I see the needs for a balanced world in a multiplayer game. OTOH I only play single game and don't like to define too much parameters for land mass distribution et al.
I enjoy the world discover a lot, so the less I know about it from start, the better for me
So I simply would like a credible geological model of terrain distribution.
To better help AI job, I'm orienting my opinion on a model of "seeds layers", that AI can better use with some templates reference:
any map should be calculated with a layer of early, middle and later useful resources (think about wood, coal, oil), a layer of optimal road route, a layer of best city placement, a layer of military strategical point, a layer of rural (primitive tribe) population distribution.
The seeds distribution must assure a balanced unbalancing
start of resources, population etc.
With a bunch of "LIFE like" simple rules the game should start its "pre-history" (not played introduction) with a nomadic phase of tribes aggregation, that should be seen (from every player limited point of view) as a starting "cut scene".
Into this phase "Civ 2 Huts/Civ 3 Minor Civ" will be founded, your tribe will meet others friendly tribes to share first bunch of discoveries (Civ 2 starting tech), surrounding terrain knowledge, early religion and myth development (also about far civ existance
), then you'll see founded your first city (automatically placed, as in SMAC, but following the tribes aggregation, see LIFE rules).
It's a bit slow as a game start, but (standard Earth apart) I think CIV 3 must add a bit of atmosphere to every different game.
Remembering the famous five W of journalism: is the dawn of a new civilization, Who it is, Where do it come from, What's mainly doing (fight, research, build, explore), Why and When. I want to know before fiddling with my follower citizen!
The little briefing at the start do the job in a very dry way, but it can be done a lot better IMHO. Just consider the leader/population mood:
- Are you alone in a little island: how can you be a warlike civilization before to be an axplorer?
- Are you short on natural resources: fight for them!
- Do you have plenty of a resources: trade it!
- Are you in a quite good position: build and research!
Mankind changed and adapted itself as it learned to change the nature and convert it to its needs, so I think that the map generation is a lot more than a lottery of terrain tiles distribution
My humble opinion, of course.
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant