March 8, 2002, 02:45
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Do you play peacfull, or Warmonger?
Just wondering everybodys style of play. I have tried regent and monorch, and lost big. I was trying to attack early, but I never realized 8 swordsmen can't beat 2 spearmen. Anyway, how do you play? And if warmonger, how early do you attack?
March 8, 2002, 12:33
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I tend to play a hybrid of the two, leaning toward peaceful. I almost never fight in ancient times, as I have more important things to do (improvements to build).
I like fighting during the middle ages. More often than not, one of the AI's will pick a fight with me. If no one does... well, I may have to be the aggressor.
I know lots of people like swordsmen, but I think they suck. If you are gonna use them, bring some catapults or something. Otherwise, use horsemen. They can retreat and they can upgrade.
If you get attacked, the AI will move its offensive troops toward your weakest point (the AI knows where your troops are). This gives you the opportunity to destroy his offensive capability. Do so, and then counterattack. Of course, it isn't always this easy... if you are playing a peaceful style early on, you may not have the troops available to stop the initial wave of attackers.
If you do the attacking, then take one border city and wait for the counterattack. They will send it all. Once again, destroy their army, and then proceed to mop them up. Trust me, mobile troops are the best. If you want to do early fighting, I strongly suggest the Iroquois. The Persians are good too, even though their UU is a 1-move guy, because a 4 attack early on is awesome.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
March 8, 2002, 13:35
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Lots of war, generally. Early on plan out the early war, then build up, whilst fighting the second war. Then fight more wars. All I do is fight in my games it seems, more entertaining than sitting around building temples I think
March 8, 2002, 13:38
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I don't mind war myself, but I usually won't start one until I can field modern armies: modern armor, mech infantry, and radar artillery. These are an awesome combination.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
March 8, 2002, 14:56
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Peacefully, I prefer the defense strategy.
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 8, 2002, 17:05
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Originally posted by Arrian
I tend to play a hybrid of the two, leaning toward peaceful. I almost never fight in ancient times, as I have more important things to do (improvements to build).
Ditto, though not with the same degree of success as Arrian
March 8, 2002, 17:12
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Originally posted by KithrupFugitive
Ditto, though not with the same degree of success as Arrian
Hah! I don't always win, Kithrup. An early AI rush will beat me, handily. That's why I hate starting near Bismarck or Abe. Either one of them will slit your throat before you know it.
I also realized, very early on, that starting position is absolutely crucial in Civ III, far more so than in Civ II. Therefore, I restart a LOT, searching for a good site, prior to playing a game out. I just don't want to waste time on a poor location. That, of course, helps make my games more successful than someone who just takes what they get upon starting a new game.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
March 8, 2002, 17:37
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Well, my strategy usually depends on what type of a world I'm on. 75% of the time, I play on a mostly-water island world, so I'm usually alone on an island or with another civilization that usually ends up making trouble with me rather early on and is usually gone very quickly (or I am, but I give up those games  ).
Alone on my island with lots of sea acting as a buffer zone, I usually get pretty fat and lazy in a climate of decadence and complacency. I build my improvements, and wonders, and I send my ships out to scout for nearby uninhabited baby islands. I let my cities go without updated defenders or many troops or attack forces. In these games, its all about going for Cultural, Diplomatic, or AC victory. Or at the very least go island-hopping when you've got better weapons for the job.
On a Pangea or Continental map its a totally different experience. When I'm playing with five or six other civilizations on the same continent, I'm paranoid like a frightened lemur. I build up, build up, build up for defense purposes. You're friends usually aren't friends for long. Quick! Get the cavalry out! Go! Go! We haven't got any cavalry? Send the donkeys! Go! No donkeys? Pots and pans! Just start throwing the pots and pans!
Wars just seem much more frequent on Pangea games. In the last two Pangea games I played, I did not go more than 10 turns without at least an isolated war breaking out. Usually, one war precipitates the next. For example, the Russians surprise attacked me (India). England signed an alliance with me, and wiped out the Russians, but I sued for peace with Russia for a plentiful reward before they were destroyed which ticked off Elizabeth. She, in turn, declared war on me later on. I got France and Germany to enter on my side. Egypt jumped in next. I took what I wanted from England, and the rest of the powers betrayed me and made peace... so I did too. Then they started up again and wiped out the English.
I'm a nice guy, so I find it hard to instigate war with a peaceful or honorable civilization. There are those few small civs that just don't seem to bother anybody, and they're ripe for the picking, but I just don't have the will to kill them off. Now, one of those civilizations that comes along like Johnny Appleseed planting a city everywhere and anywhere (especially in what I have claimed as my living space)... now those fellas become my "special" friends. Peaceful or not, I usually think those folks have got it coming to them, and I'm usually not shy about beating them up. Also untrustworthy or aggressive civs usually receive no pity from me. Once a civilization is on my bad side though, that's when I get ruthless! Anything and everything to WIN!!
