September 5, 2000, 20:38
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Civ Survivor
-28 people are locked in a room, forced to play Civilization II 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week for 28 days.
-Who will pass out from exhaustion first and who will be voted out? It is your vote, use
it wisely.
Admiral Naismith(Out)
Napoleon I(Out)
Phunny Pharmer(Out)
Christantine the Great(Out)
Imran Siddiqui(Out)
Dark Cloud(Out)
Yin 26(Out)
Par 4(Out)
My Wife hates CIV(Out)
Alexander's Horse(Out)
The diplomat(Out)
The Joker
Scouse Gits(Out)
Dr. Oogkloot(Out)
CYBER Amazon (Replaced by kcbob)(Out)
Every Day you can vote 1 person out of the room if you wish to save them from insanity.
If you are in the game you may vote people out as well.
*A new note: The prize is to be included in Sid Meier's Civ III as an advisor to the King. (Fake Prize)
Quote Lines:
--So you want to be a hero...
--Something wicked this way comes...
--Farenheit 451... Whew that's hot!
--Settler- From NONE, Chieftan- of Peril, Warlord- of the Ring, Prince- of Persia, Emperor- of Evil, Deity- of too much time on ones hands...
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 15, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 18, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 20, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 21, 2000).]
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September 5, 2000, 22:19
Local Time: 14:44
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MWHC-out-He'd go crazy fast playing the slow paced dinosaur that is civ.
September 5, 2000, 22:43
The Empress
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are we talkin 2x2x or 1x1x... everyone knows how I feel about 1x1x games ::insert puke smilie::
September 5, 2000, 23:29
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Rich says I should form an alliance....
September 6, 2000, 18:23
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I would spend the entirity of the last 14 days just playing one huge turn! That's where my style of play would take me anyhow.
Seriously, I would probably be frustrated out of my head by the third week. I'd be trying to beat Civ2 Diety/Raging Hordes while sleeping... and my Civ skill level isn't very high right now...
Wait is is classic civ or a scenario? SP or MP?
Shouldn't this be Civ2 Big Brother?
September 6, 2000, 21:30
Local Time: 22:44
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Yes, technically this should be CIV II Big Brother; however it sounds better when you say 'Civ Survivor- Who will live and who will die of exhaustion or be voted out.'
In answer to your other question:
This is Civ II single player and Test of Time.
Also... On day two four silver shiny boxes arrive marked 'Civ II Multiplayer Gold Edition'... The contestant scramble over one another fighting to get the game, but most fight in vain.
At the end of the altercation the few who escape with a box are:
Alexander's Horse, The Joker, Andyz83, and Shadowstrike
Due to their evil brawling skills picked up due to their long stays on the Apolyton Forums they win the only copies... Only to find the editions are extremely buggy. However The Joker uses his great programming skills to debug the programs for the others.
No one survives the day without a few bruises.
-My vote for who should be voted out is Alexander's Horse because he cannot defend his position by cross-voting me out because he is banned for a week.
(Sorry Alexander, it was the logical course to go with.)
September 6, 2000, 22:59
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Although all these people are good people I must vote off Andz83.
He resurrected many useless threads by simply saying "Good descussion guys, keep it up."
All the net-time I wasted waiting for a thread to load that was started in Dec. 1999 really annoys me and I have to say Andz83 must go. And I'm sure others would agree with me.
(Please don't kill me, eat him he's the roast, I'm just the fish stick  Sorry Andz83.)
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.
September 7, 2000, 22:08
Local Time: 22:44
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Okay, let us see who is off- Alexander's Horse [(Sept 6) 1 Vote] is out due to an overruling vote by me, but for the 7th I believe AndyZ83 [(Sept 7) 2 Votes ]is out for the same reason Shadowstrike states.
My gosh that was a cheap way to increase ones hit count, albeit a smart idea.
Oh! I overlooked SMASH's vote. My Wife hates CIV is out. [(Sept 5) 1 Vote]
-The remaining contestants are slowly going crazed. They need your help to escape... Or else they may die. They plead for mercy... which can only be bought by voting them out or their deaths at the console of their screens... which will it be?
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 07, 2000).]
September 7, 2000, 23:45
Local Time: 14:44
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Smash wins the immunity challege by getting Philosophy first
So long Imran...outski.
September 8, 2000, 05:15
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The SGs introduce the Virtual CD and all now have copies of MPGE - the battle hots up!
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 8, 2000, 18:53
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How do you know that I'm not already crazy?
*grabs a copy of MPGE and loads it ad starts to play ICS*
*gets voted off*
Note: That didn't count. And I didn't vote Andy off.
Seriously though, I'd challenge everyone else to a alliance match now... two versus two versus two, versus AI and hacked Barbarian Wrath Barbs.
September 8, 2000, 21:56
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Yes you voted AndZ83 off Shadowstrike, I have that vote in writing unless you changed it.
A few of the players have now been reduced to drooling zombies. However due to their die-hard nature they continue on... ""
-Bathroom privlidges have been revoked.
It's about to get a little messy.
Imran Siddiqui is out by SMASH and My vote, however it is probably for the best as he is developing 'box eyes' staring at the computer screen.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 08, 2000).]
September 9, 2000, 13:58
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Nooooooo....!!!! Fiend! :G
I have been voted out of the room but will exact my vengance by placing a vote to vote Shadowstrike out of the room
September 9, 2000, 14:23
Local Time: 17:44
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Quick Andz... vote DarkCloud off!
*lands on Alpha Centauri*
Yahoo! So who's next?
