March 21, 2002, 02:38
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Yours Mongoose.
March 21, 2002, 04:48
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2127 sent to Q.
All techs sent to Archaic on account of SotHB gets discovered this turn.
March 21, 2002, 21:36
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Also sent all techs to Archaic.
2128 to NS.
March 21, 2002, 22:35
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Turn to Archaic.
March 22, 2002, 01:08
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The influx of techs would seem to have hit my discovery rate. SotHB now expected next turn.
March 22, 2002, 02:40
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2128 sent to Q.
Archaic, what happened was the CP you just finished at Pavlov Biolab cut your labs by just slightly more than the increased labs flowing from commerce derived from Q's new fourth base. Last turn your F2 showed 137/168 toward Brain with 31.2 labs being produced. This turn shows 167/168 (cost remaining constant) with 30 labs being produced.
Beware, the cost of your next tech will more than double.(maybe triple!) Mine is costing ~320 labs, and you'll have 5 techs more than me when you set your next tech.
March 22, 2002, 10:27
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2129 to NS.
March 22, 2002, 15:02
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2129 to Archaic.
March 22, 2002, 18:46
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SotHB discovered. Ethic. Calc. taken as the bonus tech. I assume you'll want that Mongoose, so I'll send it to you next turn. I know you're worried about that tech. rate Qantaga, so would you prefer I hold off on sending it?
Tech requirement was doubled. 20 turns 'till Gene Splicing.
March 22, 2002, 19:55
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I'll be happy to take Eth. Calc whenever you send it, Archaic.
Just to pick a nit....
Last tech cost - 168
New tech cost - 583
2129 to Q.
March 22, 2002, 20:15
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Oh shush. =P
March 22, 2002, 20:42
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2130 to NS.
Archaic, you are right. I will want to wait a little on EthCalc. I am actually going to get my first tech discovery in three turns, so I will wait until then to accept any more techs. Thanks.
March 22, 2002, 20:55
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2130 to Archaic.
March 22, 2002, 21:28
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Ethic. Calc. Sent to Mongoose.
Both Drones and Hive will discover Doc: Flex in 3 turns, so it might be an idea for one of you to reduce your tech. rate on purpose somehow so we don't get duplicate discoveries.
In hindsight I shouldn't have done this without telling you guys first, but I called the election. Eligible Canditates are myself and Miriam. Cha-Dawn of course voted for Miriam, but that onlygives her 15 votes total.
March 23, 2002, 06:58
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2130 sent to Q.
March 23, 2002, 10:59
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Archaic, you are correct about the techs. I will discover D:Flex the turn before the Hive and then send it immediately. As long as NS accepts it before closing the commlink, he will still get a free switch (and an immediate new tech). I realize it only gives us one shot at a good replacement tech, but he should be offered at least one along the D:AP path. I have to finish ahead of him because I just can't afford to accept another tech and get my first discovery pushed back even further.
2131 to NS.
March 23, 2002, 11:08
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Problem is, Q, I think the Hive will discover it first. My F2 display shows both of you completing it in the same year. Hive moves first in the year. If the display is accurate (and there is some quirkiness in F2 displays that I cannot quite recall, MariOne used to have it down to a 'T') then he will have to send it to you. That then puts you in the position of accepting yet another tech before your discovery and the resultant change in tech cost could be disastrous. Bad enough what you're going to find the next tech will cost you without that happening. I think Archaic is right. Hive should slow research by a year to allow you to discover Doc:Flex and send it to him as you outlined above.
March 23, 2002, 11:24
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Mongoose, thanks for the input. You are right that it is probably safest for the Hive to slow research a bit.
However, as things stand now, I will get it first. You are seeing that we are both three turns out, but I am after you in the turn, so by the time my turn opens, I am only two turns away while the Hive is still three away. I will actually get it at the end of 2132 while he will get it at the start of 2133 (assuming all lab factors remain the same, of course).
*Edit to say that I sure would like to have a tenth of MariOne's knowledge of the intricacies of this game.
Last edited by Qantaga; March 23, 2002 at 11:54.
March 23, 2002, 16:28
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2131 to Archaic.
