July 16, 2002, 22:57
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on to Spasm
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 18, 2002, 21:45
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Move 2178 to 'D'
July 18, 2002, 22:43
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on to Spasmofit.
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 21, 2002, 13:29
Local Time: 14:19
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Move 2178 to 'D'
July 21, 2002, 14:30
Local Time: 17:19
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To All,
I have built the Empath Guild, and so thereby have the capability to contact all Leaders, as well as call elections. I thereby declare that I am calling elections on my next turn, and that I plan on voting for Commissioner Radman. Although I feel that I am the other candidate and could give the Commish a good run for his money (based on my +50% vote increase due to the Empath Guild),why I believe that at this stage of the game that it is more important to cultivate an atmosphere of cooperation between our factions, and that attempting to seize the Governorship from Commissioner Radman would only divide us more deeply. I therefore ask that all factions vote for Radman, especially if the other candidate belongs to Morgan's Tri-Pact!
Turn to Chairman Spasmofit!
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 23, 2002, 20:22
Local Time: 14:19
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TBP to "D"
July 23, 2002, 21:46
Local Time: 17:19
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Elections have been called by the Gaians. Currently the election results are as follows:
Commissioner Radman: 93 votes (from me)
Lord Darsnan: 0
Another reason I called the election was to find out the relative population strengths of the AI. Very surprising:
Morgan: 30!?! 
Zak: 74
Santi: 66
Outstanding Human votes:
Commissioner Radman: 170
Chairman Spasmofit: 42
Brother wgabrie: 36
Very interesting that Morgan was (and emphasis on was) so strong. Good news he's not so strong anymore. Bad news is he spent approximately 1800EC's this turn!  Can't figure out on what, though?
Turn to Chairman Spasmofit
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 23, 2002, 23:00
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I think Morgan is cornering the energy market. I've noticed that the AI is willing to do this several times if it has money to burn.
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
July 24, 2002, 06:44
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I voted for Radman, the same as Darsnan did.
Yes, I got a clear message about Morgan cornering the global market.
We'll never overrun his capital in 19 turns now.
July 24, 2002, 22:10
Local Time: 17:19
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I voted for radman which will be the projected winner. BTW, Does someone want to foward a copy of the game to Googlie? I think now is a good time to update him on how his little "experiment" is progressing.
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
July 25, 2002, 01:57
Local Time: 14:19
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Originally posted by SPasmofiT
Yes, I got a clear message about Morgan cornering the global market.
BINGO!! (the "big surprise")
In the 3 playtests I ran as different factions Morgan went for it each time (and was successful in 2 of them) - it will need great teamwork and co-ordination to beat him
And I recall now why I re-activated the EG - you need to be able to contact and strategize with each other to fend him off (that's why I failed miserably in the playtests - I was going it alone to try and grow my energy reserves faster than him in one, and had only contacted 2 other factions in the other - and as SP factions they wouldn't even co-ordinate a vendetta with me against Morgan)
When I played fifty or so turns in multiplay mode he again went for it but we (I) did get at his bases and energy park to thwart him - at least the date was pushed back well beytond the initial 20 years, so I considered it then viable to stop him - of course he might be strong enough by then to Transcend anyway !!
And yes, I wouldn't mind getting a turn to look at and play thru a cycle
July 25, 2002, 04:19
Local Time: 23:19
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We only have 19 turns? Is there a way to extend this?
I am the Hive. I don't have much of an energy production.
Let's all trade everything, and go get him, while we might have the time.
July 25, 2002, 13:19
Local Time: 17:19
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Well, now I know why my intuition was screaming at me to cultivate alliances among our factions by setting up Radman as defacto Governor!  Anyways, currently I am on the road, but got the chance to log in for a little bit. Before I had left, why I had forwarded Radman the outline of a plan whereby he and I tried to decimate the Morganites ability to corner the energy market. After having thought about it a little bit, why I am tending to lean more towards Spasmofit's thoughts of "Let's get Morgan!". This is what I think we can do:
1. Our ultimate savior is Doc: AP, which I think is attainable in the immediate future. Here's how: next turn, each of us blind trades all available techs to the next person in sequence. If this then fullfills your current research, then switch to something that is offered, but BELOW Doc:AP on the tech chart. Then forward ALL of your research to the next person in sequence, etc., etc., and we should be able to get Doc:AP in short order. I have a relatively large lead in techs currently, so this will probably take several turns, but we SHOULD be able to achieve this in relatively short order. Also, to assist this why I have 2 artifacts that are currently 2 turns from Radman's shore. I will move them to Radman's closest port and hand them over to him, thus giving us 2 more techs. I also have a Probe Foil 4 turns away from Morgan's nearest port, which I will use to pilfer another tech as well.