*realizes that it wasn't him who landed on AC*
September 9, 2000, 15:24
I won't vote anyone out! I find this whole thread so stupid...
OK, I hereby vote DarkCloud out! just to do Shadowstriek a favour
but this thread is still stupid and has to be deleted!
September 9, 2000, 17:48
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Originally posted by Andz83 on 09-09-2000 03:24 PM
but this thread is still stupid and has to be deleted!
But all the threads that you spammed on just to increase your post count wasn't stupid!!!!!
I'm not saying the original thread was stupid just your cheap maneuver.
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.
September 10, 2000, 00:10
Local Time: 17:44
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Didn't I mention it? I changed my vote to DarkCloud
Oh and I summon a zombie to drool for me so that I don't waste any time to play Civ....
September 11, 2000, 11:58
settle down, mate!
September 11, 2000, 13:37
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I feel like Butch Cassidy... "Who are these guys?" I don't recognize half the names on the list.
With that in mind, might as well start at the top. Admiral Naismith... out. Sorry.
Frodo lives!
Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
[This message has been edited by kcbob (edited September 11, 2000).]
September 11, 2000, 13:49
just a moment... what do I have to hear, Shadowstrike? so, did he vote me out or not? aren't their any official lists done here, so that everyone can see who voted whom out?
September 11, 2000, 21:52
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Well, if you want a list of who's out:
Sept 5- My Wife Hates CIV
Sept 6- Alexander's Horse
Sept 7- AndZ83
Sept 8- Imran Siddiqui
Sept 9- Dark Cloud
Sept 10- Shadowstrike
Sept 11- Adm. Naismith
Sept 12- the diplomat
Sept 13- Par4
Sept 14- Deathwalker
Sept 15- Phunny Pharmer
Sept 16- Christantine the Great
Sept 17- UltraSonix
Sept 18- Yin26
Sept 19- Dr. Oogkloot
Sept 20- kcbob
Sept 21- Scouse Gits
-After September 10 the contestants will be allowed 10 hours of sleep a day, A recent source was quoted as saying- "we just couldn't let the survivors die."
-kcBob- How can you not know these people, especially the above, they are the true veterans of the forum, they are the people who log 80+ hours at their computers a week just to look at and write on the Apolyton Forums! :g
Well I'm glad I got out while I did, some of the other people attempted suicide. Oh well, I guess I'll help them along by voting Par4 Out.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 12, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 13, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 15, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 18, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 20, 2000).]
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September 12, 2000, 00:24
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Originally posted by DarkCloud on 09-11-2000 09:52 PM
How can you not know these people, especially the above, they are the true veterans of the forum, they are the people who log 80+ hours at their computers a week just to look at and write on the Apolyton Forums! :g
 Hey who told! No one supposted to know.
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.
September 12, 2000, 01:48
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I have to vote out the diplomat before he sabotages something.
September 12, 2000, 08:13
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Originally posted by DarkCloud on 09-11-2000 09:52 PM
-kcBob- How can you not know these people, especially the above, they are the true veterans of the forum, they are the people who log 80+ hours at their computers a week just to look at and write on the Apolyton Forums! :g
I did say that I knew half of them. For example, I am familiar with MWHC, Horse, Empress, Smash, SG, Oldman, Oogkloot, and CYBERAmazon. I'll bet the lack of awareness has to do with which forums we all post on. I'm usually on this one and "Strategy". Either that or my medication has stopped working.
Actually, I'm just hurt I wasn't invited to play.  Maybe they'll let me play Big Brother. Ya think?
Frodo lives!
Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
[This message has been edited by kcbob (edited September 12, 2000).]
September 12, 2000, 08:28
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I would just like to echo kcbob's sentiments as well. I have no clue as to who half the people in the list are  I've read nearly every non-archived post in the Civ II strategy forum, as well as quite a few of the archived posts. I've read all the posts in this forum and the civ II help forum since mid may, and never once came across some of these true verterans
hmm, here's a thought. I heard that quite a few of the cast members on big brother show have decided to quit and will be replaced. perhaps kcbob could get his just due from being omitted from the this list be being a late addition
I hereby nominate kcbob as an official replacement in the Civ survivor cast
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
September 12, 2000, 18:00
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Note to all: I never voted Andz off. The entire incident was a figment of DarkCloud's imagination. Thank you.
September 12, 2000, 20:46
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Sorry Shadowstrike for some reason I thought you were CornMaster. I have no idea how that happened.
Okay, kcbob can replace CYBER Amazon who doesn't post much anymore except in the OT.
The full story:
(a joke story)
CYBER Amazon, failing to keep awake, but not wanting to lose committed suicide by electrocution whilst trying to shock-stimulate alertness after running out of pep pills.
The remaining contestants despise kcbob for having an easier time; i.e. less time in isolation, up for 24 hours.
My vote is for Par4.
However the diplomat is voted out by Smash today.
Hopefully Par will be gone tommorrow.
September 13, 2000, 08:19
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Originally posted by DarkCloud on 09-12-2000 08:46 PM...The remaining contestants despise kcbob for having an easier time; i.e. less time in isolation, up for 24 hours.
[crying]Can't we all just get along???[/crying]
Thanks for the invite. I do agree with the notion that I'll have an easier time. Tell you what? I'll bring Krispy Kreme doughnuts to the island.
Frodo lives!
Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
September 13, 2000, 18:23
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*Backstabs kcbob and takes the Krispy Kreme doughnuts*
*Realizes that his has already been voted off*
September 13, 2000, 18:40
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