View Poll Results: What about MP...
I DON'T CARE if it's it's underworked, I want it NOW!!!
9 |
9.78% |
We can wait a month or two, so that it's great as the rest of the game...
48 |
52.17% |
Civ III is great already, MP or no MP, I don't care.
35 |
38.04% |
March 4, 2002, 15:03
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Poll... what about MP
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March 4, 2002, 15:15
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I could wait a year for a good MP but I would'nt play a week on a bad MP. You get my point?
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March 4, 2002, 16:56
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I could wait for a few months for MP.......... but so that it's just as "great as the rest of the game"?!?! EXCUSE ME?!! It's had better be A LOT better then the rest of the game.
March 4, 2002, 16:58
Local Time: 16:18
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I am sure it is not the majority opinion here, but I could care less. I don't have the time it would take to play a MP game anyway. It's not like I'm in college anymore...
A really nice editor would be grand though....
March 4, 2002, 17:14
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to aahz_capone
Originally posted by aahz_capone
I could wait for a few months for MP.......... but so that it's just as "great as the rest of the game"?!?! EXCUSE ME?!! It's had better be A LOT better then the rest of the game.
Hmm... don't you find the game GOOD?!
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March 4, 2002, 17:15
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I don't really care. They can put it out when they get done with it; I'm enjoying myself with just the single player just fine...
March 4, 2002, 19:47
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I don't care about MP either. You will probably find that most people left in this forum don't care either, as the people who do want MP don't view these forums often.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
March 4, 2002, 20:35
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the game as it stands is definatlty(sp) too slow for MP, and barring a major change in the mechanics of the game it won't get much better, Civ2 was pushing it with 20 hour games, but it's alot faster than Civ3 MP would be
March 4, 2002, 22:04
Local Time: 16:18
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After playing the game for a few months, I think the game as we have it is unworkable for MP. Strategic resources throw play balance way off. In the SP game you can eventually get what you need from the AI. In an MP game there is no way I am going to trade away the means of my own destruction. If your Persian and I have the only iron on our shared continent. Good luck until you get gunpowder cause my swordsmen and knights are gonna be feasting on your spearmen and horsemen. And even then you'll have to have saltpeter. Sorry guys, this game does not translate well to MP, and that is why it wasn't shipped with MP.
If they can either make the strategic resources more fairly distributed, or have manditory AI civs to make trading posible. Then the game has MP potential. And of course, true stacked movement would help cut down turn time.
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March 4, 2002, 22:12
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If they can either make the strategic resources more fairly distributed, or have manditory AI civs to make trading posible.
Or better yet balance out all of the units, so that even if you are missing an important resource there are still descent units to build.
Well, I hope we will get to play MP some time in the summer, but my realistic thought is that we won't be playing with MP until Fall. Also, I care a lot about MP (LAN games with my brother  ), but like Spectator I'd rather wait to get great MP. Plus SP is fun playing with Korn's Blitz Mod...no other way to play Civ3.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
March 4, 2002, 23:16
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I'd like a good MP, but I wouldn't mind waiting a year for this (remember how long we waited for Civ2MP). I would really prefer a complete scenario support with events and scripting before this. Having completely tweakable rules would also be fine in the first time (I'm satisfied with the rules editor, but there are ways to do more)
March 5, 2002, 00:06
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Originally posted by Skanky Burns
I don't care about MP either. You will probably find that most people left in this forum don't care either, as the people who do want MP don't view these forums often.
No... you wouldn't probably find that to be the case at all...
Many of the hardcore MP'ers do view these forums... we are all desperately waiting (and will wait longer if it means a better game) for MP... because as with most games... the AI sucks, and the only way it can win is to "cheat"...
It will be a much better game playing real humans, who have to play the same rules you do  And it really is more fun beating another human...
As many have claimed, it is now a very predictable game... it leads you down the same path, over and over again... We are hoping that human opponents will change that...
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March 5, 2002, 02:25
Now you've gone and done it, Skanky! (Didn't you read the signs? "Please don't do anything to rouse the rabid 'hardcore MP'ers'.")
