What would have been cool....
Now, I dont want this thread breaking out into what I think will eventually happen, but i was just thinking while i was at war with India...
Wouldn't it be cool, if a nation is completely losing in a war, and the leader looks sad in the diplomat screen? I mean, If I have completely embarrased Lincoln, wouldn't it be more real if He looked sorrowed cuz his nation has been humilliated at war, instead of just mad?
I mean, nations aren't ALWAYS furious about losing a war, sometimes they are quite sorry for starting something bad, ala Germany post ww2.
Now, reply to my idea i guess, come out with your own "Wouldn't it be cool's". But please none of the "Wouldn't MP have been cool" posts... its been heard enough, this is just for ideas that havent been heard yet, or haven't been heard publically atleast.