WOW there is so much going on I am feeling left out. It looks like my hard drive will not be back until next week. But so much has happened in the last two months, thank you civ3. It seems that the arrival of civ3 was the catalyst that has sparked the ctp2 revival. I just cannot wait to get back on line at home.
I just hope that when I get round to re-installing CTP2 and all the mods they will be in one place. I would hate to be chasing round the forum and going from web site to web site downloading all the improvements.
I just hope that when I get round to re-installing CTP2 and all the mods they will be in one place. I would hate to be chasing round the forum and going from web site to web site downloading all the improvements.
He, give me a break, I have a life, you know But I *am* already working on something...