On topic: I voted for 'don't care if it never comes out.' The thing I have always loved about Civ is playing it when and where I feel like it--not being dependent on whether I could pull together enough players to field a decent game, or wondering whether those players are still crazy enough to be up at whatever-odd hour of the morning. I enjoy long, drawn-out games with 16 civs on a huge map, and I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it would be trying to get through one of those in a MP-situation.
March 5, 2002, 03:00
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Like DATarbell refered to, I would dread playing Civ3 over multiplayer, just cuz of the length of one game. First of all, it would be difficult to find a good ammount of other guys who would be dedicated to that many hours of one game.
Second, if we can't finnish it in one session, i highly doubt the odds of a second session, soon enough for the first one to still be in memory.
the only way i see civ3 MP being highly succesful, either 1: a dozen guys set up a network in a garage, and dedicate a weekend-to-a-week.
What i WOULD love to see is organized civ3 tournaments, ala massive chess tournaments. Get a turnout of a thousand folk a year, at... some city, i dunno, rotate the city every year..., put them into 62 games of 16 civs, winners play a final four of 16 civs each... winners of the final four play a final duel on a small map... i dunno, just a pipe dream i guess. Wouldn't it be awesome tho? Charge a profitable fee from all entered participants, and give a prize to whoever is the king of civ3 every year. Probably be too expensive tho, i dunno
March 5, 2002, 04:50
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Originally posted by DATarbell
Now you've gone and done it, Skanky! (Didn't you read the signs? "Please don't do anything to rouse the rabid 'hardcore MP'ers'.")
Hey, blame the person who started this poll
Ming: I didn't quite manage to get my point across before. (It was late when I wrote that  )
What I meant was, the ratio of MP to SP who regularly view the Civ3 forums would be lower now than, say, when Civ 3 was first released...
Wasn't saying that no-one was looking forward to MP...
Actually, I wouldn't mind playing a game or two of MP Civ 3... although I'm not as good as many others.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
March 5, 2002, 07:18
Local Time: 22:18
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I'd love it if MP came out. BUT, some changes NEED to be made to make it viable. Firstly, there needs to be a 2x2x-like quick game option as there is in civ2 (cheaper production and terrain costs/2 to double movement? doubled production and doubled unit speeds?). Secondly, there needs to be some kind of simultaneous play mode (better than civ2 where the host could go up and kill all your units without you even seeing him) and the game needs to be made to run a bit quicker than it does right now on many PCs. Third, there need to be some rule tweaks I believe to balance the game better. Firaxis seem to have sorted out the resource issue a bit better, and bearing in mine few games will have MORE than 4 human players (so on a standard map most players would be ok with resources), I think the way they are right now is ok. They also did well sorting out despot rushing (although I think 20 turns would be better for unhappiness levels). But the great leader/forbidden palace problem needs sorting, and there are others - I might write a post later going through all the current problems with the game (that would prevent MP). Maybe some kind of list of MP features needs writing up?
Edit:I meant more not few.... as if most games will have 5 players or more...
Last edited by DrFell; March 6, 2002 at 11:53.
March 5, 2002, 07:47
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I am still waiting to see when Firaxis will explain what they mean with 'cool multiplayer concepts'.
March 5, 2002, 12:48
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DrFell... While I do disagree with some of what you are saying, I think we can all agree that the success of MP will probably be based on...
I think they MUST provide us with option menus that will allow us to pick the type of game we want without having to go in and use the editor.
Everybody has a different opinion of what will or will not make a good MP game... so it is obvious...
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March 5, 2002, 13:08
Local Time: 15:18
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I really want MP!!!
I have 3 very good friends, they are still in high school so we spend alot of time together. But is is so darn b o r i n g to watch somebody else play. So what do we do? We play Civ2. It is tottaly outdated. Last night my friend had it up to here with the AI, The Egyptions came to China, made peace, then attacked the capitol, won, and divided his nation. Two turns later, they did it again, he went from 8 cities all bout pop4-8, in 3000bc, down to 2 pop 3's. And that's not all! The whole time We were getting techs one per turn for maybe 5 turns when we were really gettin'em 4-6 turns, and my friend built a 30 turn library in 1! Way too many glitches to have fun, pluss, diplomacy is one way. But we play it anyway because we have waited since August 28 to get a Multi Civ3, In fact thats why I spent 50$ on it, and believe me, I DON'T have alot of money. In fact, out of those close to 6 months I have spent a total of less than 24 hours. Not worth the money In my opinoin. I was led to belive Multi would be in game, then I found out I would be in a patch, 7 patches later and I feel VERY Cheated.
