Scenario's HELP!
I am currently working on seven scenarios, now i know Case and El, like me stick them in the 'scenario junk heap' coz we get bored, but i wanna clean mine out, so i wanna ask for some help please!?
1.The Irish Civil War 1922- (ireland)
2. History 1890-1936 (europe)
3.Age Of Conquest 1770-1890 (world)
4 World War One 1914-1918 (europe)
5 Coldwar 1946- (world)
6. Pre Europe 1918-1936 ( europe)
7.The Balkan Problem 1908-1914 (balkans)
8. The Waffen SS 1939-1946 or '45 (europe)
and thats them!
Last edited by Soundwave; March 2, 2002 at 19:23.