2. I know where Morgan is: I will also include my world map (approximately 40% of world explored) next turn. It then must be passed around to every player who will then contribute their map as well. This then will give us a very good idea geographically as to how to proceed. From my perspective, I can already reach Morgan's northeastern territory from my bases with Needlejets, and if necessary these will be outfitted as missiles, as currelty the Gaians do not have that technology yet. I also plan on building a base in 5 turns from which Radman's needlejets can land, re-fuel, and can then reach Morgan's western territory with. I will also start building an army with which to attack Morgans's northern shore with - it'll take about 2 turns per tranist, so good re-supply capability on my part( I also have relatively good tranport capability at this time already - just need the army!).
3. Governor Radman: My IOD with 2 artifacts is approximately 2-3 turns from your ports. Review your unlinked network nodes and tell me where is the best place to bring this IOD. I will also gift you this IOD if you want, so as to assist you in lauching your own flotilla (perhaps shades of "Operation White Hare!"  ).
4. Chairman Spasmofit and Brother wgabrie: my currently highest military tech is Particle Impactors. Start building transports and Impactor equipment to attack Morgan's southern shore with. I think, but because I'm not home can't verify, that you are both out of range of fighters. Once we get a complete map assembled we'll know more for sure, but I'd say your armies, from the Hive's added production capabilities, and the Believer's added abilities in their attacks, should consist mainly of ground units which should make a large dent in Morgan's infrastructure.
5. Morgan is getting a tech every 4 turns right now! This is not including anything that his submissives give him!
6. Having previously noted in this thread that Googlie has some surprises up his sleeve, why be aware that he may have planted some superior, independent, sleeper agents scatttered around Morgan's island, that will only awaken when bumped into by our units. This could include 8/3/2 Chaos Rovers, 1/5/1 AAA Guards at critical locations, or even Air Defense Choppers on helipads!
7. Anything else that anyone wants to add, I'm definately all ears. I do have to say though that I am very glad I listened to my intuition and started trying to build a coalition, instead of challenging Radman for the Governorship! This now gives us 2 players with the ability to peak into all Morgan cities that we can see!
8. I'll be home and back online in approximately 8 hours from this post. Anyone who wants to send me some messages that Agent Googlie can't see, then send me an E-Mail (and I suggest this method, as Agent Googlie is purported to be a master of propaganda, and would uwse our words to the Alliance's detriment!)and I'll get back to you then!
9. Have Heart: WE can do this!
Lord D
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 25, 2002, 22:29
Local Time: 17:19
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Location: New Syracuse, Beta Prime
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To All,
I have played the turn and forwarded to Chairman Spasmofit. Here is what has been accomplished on my turn:
1. 2 AA's are 2 turns from Governor Radman's coast. I also anticipate giving this IOD to Radman, unless Radman objects to this gift.
2. 1 AA currently 2 turns from Chairman Spasmofit's base of Worker's Nest. SPASM: if this node is already linked, then tell me of another node (preferably north) that isn't linked and I will guide the AA there with my IOD. I will also gift this IOD to you so as to assist in your invasion capabilities!
3. My invasion force will launch from Gaian shores in 3 more turns! It is extremely important that WE get Doc:AP shortly thereafter in order to cover my ground units once on Morgan's shores!
4. I will have an IOD off of Morgan's western Coast in 5 turns, I will then guide this along towards the south, so as to assist in exploring potential landing sites for the Hive.
5. Brother wgabrie: I have 2 foils that I will begin to move towards Morgan's shores next turn.This then should hilite where your landing force should attack. FYI.
6. If anyone can get me Optical Computers next turn (or the turn right after) then I will have a LOT of research accumulated which can then be immediately re-directed towards another goal, hopefully Doc:AP! FYI!
Thats all for now:anyone has some input/ suggestions, please let me know!
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 26, 2002, 01:50
Local Time: 14:19
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Originally posted by Darsnan
6. Having previously noted in this thread that Googlie has some surprises up his sleeve, why be aware that he may have planted some superior, independent, sleeper agents scatttered around Morgan's island, that will only awaken when bumped into by our units. This could include 8/3/2 Chaos Rovers, 1/5/1 AAA Guards at critical locations, or even Air Defense Choppers on helipads!
Lord D
WOW - I wish I had that much imagination !!
