March 1, 2002, 16:31
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The Great Cold War- Part I
Over the last few months President Nebuchadnezzar had gotten very little sleep. The reasons for this was due to the highly volatile situation with the Egyptians. Egypt was the only country that shared a border with the nation of Babylon. They both shared a continent with Babylon in the north and Egypt in the south. Babylon was twice the size of Egypt. Over the past few years tensions had been at the breaking point many times, and had resulted in a war between the two countries, a war Egypt lost and saw many of her cities near the Babylonian border raised to the ground, although Egypt had already by this time rebuilt many of these cities.
Both countries were 2 of the 4 nations of the world that had or were able to build ICBMs. Thus people all over the world were very troubled by the recent tension between the two countries, but no one was more troubled then the President of Babylon. The President had called a meeting of his top advisors and cabinet to discuss the current situation with Egypt and how best to advert war, and if the war did break out between the two countries what would be the best course of action.
The President began to speak, “ As you all know the reason why I have called this meeting. Once again current relations with Egypt have gotten to the point the war is almost sure to occur. We all know that if such a war broke out that it most likely would result in the deaths of millions if not billions of people. So our main goal of this meeting is to come up with ways to prevent such a war from occurring, but that does not mean I do not want us to prepare for such war, which will be the second goal of this meeting, to come up with the best way to conduct such a war against Egypt. Now I would like to hear what you all have to say.”
The Foreign Minister was the first to respond, “One option that we can try is to negotiate a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Egypt, but the recent actions and statement made by the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra the 41st indicate that she does not want to stop her nations current build up of nuclear weapons. In fact I have received reports form our diplomats in France that they have sold the technology to make ICBMs to France in exchange for a Mutual Protection Pact with France and a large sum of gold. Anther option we have is to stop producing nuclear arms and maybe even cut our current number of ICBMs and to reduce the size of our standing army and to pull back most of the troops we have stationed near the Egyptian border. This might make Egypt more willing to meet so that we could work out some sort of arms reduction treaty and I believe would result in the cooling of the tensions we have with them.”
The Minister of Defense spoke up right after the Foreign Minister was finished speaking, “We cannot make any cuts in the military!!!!!!! The only reason why the Egyptians have not attacked us yet is because we the largest, strongest, and most advance army in the world. They also know if they dear to attack us using ICBMs that we can wipe them and their allies right off the face of the earth! The only thing that Egypt respects is force. If anything we must continue the current build up of nuclear weapons, the reason for this is that Egypt has been trying to develop a missile defense system similar to our own, and it is only a matter of time before they have such a system in place. The only way we will be able to use our ICBMs to deter Egypt form attacking us is if we have so many that if we launch them at Egypt it will over whelm the missile defense system, and will be able to hit many of their cities. Test on our own missile defense system indicate that even a nation with 8 ICBMs has a good chance at hitting one of our most populous cities, so such a plan would work butwe would need many more ICBMs then the current numbers we have. Thus I propose that we continue our production ICBMs maybe even increase there production. I would also like to see the size of our conventional forces be increased as well. The area were the increase would need to take place is in the Air force. We need to double our current number of stealth bombers and to replace our regular bomber with stealth bombers as well, this would call for the formation of an additional 70 stealth bomber wings being formed, which would be on top of the current number of 45 stealth bomber wings already in service.”
Last edited by Jack_www; March 4, 2002 at 15:47.
March 1, 2002, 16:32
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The Great Cold War - Part 1
The President spoke again, “I would like to hear what our Chief of Intelligence has to say.”