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...
March 8, 2002, 17:45
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Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
Quick! Get the cavalry out! Go! Go! We haven't got any cavalry? Send the donkeys! Go! No donkeys? Pots and pans! Just start throwing the pots and pans!
That reminds me rather strongly of a guy named Eddie Izzard. ("Get the Tanks out there! We haven't got any Tanks? Ok, then, get the Ice Cream Van out there! Kill!")
But anyway...
You are absolutely right that world type matters... we should probably mention what we settings we use. 90% of the time I play on the default settings (Normal, Continents, 70% water, Temperate, Normal, 4 Billion).
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
March 8, 2002, 18:47
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I can't get peaceful to work. The AI makes ridiculous demands or sneak attacks everytime, it seems. If there's going to be wasteful wars anyway, they should happen on my terms at least.
Early conquest seems neccessary for just about any strategy. Small civs get buried, and it's rare you get enough room at the start to grow peacefully. Of course you could just decrease the number of opponents...
Swordsmen pretty much dominate their era, btw. Retreat isn't as reliable as it once was, and I for one like that change.
March 9, 2002, 00:56
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I'm usually very peaceful, honourable and helpful towards other civs.
That is until one of them wants a war. Then I turn into a bloodthirsty savage razing and pillaging anything and everything that's in the path of my armies.
There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger
March 9, 2002, 05:02
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does peacfull work on higher levels?
I was wondering if the game is beatable by say spaceship on Empereor or Diety with peacefull. I tried warmonger on Monarch and got my tail wooped. Would it be easeier or harder by playing peacefull?
Right now I'm playing warlord to get used to the AI, playing styles. After this game I will try regent. I will probably play as Egyption. I would play on the earth map, but there are too many barbs, anything I can do about that?
Anyway my current game is going great except for 100(yes, over a hundred) Pikemen, Spearmen, Infantry, Cossacks, and swordsman on my doorstep.. I have about 75 bombers and 50 rifelmen in the defending city. The war started when I noticed a nearby Russian city has the only rubber on the continent. But anyway, I played peacefull until early 1800's now at war in mid 1800's. will the same strategy work on Regent? I'm not gonna play france again, and try the earth map with culture link.
Ideas? Tip's? Pointers?
Thanks for your posts!:-)
March 9, 2002, 12:19
Local Time: 16:27
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It sounds like you're playing on a larger map with that size forces. I generally play standard size map, 8 civs, continents, etc., although a Pangea game is fun once in a while (I think if you want to win by conquest, Pangea is easier). Once you get good at war, it is easier to win at the harder levels. I like a mix of war and peace.
Even in a peaceful game, I choose the right time to make a strategic war. Last game, I played as Greeks, Pangea, standard size map, Emperor, situated between Japan and Germany. I defended against Japan with hoplites early, caved in to AI demands to stay out of war, bought my technology, built up and attacked Japan when they were weakened by wars (captured Sistene/ Bachs/Trading Company/Shakespeare), made peace, kept building, turned science on full and on to space victory ~1754AD.
I have not tried Deity "peaceful"/builder yet. That would be tough.
March 9, 2002, 21:47
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I have discovered the Persions.
I go straight for the discoveries to build Immortals.
Then every city will churn them out.
I wipe out any other Civ on my Continent.
Then I go back to being peaceful and aim for Democracy.
You can make the remaining Civs sweet by donating $! frequently to all of them, once they are talking to you again.
If anybody plonks down a city in one of my vacant tiles, I immediately destroy it.
Taking it over by culture is a waste of time. It will always be a useless city and my own city borders will eventually take over the tile.
Apart from that, I am all sweetness and light.
" There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."
March 9, 2002, 23:35
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 22:27
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If I'm lucky and can seize a decent area in the ancient era, I avoid to fight wars. But that happens seldom, because I tend to start between the expansionists England and Russia, and it often happens, that they steal with lots of "skilled settlers" all my resources. Thus, I often have to go for iron, horses or both.
I absolutely hate wars in the medieval era. There are such attractive wonders to build, I don't like to waste shields for a big army. I barely hold enough to defend my own land, there's nothing left for conquests. Sure, I could build lots of knights and conquer all the wonders, but they could be far away at another continent, and to ship lots of units with caravels is certainly not fun.
In the industrial era I usually have to fight, mostly for coal or oil. For some reason, I always have rubber. I try to limit these wars, but often they turn into world wars, due to MPPs and alliances.
In the Modern era it depends. If I left the Space race victory in, I rush for it and launch the ship. Meaning, I usually don't build/upgrade even Modern Armor, and I never built Radar artillery or Stealth aircraft. Sometimes I have to fight for uranium though. If I play without Space race, the invention of Motorized Transportation means, it's showdown. There's seldom more useful to build than Tanks or Panzers, and I let them roll.
