Anyone know where I can find some good units to spice up my civ2 experience (i've got FW) ;-)
Specifically, I'm looking for:
- A good Apache Helicopter unit. I've found some helicoptoirs, but they just don't strike fear like a good Apache should

- A light bomber. I'm thinking of adding a tech in between flight and rocketry, some type of Improved Flight or something. I'll make that where you get the light bomber.
- Jet Fighter. Something not *too* advanced looking, this'll be for between the regular fighter and the stealth one. I'm thinking of having it appear with Advanced flight.
Anyone have an idea for an advanced defensive unit? Something beyond the mch infantry? I was thinking of perhaps an immobile unit, purely for defensive purposes. My only thought is that the AI will go psycho overboard with it, but them's the breaks I suppose.
And finally, any other ideas? I've got 7 more psots in addition to those above.