“Yes sir. I have information that I would think would be very helpful in deciding what to do with Egypt. I would first start by confirming what the Foreign Minister has already stated, that the Egyptians did indeed sell ICBM technology to the French. I received the confirmation from our operatives in Egypt just a few hours before this meeting began. We also have several satellite pictures of the region around our border with Egypt, which indicates massive troop movements in the area of Mechanized Infantry and Modern Armor divisions in the area. At this time though we do not have enough information to indicate weather it is simply a defensive move or preparations for an invasion of our country. We have also been studying the recent actions of the Queen of Egypt and finding out how she rose to power. Apparently she had the previous Head of State assinated and seized power in a military coo. She has recently been trying to eliminate all those who oppose here and thus this has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and the arrest of 502 people, most of which are beaten and tortured. She has plan of setting up labor camps were she plans to send people there who oppose her rule among the general population. She is also very bitter that by the fact that we beat them in the space race to Alpha Cenituri and by the raising of Egyptian cities in the last war between our two countries. She has been engaging in a massive campaign to build up the Egyptian Military, and a fact that we all know signed a Mutual Protection Pact with France. Although France’s Prime Minister Joan of Arc has expressed concern over the actions the Egyptian government has taken to those who oppose their rule and by the military build up Egypt has undertaken. If war broke out with the Egyptians we might be able to get France to ally with us.”
The President spoke again, “Lets say war broke out between us and the Egyptians, what would be the best course of action? I would like to hear form the head of the Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces first.”
“Yes sir. We have been making plans for sometime time now in the event that Egypt sneaked attack us. As you know Mr. President that we have moved 15 of our 17 aircraft carriers off the two cost of Egypt and we have 40 fighter wings patrolling the airspace near the Egyptian border. We have also started to station Stealth Bombers in the same region as well. Thus if Egypt attacked we could strike at their forces almost immediately after the attack. We also have 70 armor divisions in the same area. The First, Second, Third, and Forth armies are stationed in this area, with the Fifth army in over overseas territory. Our main plan for defense of our homeland would be to keep our forces in their fortifications along the Egyptian border to prvent their troop form entering our land. We would give massive air support to our troops on the ground. After we fight off the initial invasion force we would start a bombing camping of Egyptian cities designed to destroy their ability to make arms of any kind, after this first phase we would then invade their land, and would take any cities that still have ICBMs stationed in them so we can destroy them before they can be used against us. Also the navy has battleships patrolling the ocean off our coast to prevent an invasion by sea. In this plan we expect to surfer minimal casualties. Since we were attacked first we could get international support for the war. And if Egypt used nuclear weapons on us first most of the nations of the world would declare war on Egypt.
Anther action we have been planning for is a preemptive strike against Egypt. This would first involve a quick bombing runs in which we target the military units defending the most heavily fortified Egyptian cities. We would then try to take the cities in which the ICBMs stationed to prevent them from using them on us, but the success of this would be in doubt and they would most likely get to launch many of them before we could get to the missile sites, also France would declare war on us and strike at us with nuclear weapons, and if we strike back at France then the Americans would declare war on us and strike us with nuclear weapons. We also except that with such an invasion that we would lose close to 40% to 50% of our attacking forces. We would also be unable to send reinforcements to our overseas territory for a long time.”
The Science Advisor began to speak, “ Sir if the use of Nuclear weapons occurred this would be very bad for our planet. The nuclear expulsions would vaporize a lot of the matter at
Last edited by Jack_www; March 4, 2002 at 15:52.
March 1, 2002, 16:34
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ground zero. This would latter condense in to a solid state and form what we call fallout. This fallout would be highly radioactive and massive amounts would fall near the blast site, and massive amounts of fallout would be thrown into the upper atmosphere were it could stay for years and fall any were on the earth. Anyone outside when this fallout comes down to the earth would receive deadly amounts of radiation and would contaminate food and water supplies, and if anyone does drink this water or eat this food they will get cancer. Also if enough nuclear blasts occur the fires resulting form the blasts would put enough smoke in the atmosphere that it would block most of the sunlight that we receive form the sun and cause massive crop failures all over the earth which would result in mass famine were billions of people would die, over 90% of the earth population would die.”
