jew named Jesus has been traveling around Israel healing the sick, doing miracles and challenging authorities. Some of the Jews consider him to be the Son of God, the religous leaders call him a no-good trouble maker.
In his frequent preaching Jesus has gathered quite a following. Twelve Apostles who go with him everywhere and numerous others who consider themselves followers.
The other day the council of Jewish leaders from the Temple came by my palace. They brought with them Jesus and asked me to crucify him. He has been making a big stink, but as far as I knew he hadn't done anything wrong, so I asked what crime he committed. The religous leaders said he claimed to be the King of the Jews.
Now I know how you feel about other people claiming to be King, so I agreed to have him whipped. He never affirmed or denied the charges, just spoke peacefully in riddles. Go figure. He sure didn't seem like such an upstart so I went back to the people. Since it was their holiday of Passover I offered to release a criminal to them, I figured Jesus would be their pick since he was their "King". They said no! Go figure, they wanted this lowdown theif instead. They kept shouting "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
So I figured, 'what the hell', and I went ahead with it. I didn't want a scene on my hands, so we strung him up on a cross up on a hill. He didn't last too long before he was dead.
I figured that was the end of it. Everyone happy. But noooo. Now people keep telling me that this Jesus guy is back! Now, I trust my men, and I'm pretty sure that cross took care of him. We took lots of precautions, put him in a tomb and even guarded it to make sure no one stole his body.
Everyone keeps saying they've seen him, and that he has been raised from the dead. Screwy stuff, eh boss?
I'm not sure what to do now. Things are getting real big, all of his followers are calling themselves Christians and are spreading this around to everyone. It seems a new religion is catching on big time. Any advice on what to do?
(OOC - Happy Easter to all you Christians out there!  )
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
April 3, 2002, 01:01
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World Map
I am sensitive to desires to keep secrecy, so because Colonization is just getting underway I decided not to jepordize anyone's overseas positions and reveal anything other than the old world. Things look good, some empires are more compacted than others. Some have far flung colonies. Enjoy.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; April 3, 2002 at 20:53.
April 3, 2002, 16:46
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Newsflash: Great Zimbabwe -
The Mighty King Kuja, after years of reigning supreme over Sub-Saharan Africa, has made clear his intentions to retire the throne to his trusted aide and advisor from the far north - Berzerker!
For the first time in Zulu history, a bearded white man of mysterious origin, who brought to the Zulu the knowledge of seafaring, will assume the throne. We the people of Great Zimbabwe look forward to sailing uncharted seas with our new leader at the helm.
King Berzerker has already dispatched envoys to the world's great civilizations to assure those who rule by divine decree all treaties and alliances entered into by the Mighty Kuja will be honored. "We seek no hostilities, but only trade" is the motto of the new leader. "Let us live in peace in accord with the Creator's wishes..."
April 4, 2002, 14:51
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Tarik's Address to His Soldiers, 60 A.D.
(Tarik was the Muslim leader who lead the conquest of Spain.)
When Tarik had been informed of the approach of the enemy, he rose in the midst of his companions and, after having glorified God in the highest, he spoke to his soldiers thus:
"Oh my warriors, whither would you flee? Behind you is the sea, before you, the enemy. You have left now only the hope of your courage and your constancy. Remember that in this country you are more unfortunate than the orphan seated at the table of the avaricious master. Your enemy is before you, protected by an innumerable army; he has men in abundance, but vou, as your only aid, have your own swords, and, as your only chance for life, such chance as you can snatch from the hands of your enemy. If the absolute want to which you are reduced is prolonged ever so little, if you delay to seize immediate success, your good fortune will vanish, and your enemies, whom your very presence has filled with fear, will take courage. Put far from you the disgrace from which you flee in dreams, and attack this monarch who has left his strongly fortified city to meet you. Here is a splendid opportunity to defeat him, if you will consent to expose yourselves freelv to death. Do not believe that I desire to incite you to face dangers which I shall refuse to share with you. In the attack I myself will be in the fore, where the chance of life is always least.
"Remember that if you suffer a few moments in patience, you will afterward enjoy supreme delight. Do not imagine that your fate can be separated from mine, and rest assured that if you fall, I shall perish with you, or avenge you. You have heard that in this country there are a large number of ravishingly beautiful German maidens, their graceful forms are draped in sumptuous gowns on which gleam pearls, coral, and purest gold, and they live in the palaces of royal kings. The Commander of True Believers, Alwalid, son of Abdalmelik, has chosen you for this attack from among all his Arab warriors; and he promises that you shall become his comrades and shall hold the rank of kings in this country. Such is his confidence in your intrepidity. The one fruit which he desires to obtain from your bravery is that the word of God shall be exalted in this country, and that the true religion shall be established here. The spoils will belong to yourselves.
"Remember that I place myself in the front of this glorious charge which I exhort you to make. At the moment when the two armies meet hand to hand, you will see me, never doubt it, seeking out this Alaric, tyrant of his people, challenging him to combat, if God is willing. If I perish after this, I will have had at least the satisfaction of delivering you, and you will easily find among you an experienced hero, to whom you can confidently give the task of directing you. But should I fall before I reach to Alaric, redouble your ardor, force yourselves to the attack and achieve the conquest of this country."
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
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