Originally posted by SpencerH
It might have been better if they could read. Were any of the many good suggestions for civ3 improvements that were posted on sites such as this (long after civ2 was published) ever considered or implemented?
Sarcasm is for everyone.
I seem to remember thousands of good suggestions for Civ III going on for years after Civ II came out. Most of those suggestions Firaxis simply ignored; worse, they even left out Cheat Mode and scenario-building from Civ III - a terrible development I never dreamed they'd do.
As for Editing, the values in the game Mod are generally unplayable (such as with Espionage costs), ridiculously rare (strategic resources), or childishly simplistic as with the mindless military unit values, and there are far too few units and techs.
We all know this game was rushed to market.