I agree with cavebear,or at least for a part.
I know it is decided that only the president and vice have the game but take a look at the screenshots our empire is becomming quite large(surface) and it is almost impossible for me to get any orders.the maps that show me something usefull are to small(most of the time you almost see 1 city so I have no clue where it is) on the screens that show the entire empire I have no details.
I have no longer a idea of distances or where units are stationed.
Try to build a military strat on that.
I think the entire cabinet should get the game so they can each search for the specifics they need(this is something that will become impossible for the president the farther we get ingame).
Then it would also be possible for them to post the appropriate screenshot with the poll's they are making.
This way our president can still put up his 5-turn post of how things are going on a global scale and the cabinet members take care of the specific info the citizens need for a poll.
I know there is still the risk that one could continue playing==>immediate impeachement
we should trust the integrity of our cabinet.

slightly down because he has no clue what is going on in our empire