Final Vote Tally:
Archaic 24
Miriam 15
Voting record:
Archaic, Archaic
Qantaga, Archaic
Mongoose, Archaic
Flubber, Archaic
Miriam, Miriam
Cha'Dawn, Miriam
Congrats to the new governor of Chiron, Archaic.
March 23, 2002, 19:07
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The commerce benifits of the governorship have dramatically increased my research. Gene Splicing now expected in 8 turns, however Mongoose should reach it in 5.
Cha'Dawn and Miriam don't look all that built up from the infiltration data, however I would be worried about Cha'Dawn getting Non-Linear Math before we do. He's already begun research some time back it seems.
March 23, 2002, 22:28
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2131 to Q.
*sigh* Vendetta from Fungboy. Seeing that both Archaic and Q had treaties with him and supposing he might be in an early game reasonable frame of mind, I called the little creep. He demanded Ethical Calculus and of course declared Vendetta when I refused it. Still, he's a long way away...for now.
Archaic, could I have a complete read on his forces please? Of particular interest is his lift capacity. I think I might use Brain after Gene Splicing is finished.
Asked Northswordsman for a 20 ec loan to rush the bank in Richmond next turn. If he can't manage that, or if he can only manage part of it, could you make up the difference, Archaic? Q is currently out of the picture for me, since I have pre-accepted and left Ind. Auto for his use in the diplomacy box.
Heh. The bank will be worth a net flow of 4 ec/turn currently. Great ROE!!
March 23, 2002, 23:16
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2132 to NS.
Mongoose, I will accept IndAuto next turn. Thanks for leaving it there for me, though I am sorry it prevented me from sending you the loan. Finally, my first tech discovery will come next turn.
March 23, 2002, 23:29
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He was in a reasonable frame of mind early on, but he went seething quickly for everyone.
I'll tell you more when I get my turn, but he's got Field Modulation, Applied Physics and Doc. Mob. already, and is 15 away from Impact weapons. I don't remember him having Doc. Flex, but he might. I'll have to check. Only 3-4 bases, but they're built up more than any of ours are. He's got a treaty with the progenitors, and has progenitor psych already, so he could potentially recieve tech. from there.
March 24, 2002, 14:56
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2132 to Archaic.
March 24, 2002, 17:29
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Fungboy seems to have been having a few troubles down there from the looks of things. Most of his command nexus consists of units lost. His current forces include
4 Scout Patrols
1 Unity Rover
1 Unity Foil
1 Spore Launcher
2 Synthmetal Sentinals
1 Recon Rover
You'll also have to worry about Progenitor Forces. There's a Progenitor infantry unit stationed in both Believing and Cultist capitals. Can't be exactly sure what it is, but looks like Trance Scout Infantry.
March 24, 2002, 18:04
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2132 sent to Q.
Well, it's good his lift is only 1, with the (slow) unity foil. One unit can't do all that much harm, I guess. Problem will come when he starts building warships and capturing IoDs. Captured native life takes a turn or two to show up on an infiltrater's F7 report, so I could get little/no warning, depending on where they're captured.
Better commence to building some kind of defense force. *sigh* Here, I was hoping to be able to wait for clean reactors.
March 24, 2002, 18:26
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2133 sent to NS.
I discovered D:Flex and sent it to NS. I also sent along AppPhys so the game might offer him HEChem. With Biogen, SocPsy and EthCalc already in Mongoose and Archaic's labs, I wanted to give him a good chance to get a new replacement tech and not have to duplicate one. Keep your fingers crossed.
I also accepted IndAuto from Mongoose. Wealth and crawlers...Domai's good friends.
SocPsych was the only choice offered along the D:AP beeline, so I sent a note to Mongoose asking him to send it to me.
March 24, 2002, 20:52
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2133 to Archaic.
Acquired High Energy Chemistry. Choose Doc: Initative as my next tech.
March 25, 2002, 02:12
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2133 and Social Psych to Q.
March 25, 2002, 20:00
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2134 to NS.
Mongoose, thanks for SocPsych. My researchers come begging again, this time for Biogen. I will need a little help leapfrogging down the line to D:AP, but I only want to get one tech at a time. I would like to take as few techs as possible to get a new one to open up.
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