Religions, Societies & Philosophies
I know some of these topics were covered but i think they topics should be talked about again
i general want to ur view on religion, the 2 others i will explain
society is just lower, middle & upper classes & the work they do, lower class would be farmers, middle be city dwellers & upper be nobles. their effects would be if a city has a large lower class, i mean like 80%-90%, there would be a large production of food cuz the lower would be mostly farmers & so goes 4 the others
Philosophy, i think is a new idea, it just there to influence the civ, 4 example if a civ follows mercantilism the civ gains bonus trade but its trade routes w/foreign nation would take money away from the foreign civ cuz mercantilism is the beleif where there limited wealth & to be more wealthy, u take wealth from other nations
ok what i said maybe too stupid but i am open to explain & i am open to ur insults
if it is darkest before dawn, then that is the time to steal ur neighbor's paper