After the Science Advisor was finished, the President’s Advisor on Trade and the Economy stood up to speak, “Sir if we went to war with both the French and the Americans we would lose the valuable trade that we conduct with both countries. Right now up to 20 million jobs in our nation depend on this trade, and if it to one day end our economy would go into a depression that we have never seen the likes of, and if nuclear weapons were used it would make matters even worse. Although we do have enough resources with in our own country to continue at our current rate at which we produce military weapons and we would most likely be able to increase such production.”
The Foreign Minister spoke again, “ We can try anther course of action form the one I first proposed. Egypt depends heavily on importing oil and rubber, since they have no sources of their own. We could try and get the rest of the nations of the world to engage with a trade embargo with us against the Egyptians, which would cripple their production of military units. We can also try to form a sort of a defensive alliance that we could use to contain any further aggression by Egypt.”
The President sat in his chair and started think on what he would plan do to next.
Last edited by Jack_www; March 4, 2002 at 15:55.
March 1, 2002, 16:47
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This is my first story on here so please tell me what you think, and if you think it sucks I dont mine if you tell me. I want you tell me so that I can improve my writting and tell a better story next time. I am not sure when I will post the second part of the story since I just started to write the second part.
March 1, 2002, 17:44
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pretty good...
Ham grass chocolate.
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"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
March 4, 2002, 23:03
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Great so far. I will be waiting for the next part.
March 5, 2002, 13:22
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Thanks for the input. I have already started on the second part of the story and I plan on putting on here by this Friday or the weekend, maybe sooner than this. Glad you guys like it.
March 5, 2002, 16:46
Local Time: 16:12
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Great story, looks like a pretty thorny problem. Give those Egyptians hell.
March 8, 2002, 14:55
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Nice one.
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 11, 2002, 20:25
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I have already written the second part of the story, and I'll I need to do is fix it up and post it on here, so I will have the second part of the sotry up very soon.
March 15, 2002, 16:02
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Part 2
The President began to speak again, "Obliviously launching a primitive strike against Egypt would be the worst thing this nation could ever do. We need to contain Egypt and Isolate them form the rest of the international community. Anther thing we must do in order to successfully contain any further aggression on the part of Egypt we must try to form a mutual defense pact against Egypt with the rest of the nations of the World. I would like to call an international peace conference were we and all the other nations of the world can discuss these issues. I would like the Foreign Minister to work out the details of this conference and where it will be held. I will also continue to have out troops stationed near on the Egyptian border and I will also forward the Minister of Defense's proposal to the Congress with my support. I think that they will be no trouble in getting the funds you need to increase the air force to the size the Minister of Defense wants. Thank you for your time and advice, this meeting is adjourned."
The Chief of Intelligence came up to the President, "May I speak with you in private for a moment Mr. President?"
"Yes of course, I will lock the doors."
"The reason why I wanted to speak to you in private is that I have a plan that we could undertake but it is very sensitive information, so the fewer that know of this plan the better.
"I understand, what is your plan?"
"The Office of Intelligence has been working of a plan for some time now to try and replace the current government in Egypt to one that is friendly to the Babylonian nation. We would first have a special team of commandos to go into Egypt and pose as Egyptian citizens. These commandos would be sent mainly to train the rebel forces with in Egypt and we would use them to give the rebels the supplies that they need. After this first phase of the plan is in place and it is apparent that the rebels are succeeding in taking over the country we would then arrange for the assignation of the Queen of Egypt. We hope that amid the chaos that the rebels will be able to seize power and establish a government that will no longer be hostile towards us. I have a detailed report for you to look over that lays out all the specifics of the plan and how long we expect it will take to implement each phase of the plan.
"Well let me look over your report and I will let you know my decision tomorrow."
"Thank you Mr. President. Have a nice day."
"You too as well"
The Foreign Minister was able to set up a peace conference in the city of Babylon, the old capital of the nation of Babylon. As was expected, Egypt refused to have any part in the conference. This did not brother the President since he did not want the Egyptians to come to the conference any ways and just invited them just for display, knowing full well they would never go. The Congress passed the proposal of the Minister of Defense to increase the size of Babylon's armed forces by a narrow margin. The President also approved the plan that the Chief of Intelligence had proposed to him to topple the government of Egypt.