July 26, 2002, 02:44
Local Time: 23:19
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July 26, 2002, 08:59
Local Time: 17:19
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Posts: 786
Turn Report:
1. Passing along tech & map.
2. Switching production to Transports & Ground Units
3. Beginning Research on Synthetic Fossil Fuels
I was just realizing after saving the game, that I have an Alien Artifact hanging around in my most western base. The nearest Network Node is 19 squares away through some unpaved ground and a fungus square. Now I have to figure out how to get it there safely.
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
July 26, 2002, 18:33
Local Time: 17:19
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The second round of techs is now making its way around!
My first ground unit is one turn away from Morgan's island.
Turn to Spasm
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 27, 2002, 05:10
Local Time: 23:19
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Location: Prahova, Romania
Posts: 365
I managed to get some techs from Morgan. All you need to do is accept them.
The good thing is that we don't have to defeat him, but only conquer his HQ. Where is it ?
July 27, 2002, 18:27
Local Time: 17:19
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I've started landing units on Morgan's island: see my map update as to where.
1 turn till Synthetic Fossil Fuels, then hopefully when I trade this to wgabrie, he will almost immediately get Doc: AP (fingers crossed!)! Also, my probe foil is one turn from Morgan's city that we can see: should I attempt a Mind Control, then kill the city (i.e. will this ploy set back Morgan's attempt to corner the Energy Market?), or just go for the tech? Anybody have some insight on this?
Also gave an artifact to Spasmofit in his city that has a node ready to hook it up to, and gave Radman 2 artifacts and an IOD to Radman.
Turn to Spasm
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 28, 2002, 03:16
Local Time: 23:19
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Posts: 365
Cached the artefact, sent the tech to everyone.
I also called the global trade pact... it will greatly help me.
My energy reserves are low, my production is punny, and all my bases are size 2-3 (I overdid with the forest).. So I'm not sure I can reach morgan in the next 10 turns :-(
July 28, 2002, 23:22
Local Time: 14:19
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Artifacts received from "D" on their way to Network Nodes. Arrive in 4 turns. Move 2204 to "D"
July 29, 2002, 00:20
Local Time: 17:19
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Argh! Spartans sank my Probe Foil which was poised to steal a tech from Morgan!!! Regardless, I am now researching Doc: AP in 8 turns, and have also discovered a Morganite Crawler which may belong to Morgan Industries! Barring interference, I will kill it next turn, and then back off, waiting my reinforcements in 2 turns. I also have gifted Synthetic Fossil Fuels to Brother wgabrie in the hopes he will then be able to discover Doc: AP in 2 turns! I am also priming cities for the expected discovery of Doc: AP so that I can kill Morgan Industries!
Turn to Spasm!
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
July 29, 2002, 03:43
Local Time: 23:19
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Posts: 365
how much time do we have left?
August 1, 2002, 09:53
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Doc: Air in 2 turns!
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
August 1, 2002, 23:03
Local Time: 14:19
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Move on to "D"
Great news about AP!!
August 2, 2002, 15:24
Local Time: 17:19
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Originally posted by wgabrie
Doc: Air in 2 turns!
This is indeed very good news (there'll be a few extra dollars on the Collection Plate this coming Sunday, wgabrie!), as well as one reason I've been thinking over the turn and how to proceed. The other reason I had delayed is that I have discovered a huge Energy Park @ coordinates 10/58, taking out one Elite Morganic Supply Crawler this turn. I will start destroying the Echelon Mirrors one by one after this, until either my rover is destroyed or reinforcements arrive! To this end I have decided to build a city in 3 turns @ coordinates 10/58, which will then allow me to land my needlejets for the purpose of continual bombing of Morganic targets. I will also establish a base in 2 turns at coordinates 14/48 so that Commissioner Radman may land aircraft here with which to bomb Morgan's western assets.
Turn to Chairman Spasmofit.
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
August 9, 2002, 10:26
Local Time: 17:19
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To All,
I will be out of town from the 14th thru the 27th. At this critical time in the game, I would rather not have a replacement. Does anyone have an issue with this?
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
August 11, 2002, 10:51
Local Time: 17:19
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No, Go ahead and enjoy!
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
August 29, 2002, 16:31
Local Time: 17:19
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Location: New Syracuse, Beta Prime
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OK, I've been on vacation for two weeks and I still don't have a turn in my In Box for this game. I have re-sent my last turn to Spasmofit in an attempt to jumpstart this game. FYI.
And if Dale DOES choose self exile, then 'poly just lost another one of their star gaming contributors, and that's a pity, since this is still a gaming site.
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