Newbie to this forum (I have sofar been hanging at ACOL).
I have until now only found a few game setups in the "multiplayer" section scattered among badly labeled turn reports. Is there another place for the new games?
I'm relatively new here, myself, but so far, I've discovered the same thing. After a few times through the first page of the Multiplayer forums, the new games are easy to spot. They seem to pop up about once a week.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the new games". If you want to get into the tournament, post on the tournament signup thread. If you just want to play a casual game and need to find some players, post a new thread in the MP forum saying so. Lots of people will respond.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC