Tell how many victories you have had, and what types, and how early, and all the other information you feel like.
I've only won once on deity, with the Aztecs. 1200 AD or so, don't recall exactly. Conquest.
I was on a U-shaped continent, with me at the middle-bottom. I took out the american civ on the nearer part of the east end, and they respawned on the west end. far on the east end were the russians. on the west end also were the iroquois. I took the horse resource so the Iroquois couldn't build the MW. I finished with the americans, and pruned both of the other civs down.
Then I saw the russians buld two cities above the Iroquois on the very top of the iroquois end. Then I made my plan

. I discovered chivalry first. Then I signed an alliance w/ the iroquois against the russians. I figured the iroquois would send their army up north to attack the russian colonies. I thought I could take the russian mainland and get back before the iroquois got all the colonies. (Remember, they didn't have horsies) And then when I got back, I would attack the Iroquois when all their units were up by the russian area.
My plan worked nearly perfectly. I took St. Petersburg, not Moscow from the russians first. It had their only iron.

It also had the only roads to two of their cities.

Then I took the now-cut-off port city, and that seperated the colonies. Then I took everything else.
My one problem was that when I finished off the russian mainland, the russian colonies were still there. The Iroquois didn't finish them off. That meant that some russian units were wandering around for a while, capturing workers and destroying improvements. I had to leave several knights to deal with them.
With my somewhat diminished army, I successfully attacked the Iroquois. They went down relatively quickly, and I ended the game at 1200.
Others who have won at Deity, please post here so I can listen more carefully to your posts.