Looking for clarification on culture influence...
Hi there,
I know that the likelihood of a city "flipping" is influenced by the number of squares in its city radius that are within another civ's cultural boundaries, but could someone clarify the following for me?
[1] Is the influence of the "attacking" culture reflective of the culture value of just the neighboring cities, or that of the entire civ? If its a mix of both, does anyone know the relative influence of the two?
[2] Similarly, how much of a factor is my OVERALL culture relative to the culture of the threatened city?
[3] Does having culture build-up from another civ in your city (i.e. a conquered city) predispose your city to flipping to just that civ, or to ANY civ? Say, for example, I conquer a culturally rich Babylonian city and am now worried about an encroaching Greek culture border...