The Chief of Intelligence began to assemble the covert operations team that would be assisting the rebels in Egypt. He was handling the matter personally since mission was of such a sensitive nature that if Egypt caught one word of it, it would surely result in war. He spent days going over personal records of various special operation troops and was finally able to assemble a 40 member team, mostly made up lieutenants, since their main purpose was to train the rebel forces and possibly lead the attacks the made and plan them out.
The man chosen to lead the team of commandos was Major. He had been a part of special operations for 15 year, and graduated form the Babylonian Military Academy at the top of his class. Although he was not highly decorated because of the fact that all of his missions were top secret. The Chief of Intelligence called the Major into his office, "We have a new mission for you. This must be held in the up most secrecy, do not even tell the men that are under your command. Only tell them what they need to know when it is absolutely necessary. If you are caught during this mission all knowledge of its existence will be denied and you will be terminated. We cannot risk getting caught. Do you understand?"
"I understand and I welcome the opportunity to serve my country in its' darkest hour."
"Good. I will proceed with the briefing then. Then main objective in the mission will be to train and supply the rebel forces with in Egypt, who oppose Queen Cleopatra's rule. You will also help them plan out their raids and possibly lead them as well. You and your team till pose as Egyptian citizens. We cannot even let the Rebel forces know that it is the Babylonian nation that is adding them. If one them got caught and talked, that would start a war the likes we have never seen. We will give you and your men new identities and we will arrange for all of you to be sneaked in to the country one at a time. You will then regroup with the nation of Egypt and meet a contact were he will tell you were to go and make sure the rebel forces accept you and your men. The information on were you will meet will be given to too you latter when you need to know it. Tomorrow you will be informed on when you will be leaving for Egypt."
"I understand."
"You may go now major."
Last edited by Jack_www; September 26, 2002 at 14:47.
September 24, 2002, 19:58
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I have decided to finish this story. I know it has been a really long time since I last worked on this, but I want to finish it. I will be posting the next part of the story soon.
September 24, 2002, 20:33
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Part 2
The first phase of the operation to remove Cleopatra the 41st from power went according to plan.
At this time, though the President's attention was focused on the peace conference that was going on at the city of Babylon. Diplomats form all countries except Egypt came. All the major news networks covered the conference as well. During the conference the Ambassador of France read a statement written by Prime Minister Joan of Arc . This statement strongly condemned the actions that Egypt had taken which threaten the peace of the whole world, and indicated that France was leaning towards breaking all ties with the nation of Egypt. This was good news to all the nations who came. Russia though expressed doubts about weather or not Egypt really poised a threat to world peace. The conference though ended on a good note, since all the nations there agreed to help each other in defending each other in the event that Egypt decided to once again to try to attack anther country again.
Then shocking news came form France. Prime Minister Joan of Arc was assonated the day after the Babylon Peace Conference. In addition, a regime friendly to Egypt had taken over the government in a Military coo. After this devolvement President Nebuchadnezzar had also received word that Russia decided that the best course of action would be one of a neutral stance and pull out of the agreement that had been mad just days before.
In the month that fallowed the assonation of Prime Minister Joan of Arc, the rebels in Egypt that Babylon had been baking were not doing so well. There were many spies with the rebel forces and they suffered many defeats, and the leader of the rebels was captured and latter executed. Things were not looking so well for the Nation of Babylon.
Last edited by Jack_www; September 28, 2002 at 07:53.
September 24, 2002, 20:37
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Oh one more thing, I am going to try and post screen shots of the map of my game so you can know were everyone is in the world of my story.
September 25, 2002, 16:41
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Part 2
One good thing that the President could see form all of this was that is appeared that the Egyptians, even though they had many spies with in the rebels, had not found out about the fact the Babylon was supplying and training them. The President once again called a meeting with the Chief of Intelligence.