Well those are my 2cents
March 5, 2002, 13:13
Ninot: The tournament idea sounds awesome! I'd get blown away in the first round probably, cause I'm far more deliberate than quick. But still, I figure I'd learn more watching the remaining competitions than I have in (all the games I've played + the manual + the Civilopedia + all of the forum postings I've read). It would be truly awesome!
Skanky: Hope you know I was just kidding! (It's so darned hard to express inflection in postings.)
March 5, 2002, 15:48
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Lots of people dont want to play Civ3 mp because it would take too long. One thing I know you would never be able to play 16 civs in a mp game. Most people have 56k connections, and I think they would have a hard time playing with 8 civs let alone 16. Besides this game was optimized to be played with 8 civs on standard map, that is why I think turns take so long with 16 civs on huge map, was not optimized for that. Anyways there are ways you could speed up the game with user created mods, so that you could get to the modern age in a few hours instead of days, everything could cost less. Would need some play testing to make sure it is balanced, but it could be done and make Civ3 mp something that is actually fun to play with in the span of a few hours, maybe even two.
March 5, 2002, 16:32
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I want MP but if it isn't better sorted out then the nonpatched version of Civ3 then...
March 5, 2002, 16:47
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 I presonally hope they release an expansion pack soon with mp and scenario editors.  The later is another topic so i won't get into it but I know a lot of my friends who didn't bye the game just because it didn't have mp. I personally think i would enjoy playing mp even with civ2 like multiplayer capibabilites (hey they could release a patch later for the options.) I never really played much of mp with civ2 but i really want to play mp for civ3.
And on the topic of play balance, i don't see how the spread of minerals is any more disruptive in human games than AI ones. It adds a flavor if you start out with no iron but the other human players do. If you can't compet well that's too bad for you better luck next time but it adds strategical challenges and flavor. What a boring game when everything always starts off completely even with the same number of minerals same type, same type of islands etc. Its part of the game get over it.
March 5, 2002, 17:21
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Re: to aahz_capone
Originally posted by TheDarkCavalier
Hmm... don't you find the game GOOD?!
I must reply that I LIKE the game. Yes, I LIKE the game. I would LOVE to ADORE the game, but I can't, for some bloody reason. I WANT to LOVE this game, but it's like your girlfriend dyed her hair and because you love her you want to love it, but you can't. In the end telling her the truth will get you smacked (or possibly SMAC'd?).
For those of you w/ no or no previous girlfriends or other such refrence point, go out and get pissed or read a book.
About tournaments, YES!!! unfortunately I'm now in a HUGEmap game with everyone and loads of land thus so many cities that every turn takes enough time to watch another episode of Star Trek.
March 5, 2002, 18:07
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I won't play CivIII again until MP is an option. AI is not as fun as human opponents.
Same reason why I only play CivII MP games.
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March 5, 2002, 18:14
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Originally posted by aahz_capone
I could wait for a few months for MP.......... but so that it's just as "great as the rest of the game"?!?! EXCUSE ME?!! It's had better be A LOT better then the rest of the game.
civ3 is ok, but i've had more fun playing SimGolf
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March 5, 2002, 18:17
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MP is Multi Player_?
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March 5, 2002, 18:48
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yes MP is multiplayer, wow you must really be a spammer i just responded to a rather short excuse of an argument earlier. You better watch out if the mods catch you your toast and got to start all over agian, they like slapping hefty PCRs on people who spam consistently
March 5, 2002, 20:13
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Originally posted by ColdWizard

civ3 is ok, but i've had more fun playing SimGolf
Sim GOLF?!?!  SIM GOLF?!?!?!?!?!?! That's the gayest game EVER published. EVEN WARCRAFT ONE RULES SIMGOLF! I'm not really a fan of Sims and stuff but that game (piece of &%$# to be precise) is just DISGUSTING!
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March 6, 2002, 11:54
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Originally posted by Ming
No kidding. I'd like to see easy ways of speeding up and slowing down tech rates, a 2x2x/2x1x type mode and a whole host of other things I'm too lazy to go into right now.
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