March 10, 2002, 02:04
Local Time: 21:27
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Arrian, I did get that line from the Eddie Izzard sketch on WWII... I felt it fit pretty well. Glad somebody knows the man's work, he's a funny funny man.
Anyway, it seems like a lot of people here have a similar sentiment as me, we don't like to goad the nice guys into war, but the jerks... well, they just have it coming.
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...
March 10, 2002, 14:14
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I play defensivly until I upgrade all my roads to railroad, and have tanks in my military. Then its  all the way to the end.
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
March 10, 2002, 14:58
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I play realpolitic.
At the beginning of the game, I'll just build warriors and settlers, and I'll go to my nearest neighbor and either destroy him or crippled him by taking lots of his cities/settlers/workers.
Then I'll play peaceful. Then I'll go to war again.
"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
March 10, 2002, 15:00
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"Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini
March 10, 2002, 20:56
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Hey Lawrence, that's funny. This one explains my usual civ3 game (I'm the guy on the left).
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
March 11, 2002, 02:48
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i fight all the time, except... around the time of industrialization. that's a critical period for world dominance, i prefer to get factories up asap so cities can outproduce my neighbours. usually by this time i'm sizable and wars are mine to start, so i've only had to fight once during industrialization out of all my games. i mostly play monarch.
March 11, 2002, 09:38
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Originally posted by Thrawn05
I play defensivly until I upgrade all my roads to railroad, and have tanks in my military. Then its all the way to the end.
I play as if I don't know anything about tanks, at least until they are imagined by H.G. Wells.
March 11, 2002, 10:17
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I'm a warmonger by heart but since I bought this game I have been trying to get along with everyone.
No matter what I do though, esp. after 1.17f, the AI
always wants to pick a fight with me. So now all my
games have degenerated into me vs. the world.
So now I'm currently playing Curt Siblings Dictator scenario
for Civ ToT. Check it out it's a fairly well done scenario set
during WWII.
March 11, 2002, 14:32
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Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
So now all my games have degenerated into me vs. the world.
You lucky....
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
March 11, 2002, 14:58
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Peaceful games go a lot quicker. Too much war and the game gets boring. Too little and it would get boring, too, I guess, but there always seems to be the opportunity to fight if I want. I avoid declaring war if I can.
Has anyone else noticed that the "insult until they're furious and tell them to get out of your territory" trick doesn't automatically provoke them into declaring war under 1.17?
Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.
March 11, 2002, 15:10
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Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
So now all my games have degenerated into me vs. the world.
Try to establish MPP's. This won't keep you out of war, may even get you into war, but at least you will have allies.
March 11, 2002, 16:28
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I like to play early aggressor / late builder. My Civ III strategy is similar yet different than Civ II.
Civ II...
1) Be the technology leader. Try not to fight until Dragoons are around.
2) Get to Fundamentalism as soon as possible.
3) Buy! Buy! Buy! Enemy cities.
4) Tear down those walls around the capitals and take with cavalry / armor.
5) Leave one city from a backwards civ. I don't want the game to end. 
6) Switch to Democracy. It's a pain with a whole lot of cities.. I almost always forget to create enough entertainers in one and it causes a revolution. 
7) Set the tax rate to pump out 1 tech per turn... I like getting future tech 203.
8) Build every possible thing, colonize every square of land, and launch the spaceship so it arrives on the last turn of the game.
Civ III...
1) Expand.
2) Build a big army.
3) Conquer your most annoying neighbor or two most annoying with knights / cavalry.
4) Switch to Democracy and get ahead in the tech race.
5) Maintain your borders.
6) Build everything you can and launch the spaceship.
That darn optimal city limit thing prevents my Civ II strategy in Civ III.
It's also more fun to keep other civs around in Civ III with the new commerce system.
March 11, 2002, 17:58
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i find it awkuward as i play earth map but always end up in america with 1 other civ and 14 back in europe and middle east! so ive got 1 civ to either kill or feed off till i got transports and a good army rdy...
March 11, 2002, 18:24
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I think I'm in the end of extreme peaceful style.
My cities are always there without any defender units for thousands of years since I'm busy in building settlers, works and other city improvements.
March 11, 2002, 20:42
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I like to expand fast on a huge map. By the end of the Ancient Era I'll have about 20 cities and be in Republic. Each city will have one defender, either a warrior or a spearman (most will have a spearman). I'll also have about 12 horsemen, mostly veterans because about 5-10 cities will have barracks. The AI will have declared war on me at least once because of my small army, but I'll get my allies to fight the war. When I get Chivalry I build up my force of knights to about 30-40 and attack my neighbor. Sometimes the neighbor attacks me before I'm ready. It can't get better than that.
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