The Chief of Intelligence was on his way to his office when he received word that the President wished to speak to him. All through the past month, the President had numerous meetings with him so, this did not surprise him. When he arrived to the office of the President he was rushed right in. There the President sat alone; he appeared to have just made up his mind about something. “Of course the reason why I have called you hear today is our backing of the rebels in Egypt. I have though this through, and I think that the best course of action would be to scale back the operation. We both know that the rebels have suffered many defeats in the past month and that there are many spies with in their ranks. It is a miracle that our plan has not been discovered yet. Yet I do not want to leave the rebels with out help at a time when they need it the most.”
“Yes Mr. President, I agree. I have often though of pulling out our special op troops form Egypt. The risk of detection is just too great right now. Although I think that we should continue to supply the rebels with arms and the other things, they need through third party arms dealers. I know that dealing with such groups is not the best thing in the world, but I think it is our best option of not getting detected.”
“Go ahead with your plan.” With that, the Chief of Intelligence left the President’s office and started to work out the details of they were planning on doing. In addition, tensions between Egypt seemed to cool for the moment, since most of the troops that Egypt had station near the Egypt border had been pulled back. Also, intelligence reports indicated that Egypt was cutting production of some of their ICBMs. Also Babylon was able to sign a Mutual Protection Pack with the United States, and things seemed to be a balance of power to the world, with France and Egypt on one side, and Babylon and America on the other.
Last edited by Jack_www; September 28, 2002 at 07:45.
September 25, 2002, 22:58
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Keep the goods coming!
I think this forum is a little sleepy now due to the total lack of new stories recently so don't worry too much about commentation.
More people please write stories!!!
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
September 26, 2002, 13:05
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Well after I am finished with this story I might write anther one WWII scenario. The only problem I have not played Civ3 in a while and I am waiting for Play the World to come out before I start playing more of it again.
September 26, 2002, 14:37
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Posts: 2
This is a good story and you should write another one.
September 26, 2002, 14:45
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Thank you Ich112. I am almost done with this story. There is one final part that I have to write and it is done.
September 26, 2002, 15:35
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Part 3( Final Act)
Many of the top Brass with in the Babylonian military were not pleased to see that war between Egypt and Babylon seemed to be adverted. They wanted to see Egypt conquered and under the control of the nation of Babylon. The Joint Chiefs also changed their original position and recommended a preemptive strike against Egypt. In their eyes they believed that Egypt would try and spread its influence to other parts of the world and once again in the near future pose a threat to Babylon again.
Thus after the Joint Chiefs changed their position the Minister of Defense came to see the President. "Mr. President I realize that current tensions with Egypt have cooled for the moment, but there are many things that have concerned me and the Joint Chiefs that have happened in the last month. We suspect that the assignation and latter military coo that occurred in France was the doing of Egypt. We also believe that what Egypt is doing now is waiting for a better time to attack us, when they have the influence and military force that they need to launch a successful attack on the nation of Babylon. I and the Joint Chiefs has changed our position, we recommend a full scale strike at Egypt with the goal of replacing the current government or were we take Egypt over. Mr. President you know as well as I do that Egypt will always be threat to the security and even existence of Babylon. We must attack them before they have a chance to do the same to us or one of our allies."
The President was completely socked my what the Minister of Defense said. "Are you crazy?????!!!! If we attacked Egypt it would be the most devastating thing we could do. They would surely launch their nuclear weapons. Not only that we would lose all international support that we have in our fight with the Egyptians. No, this plan is suicide for us and the rest of the world."
The Minister of Defense was angry and stormed out of the President Office. He never thought that he would be suck a weakling, and started to think of a plan to start a war with Egypt.
The idea came to him, he would set off give a nuclear device to one of the many groups Egypt supported who also hated the nation of Babylon. And allow them to enter the country and set it off in one of Babylon's cities. So he went about to set the plan in motion and get support form the military for his plan.
The first part of the plan was a success. They were able to give a nuclear bomb to the group Liberators of the People. They had thought that Egypt had given them the device, when in fact it was the Babylonian Military that had done it. They were able to sneak it into the nation of Babylon since the military made sure they would be able to make into the country with the device. They put the bomb inside of a car they rented in the City of Babylon. Two men had come with the bomb and were driving the car. They planed to drive the car to downtown Babylon and set it off. Little they knew, but the center that controlled the missile defense system of Babylon was located in the city as well.
As they drove the car to there target, the men were very nervous and ran a stoplight. A police car came after them and tried to make them stop the car. They did not know what to do and started to run. As they were speeding on the streets with at least 10 police cars following them, they decided to go to the Downtown area and tell the world on international television who they were and then set off the bomb they had in the trunk of their car.
They reached the Downtown area in 15 min after that. They had a cell phone and told the police all they wanted to do was make a sort statement to the media and then they would give themselves up. The most famous news announcer Bob Robertson came with his crew to take the statement, since his office and studio was one block away form were the men were. He rushed right to the area when he heard about it and the police asked him if he could take their statement and explained their deal they had made with the men, and he agreed.
Bob came to the men with a white flag and said, "We are the news crew you wanted so that you could make your statement to the world."
The man who was driving the car got out and came to them and took the microphone form Bob. "We are part of the group Liberators of the People. You now all see the might city of Babylon fall before your very eyes."
Then the second man who was still in the car set off the bomb they had in the car. They entire city of Babylon was destroyed in the seconds that followed. Everyone knew that Liberators of the People has a group that Egypt supported and assumed that they had gotten the nuclear device form Egypt. The Egyptian Ambassador to the United Nations tried to tell everyone that the nuclear device that Liberators of the People set off in Babylon was not form them and they would never do something like that. However, no one listen. Babylon of course responded with a full nuclear strike against Egypt and France. Since the missile defense control center was destroyed in the blast, the missile defense system was down, but the President and his top military advisors all assumed that it was still operational. France and Egypt launch their weapons as well. The resulting explosions killed 60% of the world’s population in one day. After this Both Egypt and Babylon call a truce, but the offerings of peace came way too late, and those who survived that day started to wonder how they would survive in this new world.
The End
Last edited by Jack_www; September 28, 2002 at 07:52.
September 26, 2002, 15:39
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I will try to post screen shots of the game that this story is based on this weekend.
September 27, 2002, 04:56
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Got rid of this picture and have the picture posted the right way in the last post now.
Last edited by Jack_www; November 14, 2002 at 12:21.
September 27, 2002, 04:59
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Yellow= Egypt
Dark Blue= Babylon
Light Blue= Americans
Brown= Russia
Green= Greece
Purple= India
note this is map of the world before the nuclear war happened.
September 28, 2002, 06:07
Local Time: 22:12
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A good story Jack_www just maybe need to slow down a little when typing installments,lot of spelling errors and words typed twice etc.
Great finish especially the fact that the war was over in just one day.Bet the miliatary advisor was gutted if not vapourised in the attack.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 28, 2002, 07:59
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just fixed all the errors i found and thanks
September 28, 2002, 20:31
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You use alot more diolauge than i ever used to. But it's great regardless of our style difference.
October 1, 2002, 23:34
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I was wondering if the story contest is still going on, can someone let me know plz. Also I will put the map as an attachment, as I see that you cant see it when My computer is turned off. I will do that this friday.
October 10, 2002, 05:08
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well done mate
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Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
October 13, 2002, 01:37
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Man can someone tell me how you post pictures on here? I trying to find a way to post the picture so everyone can see it all the time, your help would be very much appericated.
October 13, 2002, 03:25
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Im not sure myself but theres a guy on the help threads called Ethelred who will be able to answer you just go there and post a new thread and someone will soon sort it out for you.Be obliged if you find out and post the solution back here.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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